On The GoldFish Report No. 225- Louisa begins with commenting on the recent division in the alt. media concerning Q, Corsi, AJ, Cobra and others and encourages people not to allow this to divide We the Peeps, and continues to decipher and summarize the latest Q Anon posts and the blackmail extortion plot of the Iranians. The Fetz presents the latest news about the U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem that happened today, the released hostages from North Korea, The Iran Deal and the trade issues associated with it, U.S. Sanctions on Iran and its consequences, China's new train route to Iran, U.S Smart Bomb sale to Saudi's, Israel's vow to eliminate Assad for allowing Iran to operate from there, BiBi insulting Shinzo Abe, Mueller probe, Clinton emails, update of false flag news and much more. You Don't want to miss this report! The Red Pills keep coming in this Great Awakening! To learn more about Jim Fetzer's research, books and articles, visit www.jamesfetzer.blogspot.com. Google 'Nobody Died at Sandy Hook' to find a free DVD of the facts. To receive our Reports you can subscribe to our BITCHUTE Channel at https://www.bitchute.com/profile/qrAL... and to become a Patron of The GoldFish Report you can go to our Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/user?u=10007100 . You can also subscribe to our "NEW" YouTube channel at, and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO-A..., follow us on Twitter at @ReportGoldfish, www.thegoldfishreport.wordpress.com you can also follow us and like us on our 24/7 research news page at www.facebook.com/thegoldfishreport and to help support these and other programs please visit www.thegoldfishreport.com to make a donation. Thank you for your support and Thank you for viewing.
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