Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wes Annac Channels The Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa: “Glimpsing Heaven and Ascension Cycles” (10-13)

The Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa: “Glimpsing Heaven and Ascension Cycles”

 -Channeled by Wes Annac-

We would like you to bring your attention fully to our immediate presence around you. We have felt the need of so many dear Lightworkers on Earth to be in communication with us, and we can say that for the most part we are with you even when you can’t feel us. We stay with you during troubling times if you wish us to, and we are sometimes that calming voice in your mind gently letting you know that everything is ok. Yes we have made dramatic appearances in your skies showing you all that we indeed exist and we are with you, but our immediate presence around you, when tapped into by you is so much more real. We wish to comfort you in your times of sorrow, we wish to show you the miracles you are returning to, we wish to let you know that despite what you experience on earth, Life is truly wonderful and is meant to be enjoyed.

If you only had a glimpse of the heaven that awaits you, you would go about your daily Lives on Earth with appreciation of the experience you find yourselves having. If you could truly realize and feel that after this Life you are heading to your ultimate happiness, you ultimate dream, then you would come to appreciate your earthly experiences more than many of you do today. Realizing you are living inside of a hologram and that reality is so much better than what you are experiencing, makes you begin to appreciate the illusion you find yourselves in. It would make Life so much easier for you fully knowing that Heaven is where you are going after these difficult lessons in duality.
We are currently busier than ever, doing everything we can from our various positions to ensure that our Resumed Contact with you is both safe and soon. We understand and accept your problems with the word soon and all it implies, but from our perspective it seems that events have truly led to the desired events that will initiate disclosure by your media. We are in negotiation with the cabal now more than ever, or should we say the remnants of the cabal who have themselves not yet fled. There are the headstrong few still proclaiming ownership of your world and your Lives, but even these last few know deep down that they are done for. We are able to have access to their thoughts and emotions, and we can see past the hard shell they put up, and past this shell is fear. They are so deeply afraid of what is going to happen to them, and they now find themselves in a strange and new position.

Where for thousands of years these dark souls have claimed reign over you and took away so many of your freedoms, branding you peasants and lower citizens of which they are the rulers, these souls are now finding themselves fearing you all immensely. They truly never thought or even considered that anybody in the United States would begin standing up for themselves again like they did in the 1960’s. They thought they had pretty much taken care of that problem by tightening up on drug laws and taking out any influential person of those times. We have told them repeatedly that protests were going to erupt all over the world, and now they are seeing this in manifestation. Where they used to feel invincible, they now feel fearful of the consequences of their actions. Many of them are learning that a big ego and a fancy suit simply aren’t enough to fill the void they haven’t even realized they had.

Greetings to all! I AM SanJAsKa of the Pleiadian Council of Nine. I greet you with Love on this, the beginning of the seventh day of your Mayan calendar. Many on your internet have spoken of this calendar, and sadly few actually know enough about it to know that many miracles are planned for the remaining months of this year. Your Mayans were tracking many ancient cycles, cycles that flowed through time and repeated themselves based on a divine evolution plan. This was planned out by the supreme Creator of this universe, and it is an evolution cycle that is followed promptly by nearly every planet in this universe. Being spiritually advanced and having the many tools, not to mention assistance from us, your ancient Mayan civilization was able to track the cycles, most importantly the cycle you are currently in that is to come to an end at the end of this calendar month October.
As always, we would recommend one not tie oneself down to dates too much, but the end of your cycle of evolution is indeed approaching rapidly. What this means is that the Divine is not waiting any longer. One of our concerns with your ascension has been that the more magical and noticeable parts of it were going to kick in before we had a chance to arrive openly, which would leave all of humanity with many questions and much confusion. The end of this calendar year is to see many miracles manifesting, miracles that are at present outside your understanding. This has been the main reason we need to arrive sooner rather than later, so we can begin educating you all on these coming miracles. We are lucky to have many on Earth apart of our ground crew now, so if the worst case scenario occurs and we are not able to be with you before the Cities of Light start appearing, there will be many learned souls who will be able to help humanity understand exactly what is going on.

Obviously if the many miracles started manifesting before we ‘officially’ arrived, you can bet that public demands for insight and truth would lead us to your doorsteps quite soon after. We have expressed endlessly to the dark the need for us to arrive before the end of this year, and we know their typical response will be to do everything in their power to stop that from occurring. At this point many of them do not even understand what they are fighting for, as it is clear the Light is the ‘better’ and more reasonable force to be guiding the majority of humanity. The most difficult task we will be assigned with when we arrive will be explaining everything to all of humanity, and this is where our ground crew members and starseeds come in. Many of you have taken somewhat influential roles on your internet or elsewhere, and we intend to have you help us if such is your intent. Just by the sheer excitement of all of you who are reading this message right now, we can tell that most of you will want to be working with us. We will have you use your vast knowledge to educate those around you about what is going on.

Dear Lightworkers, there is a reason that so many of you were seemingly ‘dropped’ in lower density areas where you feel alone in your beliefs. Indeed, we have felt the loneliness of some of you in that you don’t have anyone to share your truths on Life with, but just know that all of you are where you are for a Divine purpose. We will need you to be one of many souls who are advanced in their own respects on Earth, who can educate those unaware of all of the new miracles taking place. Much, much more is to be manifesting besides us and our starships, many etheric wonders await your world that are at present quite difficult for you to imagine.

I AM SanJAsKa of the Pleiadian Council of Nine, and together with the Pleiadian High Council wish you to know that the Divine energies you are absorbing are to carry you on a golden ray of Light directly to us and to your spiritual guides. We are waiting with open arms to receive your presence, and we excitedly look forward to re-igniting the flame of our closeness.

Thank you to SanJAsKa, the Pleiadian Council of Nine and the Pleiadian High Council.