I am so excited today in the anticipation of what comes tomorrow. We are taking the family to the Oktoberfest in Munich. The weather is expected to be warm, clear with blue skies. It will be a long, busy day but it only comes once a year in Germany.
Our business of today
It’s Tuesday already October 1st and so where is our activation of the rates at the bank?
I will attempt to give you now an update from what I know in this matter. I know some of you will not agree with me, however just go look back at my past posts and reread them. Most of the info has been spot on. Of course as we all know this process is very dynamic and the situation can change in seconds.
Right now I have been watching and listening to the ongoing US deficit battle on the news stations. I have to tell you I see some monkey business going on once again. I know for a fact that this matter is already resolved and so why are they playing this game for the public audience. Remember that nothing anymore happens by coincidence and so we see this too playing out in front of us as we watch the game. What is the game I am referring to?
As I said in my last post that the deficit issue is no longer a concern. They are just using this issue as a political football, tossing it around and each side trying to score points. That is all. It is drama for the people as we all sit in the stadium watching. What will be the outcome? As I said this is not a concern nor will it be a concern. So the outcome is and has been already determined. They will shut down the government (already done) and then push it to the extent where the recent extension is almost expired and then they will announce a compromise. Will this surprise you? Remember what I said about the fear factor and how they want to keep us all in that constant state of fear….here ya go once again. They are proving who is boss. Does this tactic sound familiar? Is this not what Maliki used to do in Iraq too when he does not get what he wants? What would always follow?
How does this relate to the activation of the rates?
To answer this question we first must look at why they are using this event of the debt ceiling issue. These are only events. Like the clock ticking from a football game score board being carried out. If you can remember back to the Clinton presidency he did exactly the same thing. This is a repeat of that scenario (from the football game playbook) almost down to the last minutes of the game. They will get to the 10 yard line. What are they going to do? First they keep extending the deficit spending and each year making it yet an issue each year. kind of like making slow carries of the ball yard by yard slowly up the field. So we know they will either punt the ball or try to score a touchdown once they get close enough.
This year it will be used to rollout the funds (post RV) to pay off a chuck of the national debt thus less interest to pay on that borrowed money thus a surplus will magically appear out of thin air. They will end the game with a touchdown. Just like they did in the 90’s with the Kuwait dinar revaluation. The democrats are heroes once again and they win the game. So my sources are telling me that this drama will continue right up until the deadline of when the current extension for deficit spending ends (about early/mid October) and then we will see the RV and thus the reserve funds will be released to pay off part of part of the national debt. This is why you should now understand the reason why I have been saying later September early October for RV. I could not tell you this story then but had to wait to see to determine if they were going to use this event or not. Remember I did say there were events I could not yet talk about back in prior posts. Well now is the time to share with you. Everything else is set to go for the activation.
What comes next?
After the revaluation of the Iraq dinar we all can do the math and easily see how the entire national debt of the USA can be paid off. Imagine what prosperity this could bring to your country. Imagine the taxes and revenue received each year going towards worthwhile projects (like roads, bridge repair, education, mass transportation systems, healthcare, etc..). These items can assist and provide real benefits to society (the tax payers) instead of filling the pockets of the rich with the money paid on the interest to borrow yet more debt. Does this seem weird to you that you pay so much taxes yet get so little benefit? Why don’t you have more say as to where your money is spent?
But this will not happen since they must keep the USA in constant debt. They must keep you in constant debt. The very rich in reality decide how to spend the revenues from your government. They throw perks out at you like giving candy to a baby so you won’t cry so much. Remember who is collecting the interest from the debt. Did you read The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve? If you have then you know exactly what I am talking about and why this debt issue is so important. The struggle actually is not really about whether or not to raise the debt ceiling once again. The real struggle is can they be forced to pay off the national debt in its entirety thus shut down all the interest payments once and for all. This money can then be deverted to truely help society. Can they shut down these wealthy bankers who control you country? Will this ever happen or will they use most of this money from the revaluation as yet another slush fund?
Their Plans for post RV.
You may not agree and definitely will not like what I have to say but it is the truth. Once the deficit issue is down to the wire (about mid October) they will compromise and extend the borrowing once again as then have in the past. Then the triggering of the GCR or global currency reset and announcements will happen. Many events in Iraq will take place celebrating. Many of the long awaited bills will be announced too. Maliki will be gone. The issue with Syria will be put on the back burner but they will remind all of us it is not yet settled since this will raise its ugly head again.
Soon the news in the USA will come out telling of the surplus. Democrats are heroes once again. But be aware of what they are really talking about. They are talking about not having to spend soo much of the annual revenues (from the taxes, tariffs, etc) on interest to borrow funds each month to pay the bills. That is all. All will seem fine and happy once again. Much of the overall national debt will not be impacted. This problem will still linger. Everyone will go on with their lives and the remainder of the president Obama’s term will continue and will be relatively uneventful.
Once the revaluation happens and the US begins using the oil credits in Iraq you can see really high prices for crude oil as a result. This is the time when they talk about $150-200 a barrel for oil. It will become in the best interest of the US to support higher prices too. The US will essentially be the broker for the oil. Any worldly events that can also support the higher prices of oil will be enforced at this time. Hint- more trouble in Syria. This is also why there is a plan to drill more oil within the US borders and to process the shale oil extraction thus energy independence from foreign oil. The US consumer must be buffered from these higher prices if this plan is to succeed.
Hopes this helps.
Peace and Luv to ya,
mnt goat