‘IT’S SICK’ Sinister ‘child sex trafficking camp’ with ‘underground jail for kids’, ‘rape tree’ and name ‘Maddie’ etched into tree A group of ex-servicemen on patrol to help the homeless outside Tucson, Arizona believe they have uncovered an abandoned camp used to imprison and rape kids
Continue Reading at .... https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6451966/sinister-child-sex-trafficking-camp-with-underground-jail-for-kids-rape-tree-and-name-maddie-etched-into-tree/
Newest Report on The Tuscan Child Sex Trafficking Camp by SGT Report
Of course there’s a #Pizzagate 2.0. Of course there is. If you have been a victim of trafficking or have suspicions of actual trafficking, please reach out to the National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888. https://t.co/6IpshzA8Vv— Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) June 6, 2018
-Y did your dad free Laura Silsby who kidnapped 33 kids to traffic?— LIZ ThesePeopleRSick (@LizCrokin) June 6, 2018
-Y did your dad go to serial child rapist's Jeff Epstein's island over 25x where kids were trafficked?
-Y hasn't your mom denied Cathy O'Brien's claims she molested her?#Pizzagate is REAL, here comes the PAIN! https://t.co/8FlrcEDRcB
Info On Tuscan Child Trafficking Standoff
Veterans on Patrol Uncover #ChildTrafficking Network in #Tucson! #OperationBackyardBrawl #WhereAreTheChildren
Continue Reading at .... https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/06/03/veterans-on-patrol-uncover-childtrafficking-network-in-tuscon-operationbackyardbrawl-wherearethechildren/