Saturday, February 3, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: Secrets at the South Pole - Season 9, Episode 10

David: Are you familiar with there being any plan to reveal ancient ruins under the ice in Antarctica, but not spacecraft at first or anything more modern, as part of a gradual disclosure agenda?
Emery: They already started that. So they're saying there's something down there, a big void, just like they did in Egypt now. There's a big void underneath the pyramids there.

We have a very, very large city that's there.

David: In Egypt?

Emery: In Egypt, under the pyramids, about a mile high dome.

David: Really?

Emery: Yes, it's very large.

So this is the same thing that's going on in Antarctica.

So they're slowly saying, “Wow, through satellite imagery with special ground-penetrating radar, certain scientists from . . .”, which have nothing to do with trying to find bases, by the way – more like trying to find oil reservoirs and gold – have stumbled upon these giant voids. So you're going to start hearing about this.

These voids are the ancient cities. You know, these are the ones that have been here for a very long time. This is right up your alley with all the stuff that you talk about.

And there has been great camera footage taken from an archaeologist that we know. And we have seen this footage. And it is compelling because the camera they snake down under the pyramid to see this, when it first was discovered, which I cannot disclose, was just fascinating.

David: Hm!

Emery: So the same thing is going on in Antarctica now is: how are we going to disclose this and clean up all the artifacts down there, which will really mess up the story of how we got here . . .
David: Right.

Emery: . . . kind of like Mars and the Moon and everything else. And it's right here on this planet.

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