Monday, March 25, 2013

Wes Annac Channels The Pleiadian High Council

Channeled Interview with the Pleiadians: Galactic Bases, Interpreting Higher Dimensional Impressions and Humanity’s Creative Responsibility

The following is an automatic writing-based “interview” with the Pleiadian High Council. 

Wes Annac: Greetings on this beautiful day, dear friends. Per your suggestion at the end of our last communication, I would like to ask you about the underground bases of yours we have heard so much about. Are they associated with the Galactic Federation and/or your Councils?

The Pleiadian High Council: With warm greetings and Love to each of you absorbing this communication and to you, our dear scribe, we welcome you to our collective energies, or our “energetic abode”, as you may call it. Indeed, our bases are a part of our Federation and we act from these bases on a plethora of different missions we have set out for ourselves related to the ascension of your Earth and specifically, to the rising of the colony of Atlantis unto the surface of your beautiful planet.

Benevolent Studying & Taking Care with Sightings

We perform many actions from our underground bases and worry not, dear souls; we do not serve a malevolent purpose or agenda from within these bases and we will happily be showing them to you in the time ahead so that you can explore them and further understand exactly what we are doing. As has been said, many of us are scientists who are studying various parts of your world, and we take bases underground, within large cavernous mountains and under your oceans and even some rivers.
We cannot make ourselves known too boldly when exiting such places however, as we would not want to startle any dear human or animal soul who would not understand our presence or what our craft is, as they see us exiting our bases and in some cases literally coming up out of the water to do so.

We are very careful and cautious of course, with any facet of showing ourselves but an initial aspect of our contact with you will be for us to show you these bases and for us to explain how we have been stealthily entering and exiting them so that your militaries or any unaware soul who would be too overwhelmed by witnessing us does not know of our presence.

Observing & Mitigating “Earth Changes”

Wes: I see, thank you dear friends. So what specifically do you do in these underground bases?
PHC: We study; we explore; we make observations of the ongoing physical happenings presenting themselves that are related to the “Earth changes” many of you have heard of, which we are working to mitigate and heal altogether in the instances that we can. We work from our underground bases to make sure that no event, on your world or outside of it, can impact Life in a negative way or in one that is not in alignment with the future you are heading into.

At present, you are still dealing with a weakening force of individuals who would and have tried to orchestrate natural disasters, as well as the falling down and crashing to the Earth of obscure yet heavy “space junk”, and we have been (largely) instrumental in stopping such things. We monitor every facet of your Earth with the monitors we have in place, which we view from our Motherships, our starships and of course, from the bases we have been discussing with you.

We have also held meetings with your cabal heads, to negotiate the bringing-about of peace and abundance for every soul on your world to find a happy and easy experience of their Lives from, and the meetings that are held amongst the entirety of our Federation are at times, held in our specific underground bases.

Wes: By “your specific underground bases” do you mean bases that are specifically Pleiadian-designated? 

PHC: Indeed dear soul, but we do not want it to seem as if other races are not allotted to be in our space as well! (Laughter).

Positions Constantly Changing

Yes, each race has a base under the surface of your dearest Earth and at times, we will convene amongst each other from our respective bases. Though, the “station” we are at upon communicating changes in every moment, and at times we could be speaking from a Mothership while other times we will speak from our bases.

Our positions are constantly reverberating as our mission changes or expands to include something different, and if we see the necessity to travel to a different “station” than where we would currently be, we are able to travel there instantaneously through the enhanced powers of the fifth dimensional mind and heart.

While we do use our craft to travel, we do not always use it to get where we are going and we can travel anywhere with the natural abilities that you will all discover upon ascending.

These abilities are waiting to be made known within you and while we can feel that so many of you will indeed be so very excited to explore our underground bases and the bases we have established within some of your mountains, what you will see will be easily understandable by the time you have evolved to the states of consciousness wherein you will be able to handle witnessing such things.
Our underground bases are very, what you would call, higher dimensional and just as is so with our craft sightings, we cannot overwhelm you dear souls with the pure awesomeness that is many of our bases but in the time ahead when you will have expanded and found your higher states of consciousness again, you will be able to explore and understand our bases, our ships and so many other things you will enjoy and remember exponentially.

Effects of Channeling the Higher Realms

Wes: Thank you for that, dear friends. I have to say that as I’m channeling you, I feel such a state of purity in myself; a state of bliss. Can you offer any comments as to the effect channeling has on the mind and heart of the channeler? 

PHC: We would be so very happy to, dear Wesley, and you have already begun to discover what channeling the higher realms can bring forth for you, perspective-wise and feeling-wise. Yes, bliss and joy can permeate the minds and hearts of any soul who becomes opened to the higher realms and the brimming energies and communications we of the higher realms have to offer, and what you are feeling specifically dearest Wesley is the after-effect of our energies having descended down upon you and our communications having come through.

Of course, we do not wish to promote ourselves as being “holier than thou”; it is simply that we have grown into fifth dimensional states of consciousness and as such, the energies and impressions we have been able to find in ourselves are continually radiated out to every soul we come in contact with. We are in contact with you at present dearest Wesley, though you must know that there is a time “flub” between our giving and your receiving of our communications.

Working with the Distortion of Time

What we mean is that we exist outside of your concept of time and as such, are delivering our communications to realms with different and more distorted concepts and temporarily-fixed means of experiencing your Lives, which we work within the perimeters of when delivering our communications.

Wesley, you could see this communication as having already been brought forth and what you are feeling now are the impressions of our collective, having been expressed through dear SanJAsKa and through our technology that is funneling our energies through for you to absorb and pass on to your fellow awakening souls.

Wes: I see, that is very interesting dear friends. So what about when I stop channeling you? Eventually the impressions become even more “lingering” and fade away. 

PHC: Indeed, because the impressions of our collective as they are brought through are very strong, and you will continue to feel the after-effects of our communications long after they have been given.

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