Real life assassins and their role
The reason I got to know many professional killers first hand was
because I have worked for a long time as a financial journalist. It does
not take long reporting in that field before you understand finance is
intimately connected with high level organized crime. As a result, in
order to provide readers with the truth, it becomes necessary to
cultivate sources within organized crime syndicates. As a general rule
gangsters do not talk to reporters so, it took a while to assure them I
was just a chronicler and not a cop and that I would not write anything
that would personally incriminate my sources.So it came to be that I started hearing many stories about the underworld, especially in Japan. Thus this week I will relate some of what I heard about real world professional killers.
One form of entry level professional killing is what is known euphemistically as “sending somebody to work on a fishing boat.” What this means is that a person who falls deeply in debt to loan sharks is told he is going to have to work on a fishing boat and that his wages will be taken as payment for the debt. What the victim is not told is that the fishing company will take out a large insurance policy in his name and the he will be “swept into the ocean by a wave,” at some point during the fishing voyage.
Then there is the killing that goes on in gang wars. In the old days, when the yakuza had better relations with the police, any time a gang member killed a member of a rival gang, somebody in the gang would turn themselves in and confess to the killing. These days, people simply “vanish.”
A boss of one of Japan’s largest gangs described his own participation in such wars. The first thing his gang would do is abandon all gang offices and known gang hang-outs. Members would also dress down in sweatshirts and sweatpants and sleep in Karaoke rooms or the like. The typical killing would be a discreet shooting or stabbing after which the body is quickly stuffed into the trunk of a car and taken out to the country-side for burial in a shallow grave. In Japan a body will completely decompose within a couple of years and leave no trace.
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