Friday, November 2, 2012

Alfred Webre Live On Youtube - Now - News

In5D: Jim Self - The 3rd Dimension Is Unraveling

Jim Self on U.S. Politics - The 3rd Dimension Is Unraveling

Jim Self, a recognized leader in the field of spiritual development, founder of Mastering Alchemy, international speaker and author, answers questions about the Shift in Consciousness that we are experiencing.

In the next video, Jim answers questions about the Shift:
- 1) What do you mean by "losing our memories"?
- 2) How can we best experience the Shift and help others?
- 3) Have all experienced the Shift and will all progress at the same rate?

Video Showing How HAARP Works

Uploaded by on Sep 7, 2011
Who is it that decides the people of this country and this planet don't have the right to know their weather is purposefully manipulated on a continental and global scale?

Who decides this massive and continuous operation is legal yet must kept secret from the public?

Who is it that subjects all of Humanity to meteorologist after meteorologist proclaiming what a 'mystery' this decade of manufactured weather has been, as community after community is intentionally drowned, blown, or washed away?

The People need to stop accepting endless diversions and rhetoric, and start finding out who actually controls their reality and perception of it.

Nexrad & HAARP: Undeniable Weather Control Connection


Artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a plasma layer which can be tilted

Bix Weir Update - November 2, 2012

Friday, Nov 2, 2012:
My advice for the past 5 years has been to "GET OUT OF THEIR SYSTEM" by closing out all your financial accounts and taking possession of physical silver.  This includes everything from stocks to 401k's to savings accounts. My reasoning was very simple..the markets are rigged and one day that rigging will end.

But today the rigging continues and is more blatant than ever. A nuclear bomb could go off in downtown Manhattan and the markets would barely budge. It's because they are run off computer programs in the basement of the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve with the help of The Plunge Protection Team. There haven't been free markets for decades but people are just starting to wake up to this fact. If silver were allowed to trade freely for the past 40 years it would be well over $1,000/oz today and looking VERY BULLISH! But the years of cumulative price manipulation have done their job and people wince as silver is rigged down on bullish news and allowed to slowly rise on no news. So be it. One day, very soon, the "Coiled Spring" of silver market rigging will unleash it's fury...until then we WAIT on the SIDELINES with metal in hand.

So while I was watching one of the worst natural disasters in US history hit the East Coast I knew that it was "all hands on deck" to rig the markets. "No problems here!". See no evil - hear no evil - speak no evil. From day 1 the talking heads in the mainstream media were saying it was all no big deal and that the financial markets aren't even taking notice...meanwhile people are suffering up and down the East Coast...AND IT'S GETTING WORSE!

Germany to the Fed: We Demand to See Our Gold!

Posted by Adam English - Thursday, November 1st, 2012  

As previously report in Wealth Wire, the German federal auditors' office has publicly criticized Bundesbank, its central bank, saying they should be more pro-active when it comes to taking control and responsibility for the county's gold reserves stored in the United States, Britain, and France.

Now they're encountering the same thing domestic politicians and citizens in the USA have faced for decades. The Fed is stonewalling the Germans and refusing to let them even see the gold they own.

Previous and repeated requests were only partially addressed. Bundesbank staff members were allowed to see the facility in 2007, but they reportedly only made it to the anteroom of the German reserves.

Bundesbank auditors made a second visit in May 2011. This time one of the nine compartments used to store Germany's gold was opened. Only a few bars were pulled out and weighed, but that was it.
Even the details of this minuscule inspection were blacked out in a German auditor's report “out of consideration for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.”

So far, the 1,536 metric tons of gold, worth about $93 billion at spot prices, has only been backed up by personal assurances.

The Fed's secrecy has warranted increasing suspicion and concern. It is understandable to limit access as much as possible for security reasons.

However, these are high-ranking officials with $93 billion in deposits. The Fed is merely holding the reserves for the Germans and is refusing to allow them to inspect what they own. 

Commander Ananda: When Gaia Put Out the Call, I Came

2012 November 1
Posted by Steve Beckow
Here is an excerpt from a talk by Commander Ananda, who is Sierra Neblina’s braided walk-in. It was given on Nov. 1, 2012.  at the second Sedona Conference.

I did not have my computer on in enough time to get the opening sentence. This is not a word-for-word transcription; it’s close but not precise in all places. The full discussion is available in the livestream archive and we may transcribe it as well. Commander Ananda begins:

… Mine was a very large ship and we travelled around servicing the galaxy. I have a very strong connection to Gaia and when Gaia put out the distress call I responded.

When Gaia put out the call, I chose to come down into the planet. I entered into a small pod [with others] and down the chute I went, speeding toward the planet Earth. When we got to a certain point we left our body and become light – all these forms that I was with – and we looked at each other and said – you and you and you – we are going to meet up on the planet and then we looked down on the planet and decided which family we’re going to be born into.

I came to expose the hybridization program on this planet. I was looking for a native American DNA bloodline to be born into because I needed to be born remembering certain codes from birth, remembering what my mission was from day one..

I now stand in this physical body of Sierra’s, as part human and part galactic. You probably don’t understand that you are coming across us every day. I chose a mother who underwent months and months of abduction – not only by the government but by the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the government – and I honor her to this day for what she chose to manage.

Bix Weir - Special Report - November 1, 2012

ALERT: Physical Silver Slant That Will Payout Much More Than Physical Silver  

Bix Weir  - Special Report  - November 1, 2012

I have long talked about what forms of physical silver you should own. My #1 recommendations are US Silver Eagles and pre-1965 US 90% silver coins. My reasons are many but the most understandable are the following:

1) They are easily recognizable and easy to liquidate.
2) They are too small and difficult to bother forging.
3) Because they are denominated as US coinage they fall under the much more strict counterfeiting laws.
4) The pre-1965 coins have a limited supply based on what has already been minted and released.
5) If the US Mint ever stops making US Silver Eagles, as Izzy Friedman believes, they will fetch a much higher premium than other coins.
6) They are much more portable than large bars.
7) Their value will never go below the price of the silver content.

Those are the big obvious reasons but there is one more that may be a HUGE WINDFALL for buyers of these coins...

HSBC Caught in New Drug Money Laundering Scandal

'While HSBC's Canary Wharf masters are back-peddling furiously over charges that they gave a leg up to terrorist financiers and drug traffickers as a recent U.S. Senate report charged, new evidence emerged that its business as usual for the multinational banking giant founded by Hong Kong-based British opium merchants.

Earlier this month, The Independent reported that French police had "intercepted one of the dozens of 'go-fast' cars which transport cannabis at high speed from Spain to Paris. The seizure--banal in itself--unravelled an extraordinary network of drug-trafficking, money-laundering, fraud and tax evasion which sprawled over the invisible barrier which separates Paris from the city's poor, multiracial suburbs."

The bank embroiled in this latest scandal? Why HSBC, of course!'

Gordan Duff Exposes Mitt Romney Corruption

FBI, CIA and Foreign Intelligence Agencies “Leak” Romney Files

Vote for Romney or Else!!!

by  Gordon Duff,  Senior Editor

It started with a photograph.  Mitt Romney in Cuba with a woman named “Maria XXXXX,” Cuban mother, Russian father.  The year, 1999, a flight to Vera Cruz, then on to Havana.  

The source, a top level FBI official managing counter-narcotics in Mexico, along with L3 Communications, gained access to the Romney file held by Mexican intelligence.

Romney, spying for Cuba and Russia, Romney running terrorism in Africa, this is what the FBI, CIA and the files state. Documents outline several meetings between Romney and Castro.

Nothing here is new to anyone but the public.  The media had been approached to run this story.
ABC has it and is sitting on it, the US government has all the documents, only the public has been kept in the dark, kept from one of the larger coverups in the past couple of years.

We have so many, one can’t use the term “major” without risk of overstatement.

The story begins at Harvard and ends in South Africa, drug money, blood diamonds, spying for Cuba and Russia, a story offered to ABC News, a story documented to Sheldon Adelson, the Koch Brothers and Harold Simmons, warning them, a warning they chose to ignore.  They were told they were supporting an organized crime figure, told by unimpeachable sources.

The Smoking Gun Of Obama’s Benghazi Scandal

Reporter Catherine Herridge – The Smoking Gun Of Obama’s Benghazi Scandal

Ecuador Demands Repatriation of 1/3 of Gold Reserves

Friday, 02 November 2012 09:42

'Over the weekend we stated the gold repatriation avalanche had begun with a Netherlands citizens group joining the German Federal Accountability Office in demanding the BOE and NY Fed return their nation’s gold reserves.

We predicted that an avalanche of nations across the West would soon join Germany and Venezuela in attempting to repatriate their tungsten gold reserves from the Fed and the BOE, and it appears that avalanche is picking up momentum as Ecuador, with 26.3 tons of gold reserves, has just demanded the repatriation of one third of their foreign gold holdings ‘to support national growth‘.'

Read more: Ecuador Demands Repatriation of 1/3 of Gold Reserves

Government Think Tank Calls For Infiltrating Conspiracy Websites

'Furious that state involvement in major terror attacks is being exposed to a wider audience than ever before via the Internet, a UK think tank closely affiliated with the Downing Street has called for authorities to infiltrate conspiracy websites in an effort to “increase trust in the government”.
“A Demos report published today, The Power of Unreason, argues that secrecy surrounding the investigation of events such as the 9/11 New York attacks and the 7/7 bombings in London merely adds weight to unsubstantiated claims that they were “inside jobs,” reports the London Independent.
In other words, the fact that the overwhelming amount of evidence indicates that both 7/7 and 9/11 were “inside jobs” of one form or another, and that huge numbers of people are now aware of this via the increasing influence of the Internet, is hampering efforts to commit more acts of terror, therefore the government needs to change its strategy.'

Read more: Government Think Tank Calls For Infiltrating Conspiracy Websites

Too Pig To Fail

Injustice Facts: Media Control

Are the US presidential elections free and fair?-News Analysis-11-02-2012

Published on Nov 2, 2012 by

Are the US presidential elections free and fair?

With just days to go before the vote: that's a question that many are asking, in a country that preaches democracy.

In a country which US presidents and Vice presidents are elected through an indirect vote, in which citizens cast their ballots for members of what's called an electoral college: Doesn't that make the process undemocratic?

We'll be asking our guests their views on this, and additionally ask them why one state has threatened to prosecute an int. observer group if they entered polling stations.

Quick News - November 2, 2012

Episode #257 – Banksters & Their Attorneys Panicking! $43 Trillion Lawsuit Now Officially In Federal Court & Moving Forward

Visit This Link To See All The New Court Documents of this $43 Trillion Lawsuit..... Source

Thursday November 2, 2012

Sponsored by: Elixir Electronic Cigarettes

Tonight on The Pete Santilli Show Pete takes an in-depth look at the $43 Trillion dollar lawsuit levied against the major banks and their lending partners giving you information you won’t get anywhere else in the Alternative Media.

Listen as Pete takes on the opposing attorney Richard Gotlieb (Chicago), who has petitioned the U.S. District Court in the eastern district of New York to move the case to California and dismiss all the plaintiffs except for the one who is first on the list.

During the interview Mr. Gotlieb looses his composure after Pete schools him with the fact that these banks and lenders have destroyed the lives of millions of people and the global economy.

The Bunker News Break is brought to you by and Susanne Posel.  Susanne is live starting at 8:08 P.M. PT giving you a sneak preview of her latest and best articles on and coverage of the days most important events. In this episode Susanne covered:

A Great Win For The People Of Britian

Published on Nov 1, 2012

Funding for the European Union has sparked a rebellion in the British Parliament.
Prime Minister David Cameron’s own Conservative backbenchers dealt him the worst defeat since he took power in 2010.

Eurosceptic Tories joined forces with the opposition and voted for cutting the UK’s cash flow to Brussels.

Mark Pritchard believes the EU is inefficient and that Britons should get the chance to vote on whether to stay part of it…

Keiser Report: Fraud by Day, Fraud by Night

Published on Nov 1, 2012 by
In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss Chinese investors pouring money into silver, while American investors pour money into bonds 33 times faster than into equities. They also look at the latest updates to the mystery of there being no Chinese gold bars in the GLD vaults and on the fly by day operations at the Federal Reserve Bank. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to John Butler, author of The Golden Revolution and chief investment officer of Amphora Capital, about German gold and a German exit from the euro.

Kauilapele: Posts New Interview With Cobra

11-01-12…”New Cobra Interview by Golden Rule”… “COBRA on the Day of Decision, The Master Plan, and Drake”

I felt this video of an interview with Cobra should be posted. There are many working toward bringing the planet to a state of Higher Consciousness/Ascension. Cobra is one of them. Here is the link containing this video.

GaiaPortal Update November 1, 2012

“Extremes” of Clearing are Expected at this Time

“Extremes” of clearing are expected at this time. Ambiguous energies are present with Gaia and individual Hue-mans as transitions and upgrades are processed.

Gaia relaxes with these transitions as physical adjustments occur in rapid succession.

“2012 fantasies” are dissolved, bringing angst to some. Release of outdated irrelevants is being encouraged. Moment to moment living is the only path to inner peace.