Published on Jul 17, 2013
In the 12 years since the events of
9/11, independent researchers have assembled a body of evidence that
overwhelmingly contradicts the official account of 9/11. A primary area
of research has been the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7
and the Twin Towers.
Go to to donate to this unprecedented global campaign. Go to and to follow the campaign.
The campaign needs $225,000 to pay for ads in 11 major cities across the globe. As of July 5 we have raised nearly $145,000; now we are counting on you to get us the rest of the way there. With a donation of $50 you will receive a free ReThink911 bumper sticker to help spread the word (US and Canada). If there was ever an effort worthy of your support, it's this one. Go to today.
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Go to to donate to this unprecedented global campaign. Go to and to follow the campaign.
The campaign needs $225,000 to pay for ads in 11 major cities across the globe. As of July 5 we have raised nearly $145,000; now we are counting on you to get us the rest of the way there. With a donation of $50 you will receive a free ReThink911 bumper sticker to help spread the word (US and Canada). If there was ever an effort worthy of your support, it's this one. Go to today.
Uploaded with the permission of ReThink911
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