Mipperu Courses for Health, Energy and Plasmaculture.
Mipperu Tarapoto are offering 1,2 or 3 week courses for Auto sustainable living.
1 week courses for Plasma Healing items for your Personal Health issues.
2 week courses for Health and Energy aspects of sustainable living
3 week courses for Health, Energy and Plasma Gardening culture in Self sustainable living IE OFF grid living with Auto-sustainable systems.

New ways to utilise water and waste for your garden soils adding nutrients for stable faster growth.
We are offering the chance to come to Peru
to learn the upper levels of Auto-sustainable life styles in the forms
of 1,2 or 3 week intensive courses and workshops.

Advanced Tesla Exciter Coil

24 year old Liliana engineer Making GANS ( Plasma ) paste.

Health pads that have red for CH3 wáter and White for CO2 wáter and Blue for CUO2 wáter.

Wether you are wanting to build on your own Parcel of land or improve your current household or your health you can learn with the ever pleasant Quechuan People here,
If the local kids can make plasma and the Tesla Coils then you can do it.

Its as much for Kids as Grownups, All it needs is a positive open mind.

Recycleable house using all the elements Sun Wind water and gravity.

The Cerelias Project is a prototype for all other jungle guardianship projects in this region

Plasmified from rainwater collection

BioChar Activated with Plasma and you can even use it as your own garden barbeque activating your home made Biochar as you go.

Here is your first easy plasma experience and processes with three different colours.

How to make the GANSes plasma for energy , energy, heath and the garden.

Cerelias HQ deep in Cordiera Escallera Amazonia.
In addition to these packages you learn all about our ¨All in one Walk in Plasma Health unit¨ which clears all your emotional centers, you can spend hours in here enjoying the experiences inside the plasma magnetical and gravitational fields.

Spend as much of your time in the Plasma fields.

Human Design The bodygraph

We are booking people for December 2017 through to 2018 or send and inquiry message in the voice caption top of page.
Enjoy a Peruvian Xmas in Amazonia
We look forward to seeing you here
In light from Dave the Coordinator.