Six different insider sources have confirmed that several spy satellites and computer systems for the Deep State have been blinded… in a stunning attack.
There is widespread agreement among these insider sources that some sort of major, visible action against this genocidal, globalist entity is now impending.
Three of these insider sources are only speaking to us at this time, at least in terms of any public figures they communicate with.
One of these sources is conveying the shared wisdom of five different military “units” of up to eight personnel each.
The code names of the now-disabled satellites are Snow White, Corona and Big Bird, followed by a one or two-digit number.
These covert satellites were apparently the communications backbone of the Cabal / New World Order / Illuminati / Deep State.
This mass shut-down of spy satellites appears to be a move that paves the way for swift actions that the Deep State cannot predict in advance.
This may come in the form of the unsealing of a whopping fifty-one thousand, seven hundred and one sealed indictments, and the arresting of the suspects therein.
Clear evidence also suggests that these perpetrators will be subject to military, not civilian, trials — meaning the proceedings will not drag out over ten or twenty years.
This is something all of us really need to think about and get clear on now, before any future data dumps that may throw us into emotional trauma.
Since the highest-level offenders will likely be prosecuted in DC, this mass event may come to be known as the Washington Trials, in homage to the Nuremberg Trials.
Now that these mass arrests may finally be imminent — after eleven years of reporting on this issue — this may be the most significant article we have written here in quite some time.
Our insider sources have been prognosticating “Mass Arrests” on this website since 2008, as we will delineate. Those same sources are among the groups saying it is now finally imminent.
Prophetic statements that can be audited with time-stamped records show that intuitive data predicting these arrests was coming in as early as 1999.
The Washington Trials may also pave the way for disclosure of classified UFO-related secrets in the aftermath, as our sources have been saying all along.
If this turns out to be true, now would be a good time to make sure you have emergency food and water on hand, as well as extra toilet paper. That is an important point.
There may be a temporary power blackout of up to two weeks in duration, as well as a freeze on travel, as the arrests take place.
Whether you believe this or not, and whether you appreciate the Alliance or not, we must not be blinded to the fact that an event of this size and scope could indeed happen.
Instead of saying this intel is definitely real, we will simply present the information we have gathered to you, and let you draw your own conclusions.
There have certainly been many “false alarms,” but that doesn’t mean these 51,000 indictments are just going to sit on the books indefinitely.
I consider it an emergency that I needed to write this, ASAP, despite being in an area with very bad internet access, if it even works at all. You will see why I feel that way.
If you had multiple clear signs that an event significantly bigger than 9/11 was coming, and you had the public platform to warn people, would you do it?
This article represents my own answer to that question.
On September 11th, 2001, 2,996 people died. Another six thousand people were injured — in an event that rocked the world, and changed our socio-political landscape forever.
Wars were declared on Iraq and Afghanistan, and were fought by a multi-national coalition in Operation Desert Shield.
The USA PATRIOT act choked American freedoms, and US airports filled up with ominous-looking body scanners and invasive TSA pat-downs.
A total of 8,996 lives were irreversibly affected by 9/11, either as direct casualties or injuries.
As of August 31st, 2018, the number of documented sealed indictments within the US court system, based on official records, is up to an astonishing 51,701.
This is not “fake news,” nor a “conspiracy theory.” It is a documented political fact — easily confirmed with government judicial databases.
The normal amount of sealed indictments for any given year is just over 1000.
Many of these indictments may carry the death penalty when they become unsealed. This is not my personal recommendation or desire — it is an inference from the available intel.
Q Anon has now indicated that these cases will be prosecuted by military tribunals and court martials, not civilian courts.
The scope of many of the crimes that will be exposed will be utterly sickening to people.
There will be stories about the suppression of free speech, social media manipulation and the deliberate writing of “fake news,” but that’s nothing.
Some stories will be horrific enough that they will likely go way beyond the minimum legal requirements for capital punishment.
Amendments were passed to the Manual for Military Courts-Martial in 2018 that make this possible, among other legal maneuvers.
Corey Goode’s trusted insiders also reported last week that military courts were being formed, and would work in conjunction with the Department of Justice and Attorney Generals at the state level.