Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Military Tribunals Coming For Deep State and Cabal Agents - Tom Heneghan

Tom Heneghan, Stew Webb and Leo Wanta go over the latest information form their sources.  Some of the topics covered are

Military Tribunals will be used against the deep state.  It's the only way people can be prosecuted for treason and terrorism against the Republic.  Put it another way, if military tribunals are not used this country will die from the swamp!

Clinton, Mueller, Rosenstein and McCabe are all tied up its the Uranium One treason.

Obama has turned on the Clintons and so has Donna Brazille

NBC now identified as a terrorist organization

Newt Gingrich goes on Sean Hannity pretending to be against the swamp but was Newt and the RINOs were the ones that prevented the Juanita Broaderick testimony from being used in the Bill Clinton impeachment thus protecting Bill Clinton for H.W. Bush!

Mark Taylor - Military Tribunals Coming for the Wicked!

Source: Join Project Nsearch for all stories and help destroy us the fake news!

#QAnon Update - QAnon Divulges Critical Info Via Q&A

Thanks to State Of The Nation Blog

Q Anon Divulges Critical Info Via Q&A

By Q Anon

BREAKING: Deep State Attacks Q Anon with Nazi Smear Campaign, Fake Q Postings, And Mega Anon on Q Anon

by Justin Deschamps,

An alleged insider going by the moniker Q, also known as Q Anon, appeared on the messaging board service 4Chan several weeks ago. They posted very cryptic messages that took the alternative media by storm, with some analysts concluding that this individual, or perhaps group of individuals, was using 4Chan to disseminate important information related to a covert cold war raging within the Shadow Government or Deep State, a seeming unprecedented effort to "drain the swamp." As of November 25th, Q Anon has not posted anything new to these message boards. However, Roy Potter, a YouTuber, exposed a smear campaign targeting Q Anon, wherein a fake Q appeared on 4Chan using Nazi symbols. This appears to be an attempt to paint Q as a Nazi, which could then be used by the mainstream media to trigger the throngs of unthinking masses to dismiss everything Q has brought forward to date.

Authentic Q posts use a specific tripcode that looks like this "Q !ITPb.qbhqo"—which is the same code used by the fake Q poster.

Image Source

Notice that the first trip code is Q!lTPb.qbhqo, which doesn't match the authentic tripcode of  "Q !ITPb.qbhqo"

Mega Anon is another 4Chan poster who said recently that she suspects the insider Q was a team of interns and that "he" will never return to 4Chan.

Ground Crew Command Radio: Planetary Clearing Report & Possible Antarctica Build-Up

This Week on Ground Crew Command Radio: Planetary Clearing Report (yes, it was nasty). Possible Antarctica Build-Up + More.

This week’s show on Ground Crew Command Radio will begin with a planetary clearing report on a horrible attack on seemingly the entire surface population, not only Lightworkers. The symptoms (result) of this attack have been unstoppable (seemingly unavoidable) and constant verbal arguments between people … With tempers, emotions & relationships being frayed or ruined completely.

Now this gets extremely serious if this attack was on White Hat members within the military & agencies carrying out the physical takedown of the Cabal.

Not good …

This was a massive attack …

These reports of people fighting have been all over FB since about Saturday & certainly from Sunday onwards. One friend in Europe told us that professors at her University started fighting too.

I was not immune to this … I kept on clearing entities throughout Sunday & Monday morning (when I had yet again another upset with a family member), sat down … started clearing entities again … and only then I finally received the message about what it was.

Luke Rudkowski's Weekly Update - The Truth Behind Matt Lauer and Joe Scarborough's Dead Intern Exposed by Donald Trump

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Matt Lauer of the Today Show on NBC, Donald Trump tweeting about Joe Scarborough of MSNBC intern, bitcoin btc prices going up dramatically, more news on Korea and a lot of other news happening all around the world


President Trump hints Joe Scarborough should be investigated for murder over intern's 2001 death

President Trump on Wednesday hinted that Joe Scarborough should be investigated for murder, tweeting about an “unsolved mystery” in the MSNBC host’s past.

The cryptic tweet from the commander-in-chief appeared to call for an investigation into the 2001 death of intern Lori Klausutis, a 28-year-old office staffer who worked for Scarborough when he was a GOP representative from Florida.

Klausutis was found dead in Scarborough’s district office.

Her death was ruled an accident that was chalked up to an undiagnosed heart condition, which caused her to lose consciousness and hit her head on a desk.

Scarborough was never a suspect in the investigation into Klausutis’ death.

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Fmr Clinton Foundation Exec Tied to Int’l Group Accused of Mass Drugging & Molesting Kids

Foundation Executive

By Jack Burns - November 27, 2017

China has been rocked with an international scandal involving a publicly traded educational institution and its site-based kindergarten, which is accused of acting as a breeding ground for pedophilia. Now, it seems, a former Clinton Foundation executive has ties to the RYB Education New World system of schools, which are being accused of drugging and sexually assaulting young children.

The RYB Education New World system of schools is a publicly traded company within the United States on the NYSE. Upon news of the horrifying criminal allegations, the stock abruptly dropped nearly 40 percent.
“A parent, who refused to give her name, said some children were told to take two pills each after lunch. She said it was uncertain whether her child had been sexually assaulted, as her three-year-old was ‘too little’ to give account of what had taken place.”
The investigation started four days ago when it was reported that several children at the school were being drugged so that adults could take advantage of them sexually. According to one Chinese source:
“Preschool children at the RYB Education New World kindergarten in Chaoyang District were reportedly sexually molested, pierced by needles and given unidentified pills.”
Joel Getz was at one time an independent Director at RYB Education. He also served as the Director of Development for the Clinton Foundation. RYB Education is the parent company of the Beijing kindergarten where the alleged assaults took place. The abuse came to light when concerned parents began discussing similar stories among themselves online and later carried their concerns to police who promptly opened an investigation.

Furious parents gathered over the weekend in front of the RYB headquarters and demanded answers.

Parents were able to identify precisely which in class the assaults were allegedly taking place. A foreign teacher, along with four teachers were also reportedly present in the bilingual classroom. Even though the school remained open through the weekend, few parents allowed their children to go to the class in question. According to the reports:
 Parents report at least 8 toddlers with mysterious needle marks, while others said their children were forced to take white pills that were supposed to be “a little secret” between the children and teachers, along with some sort of “brown syrup” given to the students. Children were also allegedly stripped naked and forced to stand, or locked in a dark room, one parent said.

#ChurchToo Blows Up On Social Media Exposing Rampant Child Sex Abuse by Religious Leaders


 By Rachel Blevins - November 27, 2017

While the Catholic church is no stranger to sexual abuse scandals, victims from other religious communities have recently taken to social media with the hashtag #ChurchToo, to call out the predators who were disguised as trustworthy Christian leaders.

As Twitter user Elizabeth Halford noted, after the hashtag “MeToo” went viral, several of the nearly 2 million users from around 85 countries who shared their stories, were sharing account of sexual abuse that occurred at the hands of religious leaders.

“Following the #ChurchToo hash with interest. Many #MeToo stories at the hands of the church,” Halford wrote. “And me? I was made to sign a purity contract at age 11. And witnessed a man confess from the pulpit having sex w/a child. Praised for his bravery. No further action.”

Another Twitter user, Rosemary Johnson, shared a similar story. She claimed that she had witnessed multiple men publicly admit to sexual harassment and assault, and instead of facing consequences, or being reported to the police, they were “praised for their bravery & honesty."

I CANNOT COUNT the number of times I’ve heard guys in church PUBLICLY admit to molestation, harassment, assault, etc, only to be praised for their bravery & honesty,” Johnson wrote. “No consequences. The church’s legacy of protecting abusers is sickening. #churchtoo

While the idea that a man can confess to and repent of his sins is one that has been present in religion for centuries, several of the women who were using the “ChurchToo” hashtag, noted that by putting the men in an environment where they were praised for confessing their sins, many of them went on to do the same thing again and again—partially because they faced no negative consequences for their actions, and partially because they knew that every time they confessed to a new set of sins in church, they would be praised for their “bravery and honesty.”

Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele - Q, NSA, Zionism, #GoogleGestapo & #UNRIG (video) (see Nobel level ideas on landing page) (free subscription no email) (Deep State / Zionist censorship system in detail) (free book on line by the chapter, 11 chapters published so far) (author Joachim Hagopian's IndieGoGo page, please donate to finish the book) 

David Wilcock & Corey Goode Update via FaceBook - November 29, 2017 to Stillness In The Storm

by David Wilcock, November 29th, 2017

There have been rumors about an alleged Alliance "visit" to the C!@, as in the form of a raid. Fulford posted 23 different things that an alleged insider told him had come out of this.

We were spinning our wheels, wondering if this was true. I always prefer to vet things out with my own sources before moving forward in discussing anything of this nature.

We STILL do not know for sure if this actually did happen. It may have been used as a cover story for some other batch of data that came in from another source we just heard about. It is also possible that some version of this did happen.

Anyway, thanks to Corey's help, we now have a new tranche of data that is ready for publication and seems authentic. There are actually four new sets I now need to integrate.

Things are very definitely heating up. There has been confusion around Q Anon and MegAnon, and it is possible that both of the original posters are not doing it anymore and may have had the slack taken up by sophisticated Cabal-sponsored LARPers. So that's one thing. Hence I have not been meticulously analyzing every detail of Q anymore.

20 and Back: 2 More Whistleblowers Divulge Involvement in Secret Space Program

20 and back Ceres Ahuna Mons
2 more whistleblowers have divulged involvement in the mysterious SSP (Secret Space Program). They recall memories of being in the “20 and Back” program. Above: Ahuna Mons, largest mountain on Ceres.

20 and Back is the standard phrase use to describe the tour of duty undergone by recruits into the SSP (Secret Space Program). The term 20 and back refers to the 20 year commitment that these military men and women make when they sign up to go into space – or the amount of time they are forced to serve as slaves. Recent whistleblowers to divulge their involvement in the SSP are Tony Rodrigues (who went public in 2016) and Michael Gerloff (who went public this year in 2017). Their testimonies are remarkable, and echo the accounts and experiences of many other whistleblowers who have recalled lost memories and/or gone public with their story of having been part of the SSP. These include Michael Relfe, Arthur Neumann (aka Henry Deacon), Andy Basiago, Bernard Mendez, Michael Prince, Max Spiers, Randy Cramer (aka Captain K or Kaye) and Corey Goode. Their accounts vary in credibility, however the similarities are striking. Many of these men talk about having set foot on Mars, but only some (Relfe, Cramer and Goode) specifically refer to the 20 and back military program – as Rodrigues and Gerloff do.

20 and Back = Time Travel and Age Regression

One of the alleged hallmarks of the 20 and back program is that it involves highly advanced technology (time travel and age regression) whereby the recruit, at the end of his/her service, is actually brought back in time to the point at which he/she signed up – plus they are age regressed to be brought back to their age at that time. This means, in effect, that they gain a whole extra 20 years’ experience in life (although often those memories are inaccessible and buried deep within their subconscious). In other words, they live that same age range/period in their lives twice over, in different places doing different things, and only one of those timelines remains active.

20 and Back: Tony Rodrigues Worked as a Slave on a Cargo Ship in the SSP

Tony Rodrigues was abducted as a young boy and eventually ended up in the 20 and back program. He claims he was abducted by 5 aliens after teasing another kid in his grade whose father was high up in the Illuminati. He had Grey ETs in his house. He met a funny Reptilian who joked around with him and did a Bruce Lee impersonation. He ended up in a situation where he was used with other children as sex slaves in Seattle at age 13. He underwent brutal training, including sexual abuse and being forced to attend Satanic ritual and engage in cannibalism. He or his group tested as “theta” (psychic). Later on at age 16 in 1988, he went to the Moon.

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"The Halo" HAS Newsletter - Issue #1 November 29, 2017

Issue #1 November 29, 2017                          
"Clarion Call Tonight"

Show #20 Clarion Call
Wednesday, November 29th at
9:00 PM Eastern

Attend by Phone: 
Primary dial in number: (206) 402-0100
Guest pin code: 921624#
Secondary dial in number: (312) 279-3393
Guest pin code: 921624# 

Dear Zimbabwe Currency Holder,

It’s an interesting time in the world to say the least.  So much is going on domestically, globally and everything in-between.

If this email is reaching you, it means there’s been a considerable transition in the financial system as well.  

A revaluation of the world’s currencies many refer to as the “RV,” but we like to refer to it as the Global Currency Reset (GCR).

As you will recall in 2007, there was a massive disruption in global financial markets when Lehman Brothers, a long standing investment bank in the United States, was margin called by Asian investors and ultimately forced to declare bankruptcy in a few short weeks.  

This intentional event set off a series of other turbulent economic events which thankfully have now ended in the creation and implentation of a new financial system controlled out of Asia, with full United Nations support.

Now because such a large scale fiscal transition was needed to stabilize the global economy, little to nothing was said publicly about the massive reforms taking place behind scenes.  

This “mass media silence” was agreed to by leaders of all 197 sovereign nations who quietly came to a treaty understanding of how and when this new financial system would eventually be governed.

A new “gold treaty” was delicately included as part of the larger 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change—as not to attract economic global economic attention.

The results of which produced an updated “gold standard system” utilized by all nations with good standing international currency.  

3 Ex-NASA Scientists Claim The Giant Face & Pyramid Found on Mars in 1976 Are Actually Real

In 1976, the United States sent a pair of space probes, known as Viking 1 and Viking 2, to Mars. 

Viking 1 was launched on August 20th, 1975, and Viking 2 was launched in September of the same year. Both probes photographed the surface of Mars from orbit, and one studied the planet from the surface.

The first one touched down on the surface of Mars on July 20th, 1976 and the second a couple of months later.

The main objectives of the mission were to obtain high-resolution images of Mars, to look for any evidence of life, and to learn more about the structure and composition of the atmosphere.

As Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet, it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face.
An enormous head nearly two miles from end to end seemed to be staring back at the cameras from a region of the Red Planet called Cydonia. A pyramid structure was also seen. This will be the main topic of this article.

As a quick side note here, for years we’ve been made to believe that Mars is a dry and arid planet, completely devoid of life, but that’s just not the case. Mars actually used to be an Earth-like planet, with giant oceans and extensive greenery.

The soil is moist and wet, and there is a very high likelihood that some type of life exists within the interior of Mars today.