Suzy Star: 82 Years Young and Still Shining Brightly – The Light Agenda, Presented by Stephen Cook
Wednesday, July 186pm (PDT, USA) / 9pm (EDT)
Remember: If you can’t tune in at this time you can listen at ANY time that’s convenient to you, once the show has gone to air. Just click on this same link.
And boy, are we going to cover some ground – from her current full-time work as a ‘”retiree” creating 250 Creative Communities worldwide, to her incredible life story as a mother of five, punctuated by incidents and emotions few of us should ever face in the one lifetime.
It’s a lightworker story you are going to want to hear.
And, in what could well be a world first, we’re even going to be talking extra-terrestrial sex – and orgasms, too. Yes, you read that right: ET orgasms!
In what may well prove to be the most candid interview I’ve done on The Light Agenda to date, the woman born Suzy Ellen Villines in Oklahoma in 1930, will touch your soul on every level.
Suzy will delight and confound you with her personal light agenda: her childhood growing up as an Andromedan in a human body; her mother’s controlling demeanour juxtaposed with her father’s warmth; her three marriages; her life as a single mother of five and her many diverse and surprising career changes.
Suzy came into this world as a little blonde angel and seems to have since lived about nine lives in one.
If you ask me, she’s experienced or endured just about everything a human can – and she is still shining brightly and spreading her personal light and love throughout the world.
But she says this is all because she had to learn to live a life as a human and have a truly ‘human’ experience.
She’s also died – and come back to life. And she’s also had some very exciting ET experiences; and I mean sexually exciting.
So, yes, we’re going to be talking stuff she’s never talked about publicly before! In fact, maybe no one has.
We’re also going to hear about the dance halls of the 40s and 50s; drugs and the free-lovin’ 60s and the real estate driven 70s and 80s.
Now while some of that above may sound a bit shocking, I can tell you it is all part of this remarkable woman’s life: she can certainly tell us all a thing or two about really living!
She’s also hoping that our interview will allow her own children and even her grandchildren to hear her life story – and hopefully learn even more about her and her mission. I think she’s right there – and we talk about managing five kids and the fun things they would do together.
Plus Ascension and what lies ahead. And we are going to have a laugh or two!
Suzy Star is inspiring, alluring, amazing, outrageous, courageous and captivating – all at once. And she speaks with such open honesty and love – that you will fall in love with her, too.
And that’s just what her mission in this lifetime is. To bring love.
PLUS – You”ll have a whole new understanding of a song The Sound of Music star Julie Andrews and Barbra Streisand have both recorded – but which Julie does best, according to Suzy.
You can find out more about Suzy and her Creative Communities at
And if you’re wondering about the photo at the top - yes, it’s Suzy’s current driver’s licence pic and the most current one she has!
Tune in to Suzy Star – 82 Years Young and Still Shining Brightly – on The Light Agenda on InLight Radio Wednesday this week.