Tuesday, July 2, 2013

LATEST FROM "INSIDER" JOHN - Dinar, Prosperity Programs, Snowden, NWO




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This single move by Snowden has really put the NWO tyranny right in the spotlight. The colossal spying game eats up vast trillions and has little to show for it. Personal freedoms are the real sovereign values they are stealing daily.Vast budgets wasted by lies.

Our nations and all YOUR Freedoms were heading into NWO Bondage unchecked. This conscientious young man has done the world a favor and rocked this pernicious Cabal right back. These Gung Ho cowboys have run fee squandering vast billions far too long. A huge cut back is needed.Heads must go with big cuts.

See America can also lead in values. An American you can be proud of. Integrity rammed up them.

Let me assure you also,you have men and women of real conviction, working hourly on the PP and Dinars and really focused. We can't release details, but be assured,they are all unsung heroes for you all. Good people of real integrity who will help change this world.

This Thinking Persons Site is invaluable to you and following the White Hats initiatives to help all. Snowden is a huge step for mankind.

Time to count the costs and realities now. Steps way too far. All caught in disgrace. Who let these clowns loose unchecked like this? Every day it gets worse. The world is behind Snowden. He is no Traitor, the NWO Enemies of Your Freedom are!

We all wait to see. Each day, more real Intel is dropping. Now all nations are looking at the number of US attaches and may soon have them cut. NWO IS the biggest danger worldwide to mankind. The Tri Laterals concept of the NWO needs to be stopped head on and hard on. George H Bush raped the planet and created this tyrannical Cabal machine with the Rockefeller's and his Neo Nazi Germanic Americans. Plus of cause the Bush Clinton Crime families. Was a modern era ever so repressive?
They are now on their back feet hard. We will ram home the demand for the PP and Dinars today. Under siege they are wounded. We will use it. 

Focus now needs to be on the Cabal, Bush, the out of control Agencies, how much was stolen and where is it now? When will the Agencies be stopped from Drug Trafficking and Money Laundering. They are societies terrorists. 

Reality check issues.

Teams are working hard daily to be ready for releases.
We have Tuesday and Wednesday only. July 4th they are off. You know they won't turn up on Friday. So, it's Today, Wednesday or next Monday, and then it's Ramadan. We face a crap shoot.
Clowns on Freebies in Africa, while the country slides. Who makes the release call? Chaos awaits if not by Wednesday.
Africans jaunts posing, overrides US national interests it seems. But, what would a Kenyan know, or care? What a ride. What a hustle. Fingers x for this week. 

Dinars and Cabals

More confused articles.
There is no European Elite game in play anywhere. No one is trying to delay the Dinars. All parties want it done. Hopefully this week it can be, then good luck to all. No Europeans are seeking to harm anything or anyone. A lot of good will come from banking if needed. So many worldwide are working hard to get it done. All are. We don't need conspiracy theories. It's a US issue to release or not. No one else's. There are no European elite groups. Just normal working guys trying to work together worldwide in harmony with everyone. 


We are all stressed under real pressures. Let me try to correct any dinar misapprehensions.
Iraq will have its currency again soon. As per IMF and all parties wishes and needs. The world wants it and needs it to happen. It will.

All you have is the time of when?
The US will sort that soon and release.
Then a lot of good things can happen. Many nations want it done. It's only what time now. Let's see if you can be lucky today or tomorrow. Just hang in there and you will win. We are working all hours on each issue plus the PPs. Many good people Stateside are very focused in Reno. You WILL get there. Soon we hope. You will all control your own destinies then. 

Continue Reading at ...... http://canauzzie.blogspot.ca/2013/07/how-nsa-targets-germany-and-europe.html