
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

(Part VI) Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance & Other Updates

I must reiterate that it is important to exercise discernment when coming across this or any information you find. Q did mention that disinformation is real and necessary. I would also ask again that you be forgiving if I leave something out, I assure you it is unintentional. I only have benevolent intentions here. 

For parts I, II,  III, IV and V of this intel drop please visit the links below:

This article will be made up of mostly Q posts and not so many headlines as the amount of drops he/she has made has been quite a lot since the last article. Please forgive me if I have forgotten something. If you happen to notice a post that I didn’t include here please post it in the comments section if you feel so guided.

Another note, someone has created an epic ‘Book of Q’ which includes their intel drops and some news stories to back it up. It appears to be mostly comprehensive:

One more thing I would humbly add is that well-known Emmy-winning radio host and regular guest on Russia Today, Lionel, posted a video on his YouTube in regards to my first intel post. Roseanne tweeted this and began asking ‘Who is Q’ and this was the reason for her account being shut down temporarily:

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