Replay Link https://fccdl.in/YHXc0BT7U
on the phone 712-775-7039 – 930685#
This call is a must listen.
•Nick V. Fleming, Rico Law Expert
•Paul, Legal Council
Class Action
SPEAK vs. United States Treasury
We are in the process of preparing our complaint against the US
Treasury and other government agencies regarding the GCR/RV. As part of
that suit, we will petition the Court for certification of the case as a
Class action.
If we are successful, the Defendant will provide us with a list of
potential class members during the discovery phase of the lawsuit, and
more likely than not, if you purchased currency through a licensed
currency broker, you will receive notice of your right to be included as
a member of our class.
In the event that the matter is not certified as a class action, we
will provide all currency holders with a form complaint that can be
filed individually to redress individual claims for damages. That would
have to be litigated individually, but the aggregate damages and
attorneys fees due from the Treasury and other Defendants will still be
In the event that you do not receive a notice to be included (or
excluded) as a member of the certified class action, we are requesting
that you provide us with your contact information to be used solely for
the purpose of notifying you of the right to join the class action as a
plaintiff or the right to file suit individually (with an attached form
complaint and filing information).
Become part of the class action lawsuit at .... https://projectspeak.net/class-action