JP Morgan Chase Is Biggest Campaign Contributor to the Senator Who’s Chairing the Investigation of JP Morgan Chase
Tuesday, 22 May 2012 10:25
'Holding your breath about the fallout from J. P.
Morgan Chase’s derivatives losses? Yesterday, if you believed Politico,
you could exhale. Senate Banking Committee Chair Tim Johnson of South
Dakota announced his panel would call JP Morgan Chase Chair Jamie Dimon
to testify.
It’s good that the watchdog is barking, but we’d all
better watch closely to see if it will bite. Here’s what Politico didn’t
tell you. Political Money Line’s tabulations of PAC contributions show
that securities and financial firms have given more money to Johnson
than any other sector in the last three election cycles. In the current
cycle, for example, almost two thirds of his $361, 582 in PAC money
comes from such firms.'