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I’m delighted to report that American Kabuki, the man who helped us all keep track of the mass banking resignations earlier this year – and who just this week tipped that $83 trillion of gold is about to be released to the abundance program – will make his radio interview debut on The Light Agenda this week.
Most of us only know American Kabuki from his blogspot – http://americankabuki.blogspot.com. The now-influential blog was only launched in February this year and takes its name from his chosen online pseudonym.
It’s a name he has used simply to protect the privacy of his family. The man himself is an open book – and , yes, you’ll hear his real voice! – as we find out a whole lot more about him, including why he chose that particular moniker, when he chats with me about his life – and his death. Seriously.
In a far-ranging interview, we find out that American Kabuki is, not surprisingly, American and grew up in a family of six kids; his father would talk about the UFOs he’d seen flying during the war; his mother’s cousin broke the land speed record; and that at the age of nine, when camping in the desert with his father as part of a group of 30 kids and parents, he experienced his first ‘cowboy’ angel; an angel who may have saved the whole group from dehydrating and possibly dying in the heat.
He also suffered terrible asthma and a dog mauling as a young boy; only to be healed, instantly – twice – by a minister of the church. And it is that same church which had a such major impact on his life – and for way longer…
From the age of five, American Kabuki was an integral part of the World Wide Church of God, led by former advertising guru Herbert W. Armstrong, which his father had joined. The church soon had control over many of the family’s regular activities – from the food they ate, to what they drank and where a percentage of their weekly income went.
The Worldwide Church of God and its doctrines, meanwhile, retained American’s Kabuki’s devotion for 35 years. Yet it was his IT knowledge and worldly experiences, combined with what he was seeing and hearing within his church, that led him to uncover a mass of untruths about the church during the 1990s. Including the fact that his church had an annual income of over $300 million a year!
His disillusionment with the church – and his IT know-how – led him to setting up and running what was, albeit, a very archaic, early version (it was the 1990s, after all) of an email database and online chat room. But it was one that was highly effective, as during the late 1990s, he and a couple of others helped over 50,000 people come to terms with the church he had by then left – or leave themselves. Most joined him and left.
Since then, American Kabuki has enjoyed what he describes as a continuous and wonderful awakening.
But he has also endured incredible physical hardship. In 2007, he contracted an illness which, in early 2009, saw him die. He tells me what happened during his death and how, once he was eventually brought back to life, his life changed even further.
Which is also why he also embarked on his goal this year to share his knowledge of what’s going on, globally, behind the scenes. And how he now also uses his vast network of “insiders” among friends, family, former church members and work colleagues from various countries to gather info for the blog, which continues to expand in its scope and reach
American Kabuki also talks about his new mission and what he feels lies just ahead for all of us.
PLUS – You”ll learn why a haunting song from a ‘kooky lady’ from Iceland has had such a ‘loving’ effect on him.
Separate to the interview: American Kabuki recommends anyone who is interested in more about his former church heads to this site. : http://hwarmstrong.com/ He also acknowledges his former colleague “James” for assisting former Worldwide Church of God members. He also suggests people watch the movie “Paradise Recovered”.
Tune in to American Kabuki’s first ever radio interview on The Light Agenda on InLight Radio Wednesday this week.