To: The Alliance (the Galactic part)
This is your moment. You have the collective emotional confidence of the right people to change the world. Today we actually saw some proof that all of the behind the scenes work you've been doing will finally manifest in our world. I understand it's the limitations of our understanding of time and space in this 3 dimensional world that will not allow us to accept any further delays, and causes us so much discomfort. But to the best of my understanding, that is why you're here. I also believe it's what makes us so powerful as creators.
It is time and space that connects us to our emotions, attaches us to each other, and gives us our identity. Time and space is how we remember the heart beat of our experiences measuring the ups and downs of everything it takes to thrive, survive and feel alive in this dimension. Time and space is how we measure the beauty of our most memorable moments, and what was most important to us in our life. I'm certain these seem like illogical and inefficient hazards to the greater existence of the universe to you, but they are what makes this life so incredible. Your curiosity about living in this state of limited expression, ability and knowledge, while being plagued by emotional impulses is exactly why you come down to manifest in these bodies and experience life as a human. It's something you cannot appreciate unless you're here in this moment with us.
We need you to be present in THIS moment with us. We need you to feel the pressure of time in the way that we do. We need you to know how important the space we occupy is to us and realize the powerful impact it has on the entire Universe. The best example I can provide to try and communicate this idea is the relationship between a mother and a child. It is my belief that this is the most powerful force in the entire Universe and never more so than right now.
Philoprogentiveness: the natural love of one's off spring.
Our children have a limited space in time where all of our opportunity to shape who they become and what they believe has to be concentrated. When they are young we have them with us always. Our children are our whole world, an extension of ourselves, and agreement to allow our heart to exist outside of our bodies for the rest of our life. This time of the child's life is even more important to a parent than their own life. You can not observe this from afar and understand what it means to be a parent.
A Mother carries a child in her womb right behind her heart, and is forever shaped by that time when her child belongs only to her. Because that time measures the complete development of a functioning life and an unbreakable bond that cannot be measured, limited or understood by anyone else but the Mother and the child. This is the place where love ceases to be just a metaphysical concept and manifests as a person. It's as if the energy is so powerful that it forces itself to gather in this one place to tell a story that becomes a person's life. That child will grow into an adult and along that journey through time they endure hardships, feel joy, fall in love, discover God, invent something amazing, do something terrible, and experience the weight of the world all while their Mother never stops lifting them up.
Each one of these experiences is marked by a moment in time that can never be repeated because it only exists right then. A child's first steps, their first words, and even the first time they say thank you without being told are are all marked by time and space. These moments are experiences that cannot be duplicated or relived. They represent some of the most powerful moments in our life when we know exactly who we are, and they are marked by time and space. In those moments no matter how vast the reaches of the Universe are, we have no question that our universe is solely represented in the life of that child and we couldn't be happier about it. Even in this world where oppressive forces have sought to sever us from the divine power of Love that exists in everyone of us, Love has overcome impossible cruelty to thrive.
This time is when our children learn how to love, how to trust, how to express themselves, how to make mistakes, and how to try again. These developmental years are when Humans develop the character that shapes the entire world and all that it can become is held in the limitless possibilities of our imagination. There life becomes a brand new heart beat in the world that extends from one generation to the next uniting all humans back to the original love felt by the first Mother of all time. That is a more perfect expression of what we were meant to be and it is TIME to return that love to the entire Universe now.
That emotional connection to our offspring is more powerful than all of the technology that has been used to hurt us. It is the expression of God through us to show that divine feminine nature. I understand why you'd be concerned to awaken 8 Billion people with the ability to manifest anything they wanted to. What is essential to understand is that it's not our natural state to pursue conflict, war and violence. What is most natural to all of us is to be connected to the comforting beat of our Mother's heart, to take care of her the way she took care of us, and to make her proud because of the way she raised us. This is the exact time when we are ready to demonstrate that loving connection and unbreakable bond that we also have to Mother Earth. To try and block that connection could be dangerous, and to continue to hide it has reached a point of being cruel.
This time is an irreplaceable moment in our development. This space that we are occupying is exactly where it exists. NOW is the most essential time for you to deliver the promise, because Humans are shaped and effected by every disappointment, every act of kindness, and every moment they are alive. Be present in this moment with us and free humanity from these chains NOW.