As information continues to emerge confirming that there was a ballistic missile attack against Hawaii that was intercepted on January 13, the investigation begins to shift from what happened, to who was responsible. In this article, I analyze various sources describing the attack, and identify the mysterious naval force that was most likely responsible for launching the ballistic missile, which presumably was nuclear armed.
In my January 17 article, I listed three alternative news sites referring to sources that all said that a ballistic missile was launched against Hawaii by a stealth submarine. The alternative news sources were radio host Dr. Dave Janda, Operation Disclosure (RV/Intelligence Alert), and the Public Intelligence Blog. The Operation Disclosure and Public Intelligence blog sites point to an Israeli submarine as responsible, while Dr. Janda said it was a submarine belonging to a rogue Chinese Navy faction.
Further corroboration for the ballistic missile attack explanation comes from former Forbes Magazine writer, Benjamin Fulford, who says that according to his insider sources, there was a submarine based attack:
sign of this extreme tension came last week when “a missile from a
cabal submarine was stopped from hitting Hawaii and the submarine was
sunk,” Pentagon sources say. Media outlets around the world have
reported that Hawaiian residents all received the following warning on
IMMEDIATE SHELTER, THIS IS NOT A DRILL,” but later this was reported to
be a false alarm. It was not—it was an attempt by “the cabal” to blame
the attack on North Korea and use it as a trigger for their long-desired
World War III, CIA sources say.