Source: Ken's Blog
Dismantling the Channelers, Part 2A: Sheldan Nidle
Dratzo! Ken returns....and go back to 1996, a year when Bill Clinton was President, dinosaurs roamed the Earth (in cable reruns of Jurassic Park), and Sheldan Nidle was preparing us for the arrival of a massive alien fleet on December 17.
Let's begin by looking at the messages he was conveying before the big date. In his November 22, 1996 update <>, he stated...
"...The first major activity to occur was the initial spotting of the ancient battle planet that many of you have called "Nibiru" during the period from November 10 till approximately November 15. Its first appearance was to signify that it had been moved into a position near the so-called Hale-Bopp Comet (in reality, a large spacecraft) to act as its guardian before its destined rendezvous with planet Earth in the Spring of 1997 (March 27 to May 5, 1997). After the ceremony of arrival of the 10,000 Ambassadors is completed at the new Ayers rock colony in Australia, the battle planet will remain in orbit behind the Hale-Bopp space craft until the new year occurs on July 26, 2002..."
The battle planet Nibiru, eh? Hey, didn't I hear that it was arriving last year? Or was it this year? And the Hale-Bopp Comet was a large spacecraft? I seem to recall hearing people like Richard Hoagland saying the same thing about Comet Elenin back in 2011. Kerry Cassidy even held a pay-per-view conference about that comet. And the "galactics" planned to deliver 10,000 space ambassadors? I recently heard from Tolec that only three ambassadors were going to arrive this year, so what happened to the other 9,997? They must have been in Benghazi....
"The first and smaller photon belt is presently on course to encounter planet Earth on December 31, 1996. The second and much larger photon belt will collide with the first photon belt on January 1, 1997. These events will move the Earth's population into full consciousness and also complete the planet's graduation into its own full consciousness status. Evidence of this steady movement toward the planet's full conscious status has been the progressive movement of the planet's Schuman resonance cycle this year from around 9 to almost 11.2 Hertz. This phenomenon has been reinforced by the world-wide observation of the increasing brightness of the Earth's skies, the glowing of the ocean bottoms, the unusual activity of the Aurora Borealis (or northern lights) and the rapid decreasing of the Earth's magnetic field. The next progression of the Shuman cycle to a full conscious 13 will occur when the second belt engages planet Earth on the aforementioned date of 1 January 1997. This reality has been verified by Earth's scientists, who as we speak are now in the midst of a project in Utah and in Argentina to measure these photon belts since they were first reported in the early part of 1987..."
So we encountered the photon belt back in 1996? I thought we just entered it on December 21 of last year. It's interesting that I've also heard about the photon belt from "Christian Watchmen" such as Augusto Perez. And the Schumann Resonance (it's funny that super-intelligent galactic beings couldn't spell his name right) was increasing back then? I've been hearing talk of that from various sources in the past year. So which is it: did it change back in 1996 or is it changing now? As for the supposedly-varying Schumann Resonance and "the increasing brightness of the Earth's skies, the glowing of the ocean bottoms, the unusual activity of the Aurora Borealis (or northern lights) and the rapid decreasing of the Earth's magnetic field," these things couldn't have anything to do with chemtrails and HAARP, could they? Naw, it's gotta be the photon belt and the space fairies....
"...The purpose of this anchoring [of a "large Sirian Peace Angel"] was to complete the energies needed to prepare Earth's new grid for its vitalization before the end of December or the ending of the galactic month of Mol. These grids are part of the entire process of preparing Earth for the divine intervention of the Galactic Federation of Light by a mass landing on or before the date of December 17, 1996..."
Anchoring energies for the Earth's new grid... now where have I heard this before?
"Our present plan is to progressively increase the activity in your skies during the next few weeks as well as the boldness of your sightings with our fleet's ships. The point of this activity is to prepare for first contact with Earth's human population, and in so doing to end the vast cover-up that has existed on your planet since the late 1940s..."
Yep, I've heard this one too, and quite recently.
Since the Sheldan Nidle material is so rich with spiritual propaganda themes, examining it is very instructive, and it might take a number of entries to cover it all. Once I'm done examining his updates, I'll write an entry on the strategy behind all this disinformation and the lessons we can learn from it.
With all my love....