A Message from IT Team
Beloved Visitors and Participants

The fact is we have discovered what Prepare for Change
is all about and tried to maintain things on rails until it was
possible. Just like all of you, we were volunteers and we were doing
this because we were willing to help building a better world for us and
for our children. But what we found out was something radically opposed
to that. So we decided to give up and give the website's control to
Cobra and his leaders. Unfortunately Cobra and his subordinates want to
control all things and want to treat us as subordinates, not volunteers.
willing to know details on what happened, feel free to call us
privately in order to discuss it. For now, we have no desire to go into
it in this message.
to clarify the situation, Cobra and leaders want control all published
content, we want a collaborative website. They want publish only authorized content
by the council of leaders, and they are thinking that only the selected
group of leaders have the discernment to decide what is truth, we want a
free expression place where anyone could post their opinions and
feelings, but being accountable for their words and acts. They want you
to follow them under Cobra's guidance, we want anyone willing to built a
brave new world to join us together as one, under her/his own internal
you resonates with this idea, please call us and we can discuss better
another idea or project. If you wish to stay under Cobra's and leaders
guidance we wish you good luck and be in peace.
And we want alert you to keep your eyes opened:
True and False ProphetsWatch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
Thank you all for your kind friendship and confidence for the last three months.
Unfortunately we are no more in charge for the translation efforts, technical support and IT stuff involved. The Prepare for Change site will continue under Cobra and his followers command.
really appreciate all of your true and clear engagement here, so it was
our pleasure to work with all of you, but unfortunately we don't have
anymore to do here, and we will not be under control or under pressure
With all of our love,
IT Team