Saturday, October 15, 2011

Greg Giles - Posts for October 15, 2011

  Discernment advised with any postings from the Galactic Federation of Light.  The GFL tug our heart strings with some truths but their viewpoint is still coming from the 4th dimensional paradigm. e~
Are You Ready for Your Body’s Return to Perfection?

The Golden Means Ratio or Divine Proportion, depicting man's return to full consciousness
and physical perfection, symbolized by the sacred geometry ratio of circle to square.
(Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci c.1487)      

 The human race as a collective and as a whole has today so much to be incredibly proud of. Although it looked for a time as though our family completely lost sight of our ethics, morals, and compassion for each other, we hung in there, keeping hope alive within our battered hearts that there must be a better way to live our lives and to treat each other. Deep down we believed that if we just tread the rough waters long enough we would one day see land in the distance, guided by a beacon shining from a lighthouse built by a people, just perhaps, we once were.  We all volunteered for this assignment, a cooperative experiment by many evolved worlds within our shared universe. We understood we would be thoroughly tested, dragged to the breaking point of our collective psyche, only to receive enough mercy to wake up the next day and start the battle all over again. But the battle is now over, and the battle has been won. We stand here today in testimony, as survivors, one people, one race, who have beaten the odds and withstood every challenge before us, and we are by no means merely better for the experience. We are to be officially welcomed into the great galactic community of love and light. No longer humans, no longer mere mortals. We are soon to be christened Galactic Humans. A universal, multidimensional being of light.       
 We return home now to the light, with the wisdom of a sage, or wise man atop a peak, but with bodies tired, battered, and bruised, scarred of the years and the lessons hard learned. But do you not remember the promise made to you so long ago? Your gift from the Creator for your efforts here and a job so well done? Only perfection exists in the higher realms, and as your consciousness expands towards perfection and you are lifted up in the arms of the Creator’s love, so too shall your body be returned to its rightful state of perfection.


Mass Media Signals to Galactic Federation they are Ready to Play Ball

Female Sasquatch filmed at Bluff Creek, California
by Roger Patterson in 1967

Earlier this week, several channels of higher intelligences began reporting that mainstream media, which has long been in the control of the dark cabal, would begin to report the true goings on within our world, and even beyond. My Pleiadian guides have also shared this information with me during our last communication. Many may have taken notice of an interesting press release concerning Bigfoot that came on the heels of this Galactic Federation announcement, but may have failed to realize the major significance of this story. It was not a coincidence that one of the greatest mysteries of our time was selected as a sign, a signal to the Galactic Federation and their millions of Earth allies that the media corporations were now willing to ‘play ball’ and end their years of lies, cover-ups, and propaganda.
The Sasquatch and his Himalayan cousin the Yeti, have for many years been a subject the dark cabal has spent much time, energy, and money covering up, as the Sasquatch species has the power to unravel the cabals complete and despicable fabrication of the true origins of humanity. (A recent propaganda documentary airing on the National Geographic channel even featured actors that were paid to falsely claim that the famous Patterson footage was actually one of them in a gorilla suit. No mention, of course, of why they would choose to portray Bigfoot with huge female breasts, or where they were even able to find such a costume.)
What has for so long worried the masters of the dark cabal was the day humanity finally learned that we did not evolve from apes or the caveman as they so wish us to believe, but instead, we are already advanced beings of light who have traveled here from many different star systems within this vast universe. We have had little memory of our universal heritage due to our agreement that we would complete this cycle of duality wearing a veil of ‘forgetfulness’, in light of the catastrophe of Atlantis and the necessity to finish our evolutionary cycle clear of this memory. Many of us today are not only direct descendants of the advanced peoples of Atlantis, but are indeed the very same beings who called Atlantis our home.
It may now become more evident to many just how important this recent press release regarding Bigfoot is, and just how far the implications may reach.