by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of (See all articles...) |
(NaturalNews) A brand new looting arrangement has been reached concerning Cypriot banks. It involves seizing the funds of all accounts over 100,000 euros, then stealing up to 40% of those funds sometime over the next few weeks, or whenever EU bureaucrats get around to deciding exactly how much to steal.
So instead of 10% being stolen from most accounts, as was originally proposed, the new deal is that 40% will be stolen from selected accounts, but not from accounts holding less than 100,000 euros. Why the 100,000 threshold for having your money stolen by the banking system? Because all EU bank accounts are insured up to 100,000 euros. So the banksters figured they could just steal anything over 100,000 and say, "Heh, it wasn't insured, your loss!"
IMF chief Christine Lagarde characterized the theft as "a lasting, durable and fully financed solution." And if that's not enough of a solution, they can always loot more private accounts to reach a new solution!
Sure, it's a great solution... if you're the banksters stealing all the money from private account holders. But from the point of view of depositors, this "solution" looks a lot more like a mugging.
Entire accounts seized indefinitely
It's actually worse than just the 40% being stolen from private accounts: all accounts over 100,000 euros are now indefinitely frozen (seized) until the banksters figure out exactly how much to steal. "Large deposits with Bank of Cyprus above the insured level will be frozen until it becomes clear whether or to what extent they will also be forced to take losses, the Eurogroup of finance ministers said in a statement." (USA Today)Not everybody is fooled by all the bankster happy talk, of course. As Colm McCarthy writes on the website:
...the eurozone countries collectively do not have an actual deposit guarantee fund in place, and the volume of deposits in many eurozone countries, not just those already in financial distress, is large relative to the fiscal capacity of the state. Bank runs by retail depositors are a serious risk, particularly in those countries whose governments lack financial credibility.
And from Mats Persson of
The Eurozone set a risky precedent when it decided to go for depositors. Images of long queues outside ATMs will have registered in other parts of the Mediterranean. If Cypriot depositors are forced to pay today, why not Spaniards tomorrow? ...Events in Cyprus have shown just what a high-risk gamble the euro was... If you could design a system whereby a splinter could take down an elephant, this would be it.
No deposits are ever safe while the central banks are running things
The bottom line truth in all this is that no deposits are ever safe in any bank run by a government. Governments are inherently liars, and when it comes down to a crisis, it's always easier to just STEAL money from depositors and call it a "tax."The business of banking, it seems, has largely become a business of theft. No wonder everybody's flocking to bitcoin, the decentralized crypto-currency that's not controlled by any government anywhere:
That's also why the Natural News Store has just announced it is now accepting bitcoin currency as payment for orders. Anyone with bitcoins can now buy prepared foods, superfoods, organics, supplements and much more, directly from the Natural News Store.