Monday, July 15, 2013

Ken's Blog: David Wilcock and the Real NWO, Part 1 of 2

Source: Ken's Blog

David Wilcock and the Real NWO, Part 1 of 2

Today I'll continue my "Cru-sade against Kool-Aid" (and my attempt to uplift all those who have been drinking it) by addressing David Wilcock's latest blog entry. He titled it Financial Tyranny Collapsing at Free-Fall Speed, and it offers what I view as a very fanciful and inaccurate analysis of what's really happening in our world right now. As I address some of the key points in his article, I will attempt to lay out an alternative interpretation of events: one that shows the Cabal is deliberately imploding their old control structure in order to erect a new, far more robust system in its place.

Our new management team was debuted back on 3/22...

...Did you notice?

And here we go...

Early in his article, David attempts to support his argument by touting the quality of his "insider" contacts...

"Even within the classified programs themselves, there is so much compartmentalization that very few workers with a security clearance ever get to see the Big Picture.

I have had extensive, personal access to at least four major insiders who DO see the Big Picture -- or at least a majority of it.

Each of them have worked at levels where most of the hidden information is common knowledge -- and they have access to many of the compartments."

The unfortunate truth about "insiders" is that the overwhelming majority of them are disinformation agents. To establish this for yourself, just do a quick mental calculation: imagine how many true whistleblowers are going to risk losing their livelihoods, going to prison, and possibly being killed in order to feed information to a relatively powerless alternative media person, and compare that number to the number of agents the various agencies will send out to mislead and befuddle us. The first number is likely to be quite a bit smaller than the second, is it not?

In an effort to screen out such disinformation, some alternative media people use a three-source vetting technique. They figure that if they can get the same information from three separate sources who don't seem to know each other, the intel must be correct. Not so. The three-source technique works only if you stalk the information sources yourself. If the sources stalk you, the technique is useless. Disinfo programs could send you a hundred different sources saying the same thing; it still wouldn't make their lies true.

To gather accurate intel, the targeted entity must not know what you're looking for or where you're looking for it; if they know those things, you'll be fed disinfo all day long. And if they hand-deliver both the source and the intel to you on a silver platter, such as with the "insiders" who initiate contact with the alternative media people, you're totally screwed.

That being said, David's handlers probably give him very consistent info that seems to check out fine, but it is the flavor of interpretation they offer with their revelations that is the misleading part.

And David continues...

"These 'leaks' are not random. They are not arbitrary. There is a very strong, focused, coordinated effort underway to reveal the truth -- with exacting precision."

He is inadvertently accurate with this statement, since the Cabalists engineered the truth movement as part of their strategy to build up the emotional energy needed to tear down the outmoded system and embrace the new system they are preparing to offer.

"This disclosure is NOT being orchestrated by the Cabal / New World Order / Federal Reserve / Illuminati / Bad Guys -- which is centered in the US, UK and Western Europe."

This is a rather silly statement considering that his own sources are Cabal agents who he says "have access to many of the compartments." And with this statement, he accidentally stumbles upon the reason for the deliberate disclosure: to establish in the public's mind that the "Bad Guys" are "centered in the US, UK and Western Europe," and that the Good Guys are centered in China and Russia.

This is much like a Hollywood production, in which the characters of the drama are being established before the action begins. The Western power elite are being cast as the evil villains who are out to murder us and destroy our world (true enough), and the BRICS power elite are being cast as the altruistic heroes who are doing what they're doing to save all us little guys ( GMAFB ). This narrative was designed as a mind-screw to put you in a mental state in which you'll welcome the new financial control system with open arms.

"Isn't it interesting that Snowden ended up in Russia -- and is still there -- given what we revealed in the last article about how Russia is the geopolitical center of an international alliance that is defeating the Cabal?"

Yes, that is interesting -- just as interesting as this picture of Putin's pal Medvedev proudly showing off a prototype coin of the One World currency...

...He did this while hobnobbing with the "evil" Western globalist leaders at the 2009 G8 Summit.

A harbinger indeed...

This is a close-up of the coin he's holding...

And here is an interesting pattern found on the back side of the coin...

The globalists' plan is to bring all of the national currencies under the control of an international body in the new financial system (to "stop all of the undisciplined money printing and currency wars": a problem they created so they could offer this solution), then they'll slowly transition us to a common currency (still controlled by the banksters from behind the scenes of the supposedly "transparent" new system).

I'll continue this analysis in Part 2. In the meantime, you might wish to view these related entries:

Lightworkers, welcome to the Borg: Basel III and Total Financial Control

An Overview of the Luciferian/Satanic Blueprint

Love always....