Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now

Even though things may still appear fairly quiet to the casual observer, multiple independent sources are now saying major, visible moves against the Deep State are imminent.
This is not necessarily going to appear as the “Mass Arrests” scenario we had prognosticated before. However, we may well see high-profile arrests and new data dumps soon enough.
No one can deny there are over 24,500 sealed criminal indictments on the books right now in the US — an all-time high.
My friend David Seaman had his entire identity deleted off of YouTube and social media, only to return with stunning confidence — and new, direct intel about the arrests that are pending.
Alex Jones has a Lockheed Skunk Works insider named Zach who is claiming we are on the verge of disclosure events that could transform us into a multi-planetary society.
Unimaginable evil is being systematically exposed and rooted out. We have been talking about this for years and it is finally happening.
Our own immediate insiders have experienced significant, ongoing threat. The obvious and extreme nature of these attacks again suggests desperation is occurring.
We are not backing down. We have public appearances scheduled for New Living Expo April 27-29, Contact in the Desert June 1-4, our Colorado Ascension Portal all-weekend event July 27-29, and others.
Once you understand the “shadow war” now reaching its crescendo, seemingly confusing and upsetting political events can take on dramatic new levels of meaning.
The payoff we will get if the Alliance succeeds in its campaign against the Deep State is almost beyond imagination.
[If you are new to this, we will define the Alliance a bit later on. A majority of the US military / intel community now supports Disclosure.]
As you may know, I have direct access to insiders who share very unique and compelling insights into the revolution now transpiring in our world.
As a result, we know that the Deep State has been hiding an astonishing wealth of ancient extraterrestrial ruins, crashed technologies, recovered bodies and reverse-engineered interstellar craft.
They also have ongoing, direct relationships with multiple intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations.
The scope and power of what lies hidden in these various underground vaults could literally transform us into the Star Trek age overnight.