Canauzzie: Understanding The Dinar RV & Intel Report
Removing and understanding the Dinar Layers of confusion and being grateful for UNEARNED OPPORTUNITIES!
- Dinarians, please, understand what this journey has taken and the real costs for so many. Or, is ignorance Bliss?
- Understand the big picture.
- Where is the money now to recover and pay for all of it.
One World
July 14, 2013
are still mountains to climb and it will not be given up willingly, as
key parties in Reno find by the day. Ending yet another week of no
closure, more obfuscation and more false assurances, indicates no intent
to settle is near. Obama appears to wish only to block as long as
possible to keep the Ponzi Cabal in control. Many people worldwide are
focused together and trying so hard to encourage an amicable solution to
these key issues. Practical discussions and efforts are being pursued
to break this deadlock.
Abraham Lincoln eulogized with such focus on the rights of ALL
Americans to be accorded the rights of free men in their own new land,
little did he know that centuries later, all the evils of Feudal
Political and some unelected Shadow Government Cabal, or Zionist
Monarchs, would be revisited upon the people again as it is today. This
time by such corrupt Neocon Politicians and by perverse Commie Czar
Doctrines, as Lincoln would fight again to remove. The World's case is
not against America or its people, but solely against the Cabal and
Criminal Zionist Bankers facilitating massive corruption. How did poor
Iraq ever get to this? Now they have become the left over carcass of
that unlawful debacle, with the Scavenger packs fighting for morsels
with every delusional self-justification case possible

The Real Costs and the Real Villains Named and Shamed Here. The Great and the Up to No Good Texan Cabal Shysters!
But, we will also help make your case for release for you. What they
have stolen, how to recover it and settle the Dinarian’s and Private
Placements in total. That done, what will YOU put back to also help our
Veterans dying or maimed out there? Can any good come from it? Are they
dying alone for your Dinars? We will be starting a Help OUR Heroes Fund
for the wounded and families of the deceased. Also now to help the many
impoverished US Vets? They do the Dying, Washington does the Lying.
Working together let’s all help bring the real America back, with pride,
hope and vision for all the people again. The quality of people is
still there. We just need to start by only electing the quality of
Leaders with Integrity fit for purpose again.
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