Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A message from Mike Quinsey - Setting Up A Galactic Command Center

Hi Friends,

Quite recently a project was started in Santa Fe, NM with a view to setting up a Galactic Command Center, and with your interest in the City of Light, Sedona, I felt it may interest you as it is the outcome of advent of the New Age. The group have been told that such Centers will be located all over our planet, and are holding meetings and have a Newsletter plus other mailing. The above link sets out the objectives of the group with links to them, and there is also an excerpt from a supporting channeled message from St. Germain through Nancy Tate. The following extract below comes from the linked general message, and there is also a brief message from SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey

Extract from linked General Message.

"We feel that others anywhere around the world might be inspired to find that they too are part of a Galactic Center or a Crystal City to be lowered into our physical world, such as the one forming over Sedona, AZ or some other 5D project and find like minded people who will come together with their intent to bring their ideas into physical manifestation for the benefit of ALL humanity and beyond".

SaLuSa 23- March- 2013

Like other groups of people that are forming you are the pioneers for those who will follow, helping to bring the New Age into being. A feature of this building period will be the "small is beautiful" approach, as your present experiences show that ultra large groups do not necessarily function efficiently or in an acceptable way. People all over the world are rising to the occasion, as the consciousness levels increase and their awareness grows. You are catalysts for others and what you are doing is being inspired, so that it will be of great help to those with the same aspirations. We commend your foresight, but then you are doing what you came to Earth to do.