One World of Nations
2 September 2013
let us try to interject a balanced overview of sense, reason and
history underpinning reality, as to the true cause of the madness,
hegemony and war crimes unfolding yet again. Don’t over react to media
hysteria. These false flag attacks seek to divert and deflect attention
from the real bandits and perpetrators of so many unfolding atrocities.
Numerous reports are implicating parties linked to Bush's Allie Prince Bandar (as Bandar is "Allegedly dead"-
or in hiding to evade Syrian Assassination units), as behind delivery
of Chemical weapons into Insurgent hands such as Abu Ayesha, himself a
Saudi militant based around Ghata, a Damascus suburb. He is linked to
Jabhat al Nusra, with links to al Qaida. This needs real investigation

Syria is a false flag operation by the usual Military Industrial Cabal
colluding with the small State of Qatar to collapse the Assad regime and
install a puppet regime instead who will take the 20 pieces of Silver
offered to allow a pipeline to be run across Syria into the
Mediterranean removing Russia’s established Gazprom monopoly. Saudi
Arabia has already declined, so Assad having declined in support of its
protector, Russia, is now under false flag siege. If Assad falls, what
will follow will be an American hating Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaida and
Taliban type monstrosity plunging its nation into the Dark Ages of
tyranny. Qatar has signed a deal with Exxon. It’s all about money and
subterfuge. On one side, it enriches Qatar and Exxon, plus big pay offs
to the Cabal. To them, what’s an innocent expendable nation as a cost?
But of course, with usual US Foreign Policy finesse, from Vietnam, to
Mogadishu, to Iraq and Afghanistan, vast costly failure always follows
with enormous losses of life. Putin is rebuilding Russia’s Industries
and nation with this Gas income. Plus an ever growing Defence budget
with their rapid incoming Star Wars protective shield of its own. The US
Agencies seek to derail Russia again as they did via Wanta and the
Rouble attack. Some hope, the Apocalypse will stalk the earth first.
Russia WILL defend Syria up to AND including War, with their backs to
the wall as they did with Stalingrad. Russia lost over 20M in WW Il.
They know the cost of war. The pernicious US Cabal does not. Putin WILL
flatten Israel and Saudi Arabia. They will sink the US fleet. This is a
grave and STUPID misjudgement with appalling consequences. 9/11 freaked
America. In a war, all US forces will be destroyed within a week. By
the end of the second week everything will have ceased. China if pushed
can put an army of 100M into the field. In every real war game planned
testing consequential outcomes, America loses. They all know that.
Remember Vietnam?
Syria is in play because of greed and duplicity. Russia will fight for
its life. America has never had to. This is not Hollywood, but vicious
and cruel with a terminal end game. All this is the greedy aspirations
of Qatar and the ruthlessness of the US Oil Barons. Putin will turn
Qatar into a fireball. Game – OVER!
Truth must be established before a prancing Narcissist Puppet wreaks
havoc with so many lives. Boys with toys protected in solid steel
warships are the last to allow loose. After the lying WMD fiasco, trust
nothing. One million poor Iraqis are now dead from those War Criminals
disgusting games. There are no heroes, just butchers of war. Ambassador
Stevens and truly BRAVE real US Seal Heroes, died a vicious, tortured
death, sold out and betrayed in Benghazi to cover up Agency illegal
Weapons deliveries leading back to Clinton and Obama. Who knows what
deception may be in play here.
Were those Bandar delivered Chemical Weapons delivered with CIA
collusion, to be used in Syria with a big cover up being attempted now?
Let the UN uncover the truth. The US cannot be Gung Ho ILLEGAL attack
dogs unleashed at will by an Undocumented Worker, employed by fraud with
a huge number of major security questions, his multiple ID’s and SS
numbers. Look behind all of it.
We now live in an era where all moral and social values have been
dispensed with by a Global Meritocracy who have had the last 100 years
to systematically penetrate the Global Financial systems, to take
control of the US Treasury, Federal Reserve, to OWN the untaxed,
unregulated Criminal US FRB NY operation, and to have accrued such
powers as to have a complete stranglehold on US Constitutional affairs.
They fund and BUY the Senators and Congress.
have derailed and ignored the Constitution, railroading through both
changes and draconian laws which deny freedom, justice or basic rights
and which subjugates the nations of our planet, to either comply with
their pernicious autocracy, or face fearsome retribution.
Patriot Act was neither written by Patriots nor is it operated by
Patriots. Barry Soetoro (Obama) is neither a Patriot nor
even an American. Yet he and the Cabals minions use it at will to abuse
is Patriotic about these Self Serving people of callous ethics. They
seek Regime changes to suit their subjugation of nations, installing
Puppet sycophants. America is now run by, and fuelled by War Mongering
Tyrants who have dismantled the constitution, built a Shadow Government
to serve no one but their own Cabal interests, and have sold Americans
Sovereign Rights into permanent Fiscal Bondage to a Kazakh Zionist
Federal Reserve accountable to no one, without Congressional Oversight,
and guilty of Rico scale Racketeering as they collude with the Cabal to
disadvantage and loot the planet.
There is a better way for both America and our international partners.
We will explain how. The people need and want America back and fit for
purpose again. Jobs, homes and stability. It can be done. We end with
how and real hope.
is about Leading, NOT TAKING! It is about Helping others, NOT Helping
Yourself. Leadership is a Privilege - Not a right! Leadership needs to
be led by an act of Humility. To serve all our citizens with
understanding and dignity as befits the role. As the forefathers, they
sought to so do. History revisits and we never seem to learn from
mistakes and consequences of the past.
We need to focus on Global relationships based on mutual respect. Not
global hostilities and warfare profiteering. A Velvet glove of goodwill
first, albeit covering the iron fist if then needed.
Global issues are for the UN, NOT a War faring nation looting and
society destroying Vandal hoard. Times are changing fast. Developing
nations are SICK of US Hegemony! Families are sick of their so loved
kids coming home in body bags. They are not heroes, they are DEAD!
most basic realities as a species are being missed. Our goals and
objectives are failing as we pursue False Gods and Low values. War
Racketeering and Hegemony is NOT nation building. 320m people of a
dysfunctional failing nation, half on Welfare, cannot go on dictating to
and abusing a fast evolving Global village of over 6 Billion people. We
share this planet. Respect its nations and our ecology! What happened
to American family values?
Revive the Constitution! Values!
the wishes of the world, a Chicago funded illegal Con Man Usurper sits
in office, his finger on the nuclear trigger, failing his nation
abysmally, funded by and fronting for a truly ugly and pernicious
unaccountable Military Industrial operating as the Shadow Government, in
collusion with the Zionist owned Federal Reserve and Wall Street
Banking Cabal. What a truly goddam awful mess! An Extortion Army
protecting only the Agencies, Military supplies companies and the Oil
Barons Cartel. You get all the Bills. They get all the benefits.

The world sits on tenterhooks. One world, it’s for all of us. Who gave
him the moral authority to attack yet another nation? Butt – Out! Which
countries Military Industrial Cabal are supplying ILLEGAL weapons to the
Islamic Insurgents causing chaos in the first place? From disorder,
chaos and war comes profit. Body bags for Bucks! With the Cabal, they
don’t care whose. Precisely who wants the type or level of NWO society
this motley crew of Cabal misfits has orchestrated. Spying on the world
is uncalled for. Their way over the top, abusive and deeply offensive,
intrusive body searches at Check Ins, even on children, are draconian
overkill powers. Offended Tourists now simply elect not to visit
America. As do ever more global businessmen declining to work in America
and rightly so. Leadership is abysmal.

We now have multiple America Warships sitting safely around the
Mediterranean within striking reach of Syria. Has the UN requested it?
No! So on whose authority are they there? Who appointed them to act? No
one! Just the Pirate Ships protecting the Gas and Oil interests of the
Cabal again. A one sided Rent a Thug operation sold as Democracy. Saudi
Arabia, Israel and Iran all stand to get sucked into this. Worse, if
that escalates, WW III, and ALL War Game Models show America LOSING
That! The entire US Military would be gone in a single week. China
would destroy all US Satellites in a day. By the second week ALL US
supplies would be gone. China can put 100M troops in the field if called
to. Reality, HARD TRUTH, is the US days in power for only 320M, half on
Welfare, living off and dictating to almost 7 Billion are ending.
Cooperation or extermination is the only option?

closest Real Allie to the US, has just failed to support a Military
Response call from Obama, and forced a real Democratic climb down,
humiliating its own Prime Minister as a sign of the changing times. It’s
not been lost on the British Military that Obama slyly betrayed these
closest friends before, when prior to the Start Treaty, he gave the
Russians full details of the British Trident missile codes, placing
Britain’s own Nuclear deterrent and nations survival at colossal risk.
What a traitor and rat! A century of trust dismantled.
When Skull and Bones man Skeletor Kerry then goes on worldwide TV
declaring now Butt Kissing French Hollande to be America’s oldest Allie,
he just distances American support ever more. Sham politics from a
sleazy regime failing worldwide. His insult was not lost in the
corridors of power in London. He has really struck out with that. Now
they all climb down as they see world opinion.
Again, we witnessed True Democracy at its best, when the British
Parliament overturned their Prime Ministers wishes to continue as a US
Lap Dog as Blair had been, and demanded restraint to first await UN
investigation reports and then debate a considered and appropriate
response when all the facts are known. As it should be! True- Real
Democracy at its best from the Mother of Parliaments. That is Leadership
- their People saying No! Wait and get the facts first.
The greatness of America, its visions, technological leadership and
industrial capabilities is all now being lost. America led the Space
Race. It was reaching for the stars. Now its industries are flat lining
seeing them. America opened up the new frontiers of space and science.
Under JFK, everything became possible. He opened the borders to
greatness. That is the America we need to re awaken before it slips
towards Third World ignominy as is happening now. We are opening new
borders of consciousness as awakening nations.
But Soetoro and his Commie Czars, guided by his Marxist inner circle,
none approved by Congress, have failed to protect US borders, allowing
Mexican troops to bring illegals and drugs across our borders, an act of
criminal endangerment. This is a violation of Article IV, section 4 of
the Constitution. Impeachable!

Yet, when Assad attempts to protect Syria, an independent Sovereign
Nation, against the Islamic Fundamentalists and Muslim Brotherhood, with
Al Qaeda associations and the regional instability that will bring, CIA
supported Insurgents are US armed, trained and funded to bring the
nation down. NO MORE US REGIME CHANGES! Before replacing Assad, who is
ready who is not worse? What back up plan is in place? Credible people
not Al Qaeda types? Have these lunatics got a back-up plan or just more
posturing? Who pays for the damage of a needless Tomahawk attack? So
far, all the US ever does is to unleash Al Qaeda or the Muslim
Brotherhood. Obama / Soetoro is himself now their best recruiting agent.
More grandstanding is playing out while people in the US are homeless and jobless, while inexperienced Obama is clueless.
Iraq over a million people are dead and 7m innocents have also lost
their homes. Their nation is devastated by US Hegemony. US intervention
was ill judged, reckless and has cost Trillions in consequences. Despite
Saddam’s numerous offers to negotiate, with concessions, Bush Jr was
determined to use his country’s vast superior technological and military
armaments capability to bully out a hollow victory. Again post American
bullying, as Bush 41 and 43 were clueless of the cost of the peace,
leaving an innocent nation to pick up the pieces. To this day, it has a
shattered economy, daily outbreaks of murderous violence and no
infrastructure to run its nation. They don’t even have their own
currency back to trade. A 5,000 year old culture has been reduced to
this by a war faring locust hoard. For the poor Iraqis, it’s been a
disaster. Yet another US SNAFU unfolds in nation building.

is crumbling and failing. The State runs out of money yet AGAIN!!! in
October. STOP spending and wasting America’s scarce money. Billions of
dollars of weapons thrown at Syria means more jobs lost! Not enriching
armaments manufacturer’s profits by goading these clowns on. Dropping
these bombs builds hatred for generations. America is becoming THE
Global Pariah nation. Billy No Mates!

We glibly roll out sound bite excuses of Sarin Gas, although yet to be
proven by whom with Saudi Prince Bandar being well and truly in the
frame with alleged deliveries to named Insurgent groups, all needing
first thorough investigation by the UN teams. Not Punitive First Strikes
by a Pirate Nation of Aggressors. No more double US standards. Let’s
revive the best of American standards, not the worst. Americas own
Napalm and Orange Defoliant gas past in Vietnam and Cambodia is
appalling. Don’t be so damned 2 faced! It fools no one. 40 and 41 Have
we still learned nothing from Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Mogadishu, Iraq
and Afghanistan? How can a Leadership, clearly so untrustworthy and
unfit for purpose, be allowed loose to wage war on anyone? With the US
track record?

How many more nations can we be allowed to destroy before the world
turns against the US! To survive, a nation needs Exports to trade with
willing trading Nations, and accept fiat worthless dollars. 60% of the
States money goes to the Military Industrial Cabal. The US does not make
anything. They don’t create value. The money is Ponzi money backed by
Within just 20 years our Welfare Spending, Retiree Costs and State
costs, will be 800% of the entire annual GDP. That is impossible to
sustain and will not be tolerated by the world. This means that unless
we rethink and remodel American society, it WILL collapse in total
bankruptcy. Friendless if they keep up their invasions. No Retiree
checks. No Welfare checks. No State or Federal Wages and No further
Military funds to waste. No HOPE! You can NOT afford or continue funding
this bloated and crippling war machine. The US cannot Police the world
alone. The US cannot fund the world. Right now, the US cannot fund, feed
and house its own nation. America has lost its way under this
Undocumented Illegal occupying the nation’s top job, with neither
experience nor evident capability. Not to impeach is a farce! Has
Congress any Oversight credibility left? How about first Police
Washington and Wall Street?
Yet so much can be done within reach right now. All is not lost. We are
losing American rebuilding opportunities by doing nothing.
Start with redeeming the Private Placements first and the RV’s. But, use
intelligence and Think Smart! Reach out with the hand of friendship to
all nations.
America has abundant and vast project potential, all being denied
opportunities to flourish. By creating, which we have done, an
infrastructure to deliver approved projects worldwide, and cross
involving nations in partial equipment or service resources as a joint
turnkey venture, we provide income, job creation opportunities and
partnerships of value to all nations. Tensions removed and bonds of
friendship. The US become Allies and valued trading partners to the
world, putting something back and building strong cultural
relationships. This way it becomes a League of Nations working together
with mutual respect and goodwill helping America fulfil its promise
again. A war on want, not our neighbor Man.

Currently, over 60% of the falling income goes to servicing the Cabals
Military Industrial Monstrosity, which is nothing but the SPECTRE
Enforcement arm of the Oil, Gas and Mineral Cartel. The Cartel keeps ALL
the profits, saddling the country with ever reaching unsustainable
debts, impoverishing the nation and devastating the Income and Retiree
benefits of all the people. Truly, it’s a Fiscal Rapist Regime,
responsible to no one and beyond the rule of law. The Shadow Government
is nothing but a Criminal Cabal, refusing Democracy for Americans, and
using its pretentious affront to impose hegemony on the world. The
people are the expendable cannon fodder for its war machine. Have you
seen the Bushes or Clinton serving at risk? Of course not, pre-arranged
Draft Dodgers to man. You do the dying as they do the lying, but control
all power as a Fiefdom.
America cannot afford or sustain this monstrosity. It leeches from the
nation and devastates our Global standing, leaving it perceived as the
great Pariah nation. Despised and hated. All because of the actions of a
few true renegades abusing power. It has to end or America will bleed
to death.
They are sucking the heart and Soul from the nation and planet,
supported by a sycophantic prostituted and treacherous MSM. America has
to be re tracked and set free for its own people to experience Democracy
before all hope is expunged. Does Liberty have to be a Statue only?
way is to end the Fed. Restore real money to America. End the Zionist
control of the US Treasury and Fed. Replace them with non-Zionist
Americans. Patriots! They have assisted in destroying the economy, it’s payback time coming.
Stop the vast Military waste draining the lifeblood of America. Make
peace with the world. Make products and create real wealth. Help feed
the starving and poor. Rebuild America. Create wealth to fund the
Retirees and children for the future. Educate in citizenship and export
hope to the world. A true Partnership of Nations, a world we are all in together.
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