This paper was written by Dr. Greer in 1995 and is as important now as it was then. There continues to be tremendous confusion about what the ET presence is and therefore what it means.
Please read this paper with care. It goes into the categories of intelligent life forms, the biological manifestations, the types of experiences with those life forms, and non biological life forms. What is the difference between a ghost, a vision in a dream, an ET lifeform , a human manipulated experience and more? This is not just an academic discussion but informs our future relationships with sentient beings throughout the Universe.
Some excerpts from the paper:
"Cosmological Confusion. This term best describes what happens when 20th century humans are confronted with the existence of advanced extraterrestrial life forms. For not only are these beings not human, they possess technologies which are inherently mystifying to us. It is unlikely that a people capable of interstellar travel will be using microwave signals for communication, or fossil or nuclear fuels for propulsion. Since a hologram or laser would appear magical to a human 200 years ago, a large measure of scientific and cosmological humility and patience will be needed for us to begin to understand these civilizations, their technology, and most importantly, the lessons on the nature of reality we may learn from them. Moreover, the co-existence of a non-linear, non-local and transcendental universe with the so-called 'physical universe' must not only be factored into our understanding of cosmology in general, but of the manifestations of advanced extraterrestrial people in particular."
Biological life forms, us and extraterrestrials, possess both mind and body, we each manifest a reality which is both physical and spiritual, linear and non-local, fixed in time and space yet simultaneously transcendent. And what happens when science and technology find the point of communication between the hard physical and the unitive state of mind? It would be truly confounding to both the modern physicist and the modern philosopher or theologian. For such a quantum leap in the understanding of the universe would bring into close relation the separately held realms of science and spirituality, mind and matter, body and spirit."
This term best describes what happens when 20th century humans are confronted with the existence of advanced extraterrestrial life forms. For not only are these beings not human, they possess technologies which are inherently mystifying to us. It is unlikely that a people capable of interstellar travel will be using microwave signals for communication, or fossil or nuclear fuels for propulsion. Since a hologram or laser would appear magical to a human 200 years ago, a large measure of scientific and cosmological humility and patience will be needed for us to begin to understand these civilizations, their technology, and most importantly, the lessons on the nature of reality we may learn from them. Moreover, the co-existence of a non-linear, non-local and transcendental universe with the so-called 'physical universe' must not only be factored into our understanding of cosmology in general, but of the manifestations of advanced extraterrestrial people in particular.
Part of the conclusions:
"This is a wake-up call. The simple approach of taking all anomalous experiences on face value is not only unscientific, it is immensely dangerous. Technologies do exist which can induce personal and collective experiences which appear ET/UFO related, but which are really quite human. Like past plutonium experiments on humans and germ warfare tests on civilians, these 'experiments' are real, black budget activities which have been developed and perfected over the last 30-40 years. Electronic and implant technologies, all human, exist which can induce a very convincing 'abduction' event. The clustering of abduction experiences around military installations, and the presence of unmarked, black, electronic-filled helicopters near so-called abductees' homes is no coincidence.
The public has been misled, and the civilian UFO research community have been quite victimized by these special projects designed to deceive, mislead and, above all, disinform the public on the extraterrestrial subject. The "Body Snatchers" fix on the extraterrestrial presence is driven by a complex plan to convince the public that there is " alien threat which we must all unite against and fight..."
Do not be deceived. The future of life on earth, and our emerging relationship with extraterrestrial civilizations may depend on our eyes being open."
Read this important and insightful paper at: