Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Mr. Ed's Intel Update via Email - September 6, 2017

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "Secrets & Hurricanes" 9/5/17
Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Wednesday, 6-Sep-2017 21:25:27

        INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "Secrets & Hurricanes" 9/5/17

        Subject: Secrets & Hurricanes 9/5/17

        Only 100 million people on earth are true humans.

        The other 7.3 billion are a mixture of humanoids, alien species, reptoids, clones and holograms.

        There are 95 species on earth in one form or another.

        New glasses are coming that will allow you to identify who people really are.

        We have been living in a '3D Hologram' run by 'Artificial Intelligence' for thousands of years.

        All governments are infiltrated by alien beings both good and bad.

        2/3 of Congress are Clones or Humanoids. (bad guys)

        'The Tall Whites' like Ivanka Trump are good ET's and are throughout America.

        'The Black Avians' are in Russian government and 'The Mullaks' are in China.

        More can be learned about 'The Blue Avians' from Corey Goode & David Wilcock.

        General Dunford is part Anunnaki and oversees the Trump agendas.

        The ongoing cabal arrests will begin taking down the 'top cabal leaders' (we all know) after 9/9/2017.

        The hurricanes are created by the cabal (not natural) and being steered and enhanced by HAARP Technology Systems* to cause as much damage as possible and generate income for the cabal.

        *HAARP = (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) run by the Navy and Air Force.

        Hurricanes 'Andrew'...'Katrina'...'Harvey' and now 'Irma' are examples of "Fake" storms created only for harm by the cabal. (often done at high tide for more flood damage)

        Hurricane Matthew was a good example of "steering" a storm using HAARP technology.

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Hurricane Irma Weaponized: HAARP Weather Warfare – Methodology Exposed

Those in control of the HAARP installation at Clam Lake Naval facility in Wisconsin are responsible. 

These Cabal operatives are the ones who have directed and concentrated recent weather events such as Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. And they can stop Irma right now or allow it to continue – which must be their mission.

Needless to say the Cabal have the power and the wherewithal to save or destroy many a life in this situation.

This Weather Weaponry is one of the last tools they have left that remains functional and at their disposal.

It is well understood by now that HAARP facilities can generate millions of watts of ELF (Extra Low Frequency) transmissions.

Related: University of Alaska Fairbanks – Geophysical Institute: HAARP

These transmissions are used to manipulate weather, including the spawning and directing of hurricanes; and the intensification of hurricane winds.

Lisa Transcendence Brown Update - Current Cosmic Quantum Energy Report – September 6, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown

Current Cosmic Quantum Energy Report – Advanced Intelligent Life Forms – DNA Activations Delivery – Integration into all Earthly Physical Bodies of Matter – 9-6-17

After weeks of Light Waves and Crystalline/Christed Consciousness flooding our evolving bodies and planet (both being referred to as “Planetary Bodies”), powerful cleansing processes, powerful integration phases, which continue to increase as we move further into our Photonic Age of Existence, we’ve now entered into increased StarGate Alignment and Advanced Rapid DNA Enhancements again.


These are focused on activating all Higher Intelligent Life Forms to come further online with our Crystalline Grid Matrix Programs here to evolve all on this planet earth and further contribute to Galactic/Solar System existence within a Multi-Dimensional Matrix System replacing the old “Human Experience” Matrix programs of unconsciousness, amnesia and forgetting through incarnation here. Walk-ins incarnated differently than birthing incarnations, therefore the experiences are a bit different, yet for the same purposes for bringing humanity through to a whole new existence here.

These Intelligent DNA upgrades activate the visible and invisible, the microscopic, super-charging Photonic Light Energy to re-code at an exponential rate. What was dormant is no longer, what was sleeping wakes, what was suppressed emerges, what was waiting is excited, what was hidden becomes visible, what was out of alignment is aligned, what was out-of-tune is tuned, what was missing the linkage of geometric and mathematical codes now receive these codes to link-up and so very much more.

As Hurricane Irma Approaches More Photos of Antigravity UFOs near MacDill AFB

On September 5 and 6, more flying triangle shaped craft were photographed in the vicinity of MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida, which is the home of US Special Operations Command. The sightings are happening at the same time as Hurricane Irma was heading directly for Florida, among the locations where it has been predicted to make landfall is Tampa.

On the morning of September 5, I was contacted by JP (a pseudonym), who I have been communicating with for nine years and believe to be a credible source, about the unique circumstances that led him to take more photos of a triangular shaped craft in the vicinity of MacDill AFB.

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Kevin Annett (ITCCS) : Breaking News – For Immediate Release


Scathing report exposes century-old, ongoing genocide by Canada, Great Britain and the Vatican; Calls for sanctions, arrests and war crimes trials
New York and Brussels –

A comprehensive report that details an historic and ongoing plan to exterminate indigenous people across Canada was released this morning to the United Nations and the European Union.

The report is entitled “A Report on the Continuity of Genocidal Crimes in Canada: An Appeal to the People and Governments of the World”. It was issued by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), a human rights coalition that has spearheaded the campaign for judicial action against the Vatican, the British Crown and their churches for genocide and child trafficking.

The ITCCS presented copies of its report today to UN and EU officials as well as to diplomatic representatives of twelve nations, including Russia, China and the United States. A special personal appeal is made in the report to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Among its recommendations, the ITCCS report calls on the global community to enact economic and political sanctions against Canada, Great Britain and the Vatican, dispatch international peace keepers and forensic investigation teams to Canada, and aid in the prosecution of these regimes for crimes against humanity.

Final WTC Building 7 Evaluation Report To Be Released On September 6th

Watch Presentation at .......

World Trade Center 7 Evaluation Report is a study at the University of Alaska Fairbanks using finite element modeling to evaluate the possible causes of WTC 7's collapse. Tune in to at 8 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Sept. 6 to watch the live stream of Dr. Leroy Hulsey’s presentation.

Excalibur ‘confirmed’: 7yo girl finds ‘King Arthur’s sword’ in Cornish lake

Excalibur ‘confirmed’: 7yo girl finds ‘King Arthur’s sword’ in Cornish lake
A seven-year-old girl literally felt a legend coming to life as she unearthed a huge sword from the same lake King Arthur’s Excalibur was said to have been thrown. A sceptical father, however, said he does not believe in the sword’s fabled origins. 
Matilda Jones from Doncaster in the UK found the 4-feet (1.2-meter) sword when she went swimming in Dozmary Pool in Cornwall.

Matilda’s father, Paul, had just told her and her sister about the legend of King Arthur as they drove to the lake.

The two were paddling in the lake when Matilda is said to have made the discovery.

"She was only waist deep when she said she could see a sword,” Paul told the Star. "I told her not to be silly and it was probably a bit of fencing, but when I looked down I realised it was a sword. It was just there lying flat on the bottom of the lake."

King Arthur is a legendary folklore figure who is believed to have led the indigenous Britons against the Saxons in the late 5th and early 6th centuries.

According to mythology, Dozmary Pool is where Sir Bedivere threw King Arthur’s sword after he died. When Bedivere threw the sword into the lake, an arm appeared and grabbed the sword.

"I don't think it's particularly old, about 20 or 30 years old,” Paul said, referring to their lake find. “It's probably an old film prop."

"Intel from a Variety of Involved Sources" by Ruby - 9.6.17

Dinar Chronicles

Entry Submitted by Ruby at 6:57 AM EDT on September 6, 2017

Hi, IDC peeps.

I have a LOT of intel to share today, some of which only brings me more questions. If you are interested, please read. If you feel the need to be an asshat because people have questions, I’m sure Patrick will permit your posts, but you don’t really have to hit Send. You can learn to control yourself. According to two of my intel items, that will be critical to the new world being born right now and will determine EVERYTHING you will be allowed to do in this new world.

First, OITM, Cobra confirmed that the hurricane WAS manipulated by the Cabal (Yes, they still exist and active, though, yes, flailing. All of my sources confirm that.). There is a meditation to help dispel Irma’s effects scheduled daily if you are interested in directing your energies to it: That might be a better use of time, attention and energy rather than throwing shade at me and others for merely asking questions and trying to understand what’s going on in our world, because it certainly seems like there are multiple unrealized dimensions to all of this.

Second, I was listening to a couple of updates that suggest only 24% of us or so (I have heard this 4-5 places now) are 100%. I’m not sure what this means for Yosef’s supposed version of God’s Divine Race, but both of my recent sources have been quite explicit that we HAVE to figure out how to get along with those who differ from us, as in MORAL imperative. When we get our first glimpse of who one another really is (suggested: peeps are part Reptilian, hard holograms, soft holograms, clones, Tall Whites – Kent Dunn said just to look at Ivanka Trump, etc.), are we going to remain friends with someone who has been our best friend for YEARS just because he’s part something else and now we know? Or will we reject all the good done by that friend because of the new revelation of our identities? Will we be able to accept ourselves?

The two sources also both suggested that religion is a HUGE factor in us not progressing, since those who embrace religion are willingly worshipping entities whose origin and actual identity they don’t understand. I know this is touchy for those who still appreciate this facet of their lives, especially if it defines how they see and understand their own identities. I had similar experiences and had to sort them out. I still do in some ways, but both sources insist that we can keep those feelings if we want, but we need to be able to accept those who aren’t interested in worshipping Yahweh or Allah or Jehovah or whatever other entity likes the attention of millions/billions of terrestrials. I honestly don’t know what else to call us all, if so few of us are wholly human. So if we can accept that someone else might spiritually connect with a blob of blue raspberry Jell-o and others with some animal of unknown shape or whatnot, and we can focus on the same principles of not stealing from each other, treating each other inclusively, etc., we progress as a population. This is hard when the supposedly developed ones act like djinns or whatever the regressive species are that think of us as livestock.

Alien and Ancient City Discovered Underneath Antarctica


(ExonewsAuthor Michael Salla talks about UFO’s, Aliens and discovery of an ancient city underneath the Antarctica and he thinks the governments will announce this by the end of year. Published on Truth Be Told WebTV, September 5, 2017.

Cosmic Disclosure: Disrupting Draco Domination


Cosmic Disclosure: Remembering William Tompkins - Disrupting Draco Domination  Season 8, Episode 5

William Tompkins: It's very strange that this has been going on, that the same structure of a medieval country – kings, queens, princesses, all of the top people – agreed with maybe France's or Spain's group, and they became the elite. They became the control of the population in their countries and were never allowing the people a real life, never allowing them to participate in many of the other things, and many of them were actually slaves.

So the big slavery business out there is a big business. It's a major business today – a massive business.

Anything that you want to manufacture, anything that you want to farm, anything that you want to build, it's all done with slave people.

In Germany . . . Germany had massive underground facilities that were all slaves and even to the extent that when the decision was made before the war ended that they were going to continue all of their extraterrestrial developments on UFOs and on every weapon system that they were building, they took the production facilities to Antarctica, but they also brought the slaves with them.

So now there are slaves underneath the ground and they still are today in Antarctica.

But the slave business out there is a big business, and this is happening today. It's not something that happened 100 years ago. This has been going on a long time and that needs to be fixed.

There's all kinds of slavery. There's sexual slavery, unbelievably. There's many different classes of people that are abducted for slavery, sexual slavery. They want the top and the smartest, because they are worth more.

They have, I think, four or five different levels of people that they abduct. They abduct top medical research people. They abduct the corporate levels, and they abduct the most brilliant levels, and then they go down through the three levels and that says where they get sectioned off.

Everybody gets to two planets and then it's decided where they're going to be sent to. But it's a massive business. It's been going on for years, and we can't identify where these people have gone.

Just like 'normal' abductions, we don't know where they went, because most of them don't come back. We're only hearing from the few that came back.

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The Quantum Shift w/ Dr. Sam Mugzzi and Kent Dunn - September 6, 2017


Kent and Sam discuss the current events. We are in the 45 days of chaos as the dark cabal is being removed from power.

Yosef (2) Updates - September 6, 2017

"Voila" - GCR/RV SITREP - Wednesday - September 6, 2017

The benevolents are all watching everything we do, say and think.

Remember they are telepathic and have been watching over humanity for millennia too.

Both the naughty and nice are being observed for their actions.  And they miss nothing to answer your post question Leo.

They blew up several "secrete" cabal DUMBs (look it up) this weekend and basically stopped a nuclear war from starting.


Prayers are actions.
Posts are actions.
Websites are actions.
Projects are actions.
Redemptions are actions.
Mercy is action.

So be fearless in your commitment to seek the truth, even if it means ruffling a few feathers as you fly right on by.

Remember, all great conductors must eventually turn their back on the crowd in order to lead their own symphony.