Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dinar Intel - Peoples Talk Radio - 10-19-11

PTR Call Wedn. 1pm (ET) CC 10/19/2011;0NTIzNzc4NTk=1


Play Back #  760-569-7699       Code 479255#

PTR Call Notes Wedn. 1pm (ET) CC 10/19/2011
HIGHLIGHTS-    TONY states - things are happening now---it wasn't working due to the volume--they are not fitting in at one time so they decreased down to 90 baskets…waiting for this one key country now...and they may have to push it without them…this one country may not be in there....some you can’t pull out of the combo…there are a couple maybe 1 country that their code that couldn’t be processed…IT IS NOT about Iraq anymore...code has to be accepted that hasn't processed which has held it up...and they have been removing countries not ready and put in the ones who are ready…My contention is HCL ERBIL is done, just not published in Gazette. The day this goes through you will see itall…TONY states it was attempted and one country that I know has not met the criteria a KEY ONE that is presenting a problem at this moment and they are working through it to get this problem fixed today –   

BEGINNING OF CALL: DAN states they have talked with folks from the Land of the Sand today – Paul is overseas and will be a guest today.  Dan says tony you know everything I know...Dr. Todd, Gary has news articles, which I’m not a big fan of

TONY states that I know what Dr. Todd said. I think what I've heard fits in perfect…I didn't get to talk with Paul and wanted to start with his on the ground
PAUL states that the IQD is the same value as one US Dollar – was not getting too excited due to language barrier but would bring in come new currency tomorrow – and I believe the RV when it takes place it will be higher and we will see what happens tomorrow and TONY says this fits what I am hearing…

TONY states these are the contractors coming to the base from the city. Paul States They are about the same they are shy about giving Intel and were told to keep quiet and have been doing that….The are not telling me too much…  Tomorrow he will have currency states Paul..

Dan is questioning the validity of the info...because still able to purchase at the old rate.. there will come a point where the value will become higher than what is over there

PAUL states will be the deal breaker to see it and we can buy currency at the cash cage over here at the same rate- I asked this guy to show me prove to me tomorrow 1 for 1 and we will go from there….I want to see these new bills and I will get excited.

TONY states that he is glad Paul said this info and we know that this can’t happen on bases of the US there but if it happened off bases  - The US installation is US territory. Can't happen on base till it actually happens - I'm going to throw something else in there Paul... explaining how it could be fact for some new currency coming out and if it shows up tomorrow we will have another discussion  - Tony states good things we are hearing from Paul = thanks Paul…

Gary states that things Dr. Todd states that items on the agenda info coming out of the G7 this past weekend  were one item of reviewing the currencies in the baskets and they were expecting a larger number around 150 to be prepared and ready to go and lots have not been able to comply this RV time so now it’s down to around 90 currencies – how long do you wait for the other currencies to be included in the baskets…An issue delaying a lot of the actual triggering of baskets going live…that's why we have all this banking info...looking at the MT527...trilateral agreement...and same agreements going on for other currencies...and at the summit asking how long do we wait…. Dr Todd says they decided they can't wait any longer because of all the critical things going on – he will not project a date – China announced defaults of LOTS of their banks and this has advance a level higher than ever… so waiting will be severe to many countries….and if we don't do something before this month is over it will take a long long time to recover but if they act now it will shorten the recovery - so this is what has been holding it back in the banks right now – Dr. Todd doesn’t believe we will have further delays - Reminded me we have a # of key people stating they have now came up with a solution to economic crisis. Believes it points to this readjustment…Geithner...etc. saying they have a solution for the bank crisis and Iraq due to make a payment to the IMF for the recent loan so payment is due back to IMF from Iraq....all this is coming to a head…does let us know that from all the pieces coming together it is all pointing to that...(RV)   Geithner is really behind this….Dr. Todd says we can see G20 having all elements to stop crisis…Geithner looking at all mistakes being made and what banks did, what accelerated the situation. At the point where he is trying to help us avoid all that. Dr. Todd has respect for the man and his ability to help.. no quick solutions...a lot going on in news.....great articles and statements....

Gary states - LOTS of stuff being put into the Gazette this week….some very interesting articles in Baghdad and the Erbil...sent a doc ...and in it ...confirmation of what we have been saying all along...point ...statement a reminder that Article 53 will be enforce when it is posted in the Gazette and we are seeing a lot of stuff put in the Gazette this week… THE HCL Agreement - Piece of document, Article 53…Pulled up other agreements, says this law shall be enacted as of the date of publication in the official Gazette…English translation of HCL agreement….this law shall be enforced as of publication.....hereby enacted at this point....dated on the first page August 2011….showing that Kurds and Maliki not in agreement and need these laws published and enacted...because we keep getting duped

TONY states that BOA and WF and Chase all posted over 4 billion dollar profit yesterday – that was their quarterly report- they are NOT going down it came from somewhere – when we  look at Geithner saying they had a Euro solution and the IMF says they have a Euro solution to the crisis and they are to present their plan on the 23rd and 24th = can they wait till that date to have the RV?  TO have it that morning ? the IMF gave Iraq a one week loan that ends on Friday then the y are to pay back $5 billion in RVd Dinar it said in the statement…

TONY states it was attempted and one country that I know has not met the criteria a KEY ONE that is presenting a problem at this moment and they are working through it to get this problem fixed today – they are trying now as this loan is coming due…also Pretty sure Chief sent me an article saying HCL posted in Gazette. 

Dan states it’s not true it’s not a fact yet it’s not true.. just like banks saying they are releasing and not happened yet… What we heard from Dr. Todd, when we look at G7 and what came out of that meeting, there's a group of currencies that were going to go off, simultaneously….Even when we talk about 2,3,4 baskets, until they're all done, the 1st won't affect your pocket. Won't attempt until they are all countries/baskets are ready…Everything must be in place, according to Dr. Todd… ALL needs to be ready and if not they will force them all at one time and not this one currency pushing or attempting anything now at all…Gary states appears to be the truth...but they are looking for specific countries which are key to this to be in the baskets…Again DAN states they're not going to push a currency ahead of others and see what happens. All will go at once….Banks are speculators like ourselves, waiting for it to all go through….GARY states most of banks being told we are really close...and not all banks looking to exchange all the currencies...they are only looking for the few that they will be dealing with…DAN States - believe we are waiting on the whole thing and in the background ALL are not ready so none of them can go

TONY states you saying they are not going to do any if all are not ready?

Gary States the decision has been made to move forward regardless if the other countries r ready or not is the new info…the decision has been made to move forward at the G7...not going to wait any longer for those currencies that aren't ready

DAN states .believe the banks are seeing it but don't think they know what they are looking at.. 
TONY states but they do know what they are seeing...all the currencies getting ready to go…what the banks are seeing is right....4-5 baskets.....DAN States They are going to have to force it because someone has dropped the ball. Frustrating, maybe banks didn't realize all these currencies were involved.

TONY states Gary and I are saying the same thing…Dr. Todd said they decided to reduce from 153 down to 90. Will go w/out those countries?...GARY states they’ve reduced it from 153 to 90…no they have decided not to wait for those currencies that aren’t not ready…Dan states This is where people on our calls frustrate me as well. We ALL hear what we hear. They have decided now to push forward, although they have been waiting. Now it may take place because they have to push. Some will go regardless, some will be left behind….

TONY states the banks have been trying to do down from 150 then down to 135 and now down to 90 and are trying that now and it didn’t work even at 90 to go through so they are trying to push this through…DAN states he banks have been trying to do down to 90 and r trying that now…now they are ready to push it thru...and BOA is about to go under... Buffet put in many millions….

TONY states they are trying to do this today – the Chinese Yen went up 22 points and it’s all over their TV and newspapers and went outside the baskets and went up today by themselves – SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN one way or another t- for then to just wake up this morning and go up – then they didn’t want to do this and they did this…China has been fighting to not go up at all. Somebody forced someone's hand. China not too happy. Something will happen one way or another!  TONY States  they are trying to do something, wasn't working with so many countries.

TONY states - things are happening now---it won’t working due to the volume--they are not fitting in at one time so they decreased down to 90 baskets…waiting for this one key country now...and they may have to push it without them…this one country may not be in there....some you can’t pull out of the combo…

DAN states Let’s say there's 97 countries. It won't work. They will have to FORCE some that aren't ready… w/o their participation, there will be no RV. Have decided to force the issue. Huge statement…according to what we are hearing from the treasury…No moving forward with the exact amount of countries they have today. Certain amount of hierarchy coming into play….there are things that must be done and until they are completed we won't see the HCL  etc...there is more to be done and it could be done this hour...we are sure hoping

CALLER  407....2 days ago on phoenix's call the agreement with US and Iraq had been implemented and Kurds going back to Baghdad and Biden going there on thurs to resolve this strategic agreement...any info on that? 

TONY states No info on that. Saw the same thing Biden there Thurs….

CALLER states is this a part of pushing the RV thru right?  

TONY States - guys that has NOTHING to do with the is in PROCESS NOW!!! .the treasury sent packets to the bank already...RV being tried at the we are not still waiting ...the GOV is just being the GOV they will always have things to do How could they make an announcement last week Geithner saying currencies will reset next week, IMF solution to problem. How could they say that if they still have 20 more meetings to hold?   Geithner said currencies being reset...last doesn’t make is DONE...waiting for the final piece....there are a couple maybe 1 country that their code that couldn’t be processed…IT IS NOT about Iraq anymore...code has to be accepted that hasn't processed which has held it up...and they have been removing countries not ready and put in the ones who are ready…My contention is HCL ERBIL is done, just not published in Gazette. The day this goes through you will see it all…

DAN states hard for me not to go into a debate and not wanting to do that today...we are just tired so when you ask that question it hits a nerve…there are a lot of stuff being put together at the same time...negotiated and adjusted down the road…so hearing that it is supposed to happen any day because I’m hearing things that have to be done…bankers have been speculators in my view….Speculators saying 'we believe possibly'. Engine is not in the car yet….Paris Debt Treaty. Lots of countries involved, they want gratification….a lot of things here… HCL ERBIL etc....Paris debt treaty etc.  HCL explains where the dividends are going to go to...etc…banks leave out an important part of what is going on in the laws and  GOV…agree with Tony that all is going to happen at the same time but we are hearing there are some contention over there over certain things…

TONY states that’s not what I’m saying, they’ve already got GOV approval to do the RV …. saying they already have the go ahead politically to do the RV and all that stuff is just other GOV. stuff…..Dan States I get frustrated when people call the dates and it never happens. Bankers and other people. Obviously they don't know…

CALLER asks .. Tuesday you talked about Monday that if we had been paying attention, many have, most of us, feel like we know what you're taking about. Said after it happens, I won't be talking about it. What does that mean… TONY states I can tell you that I've been made aware of some different scenarios for the RV to take place. Will happen for a reason. If you paid attention, will work for you. Can't talk about it. Being done this way for a reason….I have been made aware of some scenarios how the RV will take place---yesterday confirmation again....I hope u will remember…

CALLER asks - At some point in the future, could you talk about it?

TONY states I'll know which plan it is by the way it comes out. It’s all happening for a reason. That's why I'm saying......If I say, the plan will be changed…it’s all for a reason


DAN States Reinstated will not be at 3.22 to 3.40 range. Not a real number. If they are going to come out to benefit themselves needs to be as low as possible …smartest thing is to come out RI...comes out at RI, they will come out as low as possible.... RI would be 2.20-2.40…If they reinstate where it really was, that’s before Saddam changed it, somewhere in the $2 range….Real possibility of reinstatement pre-Saddam. Lots will take some of that cheese….still won't go up much over what Kuwait is...but if you wait for the "cheese factory" you might wait too long if the USD goes up.. Next piece to come out will be revaluation. See currency go up, but not over a certain point, a little bit > than Kuwait. If you wait too long and dollar goes up, unless tied to SDR, then US doesn't matter, but you have to watch the value of the whole. If you wait too long, you will lose. Too early, you will definitely lose.

TONY states I will know what’s going on when it comes out. Most people won't. Have to be smart. No one will lose. Just depends on how greedy you are.  DAN states as soon as it comes out we will come on here and state if an RI or an RV… if it is reinstated, you will know and watch the news and watch the $ go up and everything go crazy cause of this new money.. GARY states we will see which plan to follow based on the rate.. a lot more complicated and more scenarios and won't know which scenario till it comes out

TONY discussed that the HCL enacted notice he got desires to see the Gazette Confirmation

CALLER asks - about the global settlement is it tied to that and the Fed reserves?

TONY states - the fed reserve ...even if ...3 weeks ago info about new notes coming out and didn't happen and I was right...didn't believe it... I got a text after the last call that they did put up a lien on the fed. reserve and had copy of doc…Is that true? I don’t know....I haven’t seen the doc.....I can’t see them reissue every notes.. Won't reissue notes on a moment's notice. Might change, but not right now in our economy or our history.

CALLER ASKS - about the global settlements have to be done before the rv?  GARY states Comment from Dr. Todd. Route 80 & 66, both real routes, don't intersect at any point. Believes RV will go through before global settlements or at the same time…they are NOT predicated on each other…

TONY states – HAS an article sent to him just now….HCL is enacted.. KURDS coming to Iraq to finalize loose ends and they are having a final meeting tomorrow the 20th to finish tings- TONY read article from Iraq just now…

CALLER asks Do you really feel by the end of the month or anytime?

TONY states  Yes, I feel it could be anytime. Look at the statement that Shabs said it would be in their salaries by Nov 3rd, Geithner doing presentation, LeGarde doing her presentation, debt crisis salutation, Greece, reset of world currencies… Geithner meeting on the 23 lagarde on the reset the world just don't think they can make those announcements without everything being in place to complete the plan to reset the world economy… TONY states they have a 5 billion dollar loan back on FRIDAY and Dr. Todd has the same info as I do about Iraq paying the IMF back on Friday for that big loan…

TONY states - .hopefully these calls, we cause you to think about what is going on in the world around you…We try to bring you the best info, best explanations what’s going on in the world around you, do enable you to think and make decision…. someone called me yesterday asking what am I going to do when this happens???..You need to figure it out before it comes. Should be writing down what you need to do in numerical order so you won't go crazy…I pray to God how to make your money make money...not how to spend it so you have it forever…This is about to happen. It’s going to happen. Only question is what do you do with it after it happens.

DAN states Life changing thing. Hope people think about that. Have tried to make my money work for me. Take what you have and put it into what you're doing.