(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)
All sources have been told to stay quiet as the Alliance finishes wrapping things up.
The Cabal have 3 states in which they operate out of.
Washington D.C. (Military)
London (Financial)
Vatican (Spiritual)
Over the years, the Alliance have successfully infiltrated the states and their ranks.
Washington D.C. now belongs to the Alliance under Trump. The Deep State/Shadow Government is being exposed.
Operations in taking London is nearing completion. The Royal Family's bank accounts have been frozen.
The Vatican is being exposed of their Satanic rituals and pedophilia.
Over 8000 Cabal individuals involved in shadow banking have been taken out/apprehended by Alliance Ghost Operators.
The Cabal's world or the "real world" as they like to call it is collapsing before their very eyes.
This is our world, not yours, it never was.
The RV release is now underway.
Source: Operation Disclosure