Saturday, July 20, 2013

Boddhi Portal: Turkey Protest Updates and Letter to Turkey's President Erdogan

Boddhi portalBoddhi: About last weeks events in Turkey I wrote a few articles on my blog and I've send an email to President Erdogan. I published it. [see below]
These  articles are very well read last weeks:

-- Amnesty International calls for Urgent Action against abuses of peaceful protestors in Turkey [updated]

Also: an eyewitnessreport of the beginning of the protests wich are spreading at the moment. And Anonymous' efforts to help the people there.

-- ‘Direct fire’: HRW urges Turkey to end ‘incorrect, unlawful’ teargas use, cites victims (GRAPHIC PHOTOS)

After the earlier report with statements of Amnesty International & Anonymous on the outrageous behavior of the Turkish police against peaceful & unarmed civilians -and both throwing 'lifelines' to Turkish people- now Human Rights Watch (HRW) joins in and condemned Turkish' police unlawful & incorrect use of teargas against the population.


-- Dozens arrested in Turkey over protest tweets, accused of 'inciting hatred'

Turkish police have detained at least 25 Twitter users for allegedly spreading false reports, as anti-government demonstrations in Turkey continue for a sixth day.

-- Dear Recep Tayyip Erdogan, leader of the Turkish people,

I know how you feel. Under attack & busy trying to control the ´peace´ in Turkye.