
Thursday, October 19, 2017

Moldavite, the Cintamani Stone and Ascension by Gitte Christensen

Received via email.....

For the present, in writing moment, quite many people in the so called alternative groups consider these three words some what identical.

I am not saying I hold the truth - ! Just, this is my truth !

I am sharing my thoughts with you, and you decide !

I differ between what I lived and there by learned, and what I have been told.

What I live and learned is my truth, - not necessarily your truth !

What I have been told or informed about, is my believe system, I have chosen to believe so until the opposite occurs.

I have been a member of an amateur geological society for eleven years, where I went to listening to speeches held by geologists accompanied by slides and learned a lot from them, what you might call mainstream scientists ?!

I lived at least three or four lives as an Magician Priest in the White Temple of Atlantis, where I practiced crystal magic and use both my psychic abilities and my know-how about crystals and minerals in my work. Most know-how was pure science and most magic was manifestations.

I started collecting gemstones as I was 12 y old and from the age of 28 I began doing my own experiments with crystals and minerals. It was long before any of the so called Crystal Bibles existed.
Just to set the record straight.

There are two sides of you and me: the physical side and the spiritual side.

There are two sides of crystals as well: the physical side and the spiritual.

Everything that exist in this reality have consciousness.

The highest potent of achievable consciousness is hidden in the human being, then comes the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom and last the mineral kingdom.

Moldavite is a form a natures glass, if you consider huge frozen lumps of gas coming into Earths atmosphere as a natural occurrence !

As these gases melt and the friction of the speed rises as they hit the ground and an enormous explosion occurs. All sand grains in soil melts and become glass. It is believed that the green color of Moldavite is due to some iron traces in the soil. Some Moldavite is almost black and some are green in different shades of brightness. There are not only found Moldavite in Moldavia, but all over the planet.

This "gemstone" is slightly radioactive.

I visited once a geologist and saw his collection of minerals. He had no tumbled semi-precious stones but only chunks of all different minerals in his collection.

He then took a little box down from his shelf and open it. Inside all sides of the box was covered with blue velvet. In the middle was a big green Moldavite.

He would not let me hold it in my hands, and told me that all sides of the box underneath the blue velvet was covered with thins plates of pure Lead.

"Why ?!" I asked. He explained to me: "Because Lead protects you somewhat from radiation !"
"Better safe than sorry!", he added. He wouldn't let his children come close to it.

On rare occasions he held it up in front of the window so the light could pass through it.
This was such occasion. It was rather beautiful. I had never seen a Moldavite before.

He explained to me that the slightly radioactive stone would not give him cancer even if he held it in his hands regularly....but if you have a weakness and to example wear it in a necklace or a ring you could risk getting cancer.

He further explained to me, that there are 3 forms of radioactivity, Alpha, and Beta and Gamma radiation.

At the museum they had devices that could detect each form of radioactivity, partially it gave off a beeping sound and partially this device showed specific numbers at a display.

This was why, he concluded that only Alpha rays came from the Moldavite and Alpha rays are stopped by pure Lead of a certain thickness all depending of the object that are given them off.

It was due to the presence of beryllium-10 isotopes, that are slightly unstable, which also are found in many other forms of melted glass created by impacts at Earth coming from space. Thou the number were low, he was not eager to take any chance at all.

Imagine sensitive people wearing such stone in a necklace right above their Thyroid gland ?!
Now- spirit can overcome all.

Yogis in India is known to eat poison and pieces a glass, without suffering any damage to their bodies at all !

I chose to believe that ! But until I become a Yogi, I don't tempt destiny !

Is it possible that Moldavite came from Sirius ?

Sirius is a Binary Star, a star like our Sun. What is meant hereby ? It comes from some planet or planets in the Sirius sun system ?

Is Moldavite identical with the Cintamani Stone ?

As far as I am informed the Cintamani stone was encapsulated in a Buddha Statue in a Monastery high in Tibet's mountains. I debated that often with the geologists in my group, they told me that several people have tried to get permission to examine the stone but were told it was holy and could not even be touched by the monks themselves.

And there are ever so many green stones that fell from the sky !

The Grail Stone to example.

Since it has never been examined I have chosen to believe that the Cintamani Stone is sacred to monks. And I respect that !


As an interesting story, I once met a Finnish guy who told me he traveled through the Kazakh Steppes to find the origin a of similarly legends of a stone that fell from the sky, or was brought to Earth by Angels.

He ended his quest in Ancient Scythian Folklore and told me that after he listen to many version of such stories came to the conclusion that it was one or several Iron Metorites that fell from the sky as a Shooting Star, because they often have large Olivine (Peridote) crystal clusters inside them as you clove them.

That made some logic sense to me, then a Peridote crystallizes Orthorhombic, and more or less all Orthorhombic stones provides energy patters that are identically with the wavelength we ourselves produces when we are very happy. If you are happy you also feel Lucky !

It is thou still just a possible theory !

And as we talk of believe system: I believe the Grail is a 3D printer lost on Earth by a higher evolved technological civilization, because then anything fits with what the Grail can do !

Even with the legends about the Magic Chaldron in Irish folklore.

I know such technology exists because I lived it, at the base that was orbiting my Mother Planet.

(Read: Life in A Binary Solar System) We never went to a hospital or doctor, neither a healer, we went to the scientists an got repaired.

Whether such device is identical with the Grail legends or one out of Four Irish Treasures, I don't know. It's pure speculation from my side. Or just a wild guess !

Ascension. Hmm !

  The latest Wild Card going around in the game of 'evil versus good' is that you have to have as many Moldavites as possible and place them around in the soil or you can't possible ascend to the next level without Moldavite.

"Don't ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country !"*
(* John F. Kennedy)

"Don't ask what your gemstone can do for you, ask what you can do for your gemstone !"
  What do I mean by that ?

Any gemstone mine has a Devic force, a so called 'lesser angel' that channel the construct of that specific gemstone into the crystallization patterns of that specific mineral.

Whether you buy an Amethyst from India, South America or Madagascar is not irrelevant, they are all different. Each mine has it's own design and is unique ! And the difference can be seen with the naked eye.

When you hold a gemstone in your hand you are in contact with the rest of the stones in that specific mine.

You are a citizen of the upper kingdom ! As you can bless the water, you bless the stone.

This Mothership called Earth is lifting up whether you or I want it or not !

If you want to help her body to get healed - do your work !

Furthermore your body is full of minerals and water, the gemstones are your cousins !

And everything is connected. The minerals present on Earth are connected to the minerals in the rest of Cosmos. Even in the Sirius System !

And by the way: I don't own a single Crystal Bible !

The colors of the gemstones are not their secrets !

"In Moonlight all cats are grey !" It means everything that exist on this planet crystals included sends out subtractive light, what you need is additive light.

Moonlight is polarized !

Sunlight is additive. Any object on this planet sends one or two colors back to your eyeball and inside the eyeball are 3 taves that translates the rays into colors and send them to your brain.

What you nacked eye can't see is the Prana, Chi' or Plasma energy the Sun is transforming down into the lower frequence of our world.

The same thing happens as our worlds Power Stations produce higher voltage electricity, it's also transferred to Transformer Stations that alter the Voltage into lower frequencies and now it can be safely send to any of our electrical devices without melting them down.

If our Sun didn't transform the energy coming from higher worlds of existence this world of ours, would melt down or cease to exist.

That's what Ascension is about. It's all about; power on or power off.

The darkness of our perception of this world has no power at all.

Darkness is absence of Light.

Or you could say: this game is not about becoming a looser or winner, it's all about getting to know the rules of the game. When and if the game becomes predictable you get bored and merge yourself into an even harder game to play next and so on. And what is the keyword to the game ?


It's the float of resonance fields with in the Sacred Geometri of the individual crystallizations !

Or talking sports: you can jumped even higher obstacles with the use of a rod, but the rod is not doing the job for you, you have to train your muscles and your technique at first and the you can jump even higher. Not the other way around.

Conclusion: there are no objects in this our so-called physically world that are doing the job for you, thereby no gemstone in this world that make you ascend or open your third eye or whatever they make you believe.   But whatever power you possess as a spiritual being can be enhanced by the use of any geometric construct what-so-ever !

It's the float of resonance fields with in the Sacred Geometri of the individual crystallizations !

Or talking sports: you can jumped even higher obstacles with the use of a rod, but the rod is not doing the job for you, you have to train your muscles and your technique at first and the you can jump even higher. Not the other way around.

Conclusion: there are no objects in this our so-called physically world that are doing the job for you, thereby no gemstone in this world that make you ascend or open your third eye or whatever they make you believe.   But whatever power you possess as a spiritual being can be enhanced by the use of any geometric construct what-so-ever !

ThankYou ! .....for reading my article !

By Gitte Christensen © October 2017