Operation Disclosure
RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - December 8, 2017
The Alliance is composed of all Earth originated resistance forces. This includes the Chinese Elders, White Hats, Secret Space Programs, and more.
The Alliance continues to create and implement plans of action under Galactic supervision.
In the geopolitical arena, the Cabal are being forced into submission by the Alliance and benevolent walk-ins with the goal of achieving world peace.
Hidden Cabal WMD's whether in space or planet side are being actively searched for and destroyed. Cabal WMD's that are able to go off are immediately pinpointed and destroyed minimizing the collateral.
The recent Cabal energy-based WMD mounted on a satellite that caused the Ventura fires was located and destroyed by the Secret Space Programs
Revaluation (RV) release protocols are set and ready, activation still pending.
The Global Currency Reset (GCR) is set and ready under the new quantum financial system, activation still pending.
The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) was agreed upon during the Paris Accord, announcement still pending.
The release date for the RV remains fluid as the Alliance finish cleaning up remaining Cabal malice.