Issue #1 November 29, 2017
"Clarion Call Tonight"
Show #20 Clarion Call
Show #20 Clarion Call
Wednesday, November 29th at
9:00 PM Eastern
Attend by Phone:
Primary dial in number: (206) 402-0100
Guest pin code: 921624#
Secondary dial in number: (312) 279-3393
Attend by Phone:
Primary dial in number: (206) 402-0100
Guest pin code: 921624#
Secondary dial in number: (312) 279-3393
Guest pin code: 921624#
Dear Zimbabwe Currency Holder,
It’s an interesting time in the world to say the least. So much is going on domestically, globally and everything in-between.
If this email is reaching you, it means there’s been a considerable transition in the financial system as well.
revaluation of the world’s currencies many refer to as the “RV,” but we
like to refer to it as the Global Currency Reset (GCR).
you will recall in 2007, there was a massive disruption in global
financial markets when Lehman Brothers, a long standing investment bank
in the United States, was margin called by Asian investors and
ultimately forced to declare bankruptcy in a few short weeks.
intentional event set off a series of other turbulent economic events
which thankfully have now ended in the creation and implentation of a
new financial system controlled out of Asia, with full United Nations
because such a large scale fiscal transition was needed to stabilize
the global economy, little to nothing was said publicly about the
massive reforms taking place behind scenes.
“mass media silence” was agreed to by leaders of all 197 sovereign
nations who quietly came to a treaty understanding of how and when this
new financial system would eventually be governed.
new “gold treaty” was delicately included as part of the larger 2015
Paris Agreement on Climate Change—as not to attract economic global
economic attention.
results of which produced an updated “gold standard system” utilized by
all nations with good standing international currency.
also allowed war torn countries and illegally sanctioned nations to
revalue their currencies using a new gold valued benchmark, and thus be
eligible for re-instatement of their currency with updated rates both
domestically and internationally.
Zimbabwe is such a country.
historically and recently, the mass media has portrayed Zimbabwe
(formally Southern Rhodesia) as a poor, third world country in desperate
need of regime and economic changes for their sheer survive.
reality, Zimbabwe is a tremendously asset rich nation, specially gold,
where it is rumored that their ancient mines have produce over half the
world’s above ground gold output including all the riches in mythical
King Solomon’s Temple.
Zimbabwe’s vast gold reserves with some of the most abundant raw
diamond, platinum and lithium fields in Africa, and the nation of
Zimbabwe is actually substantially wealthier than every other country in
the world (per capita) and certainly has enough tangible assets to
issue their own currency backed 100% in their own golden natural
resources—even go dollar for dollar with the USD.
anticipation of the global monetary reform back to the gold standard,
the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) has released gold coins and small
denomination bond notes back onto the streets of Zimbabwe, so their
population could once again get familiar with (learn to trust) a healthy
Zimbabwe government issued currency.
“starter series” of coins and smaller asset backed bond notes was
released slowly to erase bad memories left behind from 2008-2009, when
the Zimbabwe economy was plagued with historic hyper-inflation when
harsh western banking sanctions forced their government into print
unprecedentedly high currency face values.
when the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB) and Bank of
International Settlements (BIS) all decided enough was enough. And in
April 2009, the last series of old Zimbabwe currency was forced to stop
printing in Germany, and removed from circulation as being of poor
standing within the global community of developed economic currencies.
BRICS nations--China, Russia, India, Brazil and South Africa
(Zimbabwe)--have insisted on a fair and level economic playing field
which includes moral leadership at the top of every county.
they are right now asserting enormous economic pressure on several
non-compliant nations to capitulate to their high standards or have
Lehman Brother’s type outcomes applied to entire country’s Gross
Domestic Product (GDP).
from a banking perspective, things still appear bleak for Zimbabwe, but
in truth, they have never been better off thanks to the those same
BRICS nations who have created a parallel financial system to replace
the old western banking stranglehold on the world’s money supply via the
issue of endless USD.
radical change in monetary structure has secretly allowed Zimbabwe to
reissue and re-instate their local currency and once again become a
nation good standing in the international economic community of nations.
politics are radically changing too—which is contributing to the news
you’re probably witnessing in that country as corrupt leaders and
government officials are being forced out of power.
a deeper level, this also means that the IMF, WB and BIS had to also be
reformed for the new financial system to be considered ready globally.
And thus they too were all quietly and secretly transitioned without
public knowledge.
includes the reformation of the US Federal Reserve Bank which defaulted
on all its sovereign debt obligations December 23, 2012, when it’s
Congress approved charter expired after a 99 year lease agreement to
print the US money supply and global reserve currency (USD) in exchange
for gold.
in the United States, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and United
States Government (USG) were quietly reformed per international
sovereign court rulings and above mentioned gold backed treaties
governing sovereign default matters.
none of these “invisible rulings” had known timetables for bankruptcy
work through programs (5 years as it turns out), which made predicting
the larger economic transition (GCR/RV) very difficult to nearly
impossible to predict.
it was thought to be much safer to withhold such information, as it
could have caused mass panic in both global markets and at the street
level—as was the case when the financial system tried to transfer
without the US experiencing international default back on September 11,
that the 9/11 attacks are the underbelly or root cause of all the
global chaos right now, including the Trump Presidency, which many of
you will be happy to know is only temporary, yet ironically necessary
for implementing many of the hard structural changes that needed to
occur before the United States Government, USD and American Military
could again be considered “of good standing” by the world economic
community of nations.
only now will the USA be allowed to access the new financial system
without restraint—as demonstrated by the wildly unpopular tax and
medical reforms moving through the US Congress.
Zimbabwe recently went through it’s own public chaos transition, when
their long-standing President Robert Mugabe was removed by China in
favor of another administration more favorable to the fast changing
macro economic and geo-political landscape.
public governmental transitions have happened recently in Great Britain
(BREXIT), Brazil, Greece, France, Philippines, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia
and Canada.
And still more macro transitions are occurring at this hour in Israel, Germany, Ireland, Venezula and Lebananon.
have one thing in common, they must reform to a corruption free
structure and leadership before being allowed to freely access the new
financial system, which has been patiently waiting to roll out publicly
for over two years now.
undertand this news may appear illogical, even unbelievable at first,
but if given proper consideration, you’ll come to understand “opinion”
as truth and the only explanation for what is happening in the world
much so, you’ll appreciate to have been offered the opportunity to
redeem Zimbabwe currency, as you will soon be receiving contact
information to redeem your decommissioned Zimbabwe currency at local
retail / off-site bank institution regardless of your address or zip
free numbers are soon to emerge for Zimbabwe currency holders who, like
you, are paying attention to international affairs via this private
network of Zimbabwe currency holders.
that you will be allowed to set a traditional banking appointment,
engage with a well trained banking staff versed in sovereign wealth
exchanges as well as competent private wealth management team post
exchange, all of whom will be ready, willing and able to assist in your
tax-free Zimbabwe currency exchange, including placing your new abundant
principal in a guaranteed investment portfolio tailored to meet your
individual, family and philanthropic goals.
No drama. No struggle. No worries.
that by redeeming your gifted or purchased Zimbabwe currency you are
actively assisting in the re-balancing of the world’s economic sanity,
based on audited tangible resource reserves per each sovereign nation.
this is why participation in the GCR is a privilege that is not only
legal, safe and abundant in terms of return, but historic.
given that a few nations who were once victimized over the past 73
years since the Bretton Woods Agreement after World War 2 (1944), you
are also helping to restore those nations and people’s dignity.
What an honor. What a time to be alive. What if it’s true? Then by all means pray it forward.
least now you have a solid point of reference to begin your own
Zimbabwe currency exchange, as well as a cliff note version of the who,
what, where, when, and why all of this sudden wealth has come to be in
your life.
Good luck during your exchange, and may all your future personal and humanitarian endeavors be forever blessed.
God is with us