Rumor: This is the Flash-Bang for the RV/GCR to go public?
Thanks to
Cynthia McKinney PhD (@cynthiamckinney)
REPORTER: ‘Mark My Words, The House is Going To Be Rocked in The Coming 72 Hours’
Capitol Hill is on pins and needles amid a deluge of sexual harassment allegations. According to the Daily Caller‘s Luke Rosiak, one of the leading journalists investigating the Awan brothers’ scandal, things are about to take yet another dark turn.
“Congress’ human resources scandal is just getting started. I anticipate we will see the resignation of more than a dozen House members over harassment and secret settlements, and soon,” tweeted Luke Rosiak.
Congress' human resources scandal is just getting started. I anticipate we will see the resignation of more than a dozen House members over harassment and secret settlements, and soon.— Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) December 15, 2017
“Mark my words, the House is going to be rocked in the coming 72 hours. Tick Tock,” added Rosiak.
Recently, Rosiak has issued his own Hannity-style “Tick Tocks.”
Mark my words, the House is going to be rocked in the coming 72 hours. Tick Tock.— Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) December 15, 2017
“Tick Tock. Stay tuned for news of another secret House settlement, related to an allegation of sexual assault,” tweeted Rosiak on December 4th.
Tick Tock. Stay tuned for news of another secret House settlement, related to an allegation of sexual assault.— Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) December 4, 2017
Rosiak reported:
Andrea Payne, then a congressional aide in Meeks’ Queens office, filed a complaint with the Office of Compliance, and Meeks fired her weeks later. He admitted that the cause of her termination did not have to do with the quality of Payne’s work.Andrea Payne claimed she was sexually assaulted by the physical therapist working at Flowers Physical Therapy. Payne alleged the physical therapist tried to insert one of his fingers into her vagina even though according to her medical records her injuries were no where near her groin.
“This is an action to recover for damages sustained by plaintiff when Representative Meeks violated her Constitutional rights by retaliating against her, and ultimately terminating her employment, because of her sexual assault lawsuit,” Payne’s attorneys wrote.
Rep. John Conyers’ lawyer Arnold E. Reed also hinted the damn may be about to break when it comes to future allegations.
“If people were required to resign over allegations, a lot of people would be out of work in this country including many members of the House, Senate and even the president,” Reed wrote prior to Conyers’ resignation.
Thanks to
Thanks to
Gunner (@AgeCosmos)
72 Hour Countdown Until MASSIVE SCANDAL Breaks in Congress; 12+ Resignations Expected
Congress’ human resources scandal is about to break wide-open and over a dozen members of the House of Representatives will likely resign within the next 72 hours.
I anticipate we will see the resignation of more than a dozen House members over sex-harassment and secret settlements.
Mark my words, the House is going to be rocked in the coming 72 hours. Tick Tock.
Last week news broke that Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) had made a settlement with a former congressional aide that he fired after she reported being sexually assaulted at the business of a major campaign donor.
The first congressmen to go down in the post-Weinstein era of sexual misconduct was Michigan Democrat Rep. John Conyers, who eventually resigned after accusations against him snowballed.
Other notable politicians on Capitol Hill caught up in sexual misconduct cases:
- Democrat Rep. Alee L. Hastings (FL) — The Treasury paid $220,000 to settle allegations against him made by a former congressional staffer that claimed he “touched her, made unwanted sexual advances, and threatened her job.”
- Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold (TX) — The congressmen announced on Thursday that he was "retiring" after former staffers accused him of making "sexually graphic jokes" and berating his aides. He previously settled a sexual harassment claim made by an employee in 2014.
- Democrat Rep. Ruben Kihuen (NV) — Multiple women have accused the Pelosi-backed congressman of sexual harassment.
- Democrat Sen. Al Franken (MN) — Franken announced that he would resign last week after multiple women accused him of sexual assault. Franken has still not resigned despite his promise to do so.
- Republican Rep. Trent Franks (AZ) — Resigned after he reportedly made women uncomfortable by asking them to be a surrogate mother.
The Swamp is being drained!

FBI & Mueller Team ‘To Be Rocked’ In Next 72 Hours; Wray & Sessions Brace for Blockbuster Dirt on Bureau Corruption
Posted on December 15, 2017
Paine’s journalism arm, True Pundit, has been breaking story after story on the unfolding corruption scandals in the FBI and Justice Department.
The FBI Texts are Child's Play. We bring the house DOWN on this whole shit show in <72 hours. And here is where you can help us do what we do.— Thomas Paine (@Thomas1774Paine) December 15, 2017
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