TOLEC: Migration Story of Dakote People to Planet Earth
This is the migration story of the People of planet Dakote from the Taygeta star system in the Pleiades, approximately 100,000 years ago, to the planet Earth. It is the story of their arrival on Earth, they story of who they interacted with & why, who they helped, what their contributions were... and what their lives were like. It is also the story of their own journey some 50,000 years later to Grandmother Turtle Island... evolving into the Dakota, Lakota & Nakota People. This is our origin & heritage story. Wodakota mi sunkas, tanksis & kodas. Wodakota. Mitakyue Oyasin. note: story originally handed down by: Tanka Wheneh, Star Elder, Star Ambassador of planet Dakote & the Andromeda Council.
Tolec Audio Conversation - January 26, 2012
The focus of this 2nd hour segment was on the intent & outcome of positive thinking, why faster manifestation is happening at this time, the effects of increasing fourth 4D dimensional energy, the value of forming new regional councils & a new Joint Earth Council, as a new dimensional Earth comes into being.