ABOLISHED FROM OUR LAND. The RV exchanges will be done using the
Today, the world views the United States as “Uncle Sam” the country that was. We are viewed that we have fallen from leadership in every area of the world to a middle of the road country. This would make our Forefathers extremely sad if not totally ticked-off with us!
Do not be despair; there is hope on the horizon, not from your administration but from the people and the Chinese Royal Families. There are trillions and trillions of funds waiting to be released to “the people of the United States” to fix our country. What is the mechanism for these funds; the Chinese Royal Families are buying Dinars from Americans as part of the RV. They are paying a premium to stimulate the economy of our country. We wish to extend a special thank you to the Chinese Royal Families for your efforts.
The existing and prior administrations have continued to block these funds and the RV from being released to the general public. The question that needs to be asked is WHY?
We have been told that the “Administration, Politicians - Democrats, Republicans” wanted to control all of these funds. We have also been told that this is not going to be allowed. The Chinese Royal Families want the PEOPLE to control the funds. These funds are backed by hard assets ready to be issued right now to the people of America to be used for the rebuilding of this country. GOD is greatly blessing his people and this Nation once again.
You might want review one source might be “White Hat Reports”. It has been suggested that we all should read about this leadership – past, present and worldwide by conducting a Google search for “WHITE HAT REPORT”. We understand these reports were created by a group within the intelligent community. Read for yourself and draw your own conclusion about the current and past administrations and their dealings.
We have been told by several individuals that CNN met with several countries to prepare a lengthy documentary packed with real facts that exposes the current and past administrations actions to cause harm to the People of the United States of America for their own gains. If this is not true, then why would Attorney General Eric Holder file an injunction in Federal Court to stop the viewing of this CNN documentary if it did not have incriminating evidence against the current and past administrations?
The Federal Court ruled that this report is to be released to the public. This report still has not been aired and there are rumors that the CNN Board of Directors families have rec’d death threats. Don’t you think that the people of this nation should demand that this video should be aired immediately?
We have been told that the Chinese Royal Families have restoration funds ready to be released to restore “Uncle Sam” and the rest of the world. They are the ones who have set aside massive amount of Gold Holdings for America to regain its past honor, glory and freedoms (not privileges).
America is known to the World as a melting pot of all nationalities, where anyone can succeed if they work hard and take responsible actions. This American opportunity has led the World in integrity and inspiration in the past. The world has seen the treatment of the general population and are asking why are you American’s standing for this? We as Americans need to recapture that Spirit that built this country with a “GO FOR IT” attitude once again.
Did you know the unconstitutional “Federal Reserve Bank” owned by Rothschild of City of London is a foreign entity and the IMF owns the Internal Revenue Service a foreign entity who gathers tax money for the Rothschild and the Queen of England? Do we really need these institutions or should we control our own currency ourselves as stated in the Original Organic Constitution of 1789?
It was shown to us by many writers, we need to remove the Act of 1871 Corporation – their control over the people and states of the United States of America. It has been posted on this site that we have a De Jure (lawfull) Constitutional Republic form of Government standing waiting for the release of the funds so they can assist in the restoration of “Uncle Sam”.
To restore “Uncle Sam” to his glory, the current administration and treasury is required to release the global currency reset to the general public within United States immediately!
What this will do is generate funds at the local level for new business starts ups, charity projects and small to medium business expansions, all of which generates jobs. On a larger scale, national infrastructure funds are to be used for the people and controlled by the People to rebuild the United States roads, bridges, docks, dams, levy’s, etc. which also creates jobs.
We continue to share the common view to rebuild infrastructure, end poverty, end hunger, introduce new technologies, and have clean water for any person, unlimited energy, etc. as does the Chinese Royal Families and the rest of the World.
Your call to action, get on the phones to the numbers supplied on this site to express you views.
Time For We The People
What is required to fix this mess.
REPUBLIC by the people to be officially announced (already recognized by the Hague), massive arrests of the Bad Hombres, removal of all those blocking the RV and the financial rebuilding of this country. Time for “We The People” to take over! Time for you the smart 99% to clean up the cess pool of corruption. TIME TO INVITE GOD BACK TO AMERICA!
REPUBLIC by the people to be officially announced (already recognized by the Hague), massive arrests of the Bad Hombres, removal of all those blocking the RV and the financial rebuilding of this country. Time for “We The People” to take over! Time for you the smart 99% to clean up the cess pool of corruption. TIME TO INVITE GOD BACK TO AMERICA!