David: Yes. Now, it seems with a lot of the insiders I've spoken to, that once we dig into their life before the military, that there was something going on before they ever even went in.
And I'm curious: have you had unusual experiences prior to military service that you think may be relevant to share with us today?
Emery: Absolutely. It's personal, but I can tell you right off hand that my grandfather was in the Army, and my father was in the Navy, but when I was born, he was already out of the Navy. And I always wanted to be in the military.
I think I had my first extraterrestrial visit in 1979.
David: Hm.
Emery: And it was at our five acre farm in Fort Myers, Florida. And that was the first contact I ever had, and it was a very pleasant contact. I'll never forget it.
I was not contacted after until 19 . . . between . . . around 1999, '98, where it was like a complete landing and . . . That one was a little bit startling because I was camping out and wasn't ready for it, because it startled me at night because I had just laid down, and I heard some footsteps walking up.
So that turned out . . . That was like the two experiences. The other one's after the military, by the way, but it was just a little bit shocking. But the first one was when I was very young.
But after that, I was obsessed with, of course, laying under the stars. I probably slept more outside of my house than I did inside the house, gazing up at the stars.