Energetic Synthesis
October 2017 - Personal Integrity - Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
As the distance between the bifurcating energies is increasing, we can see that a lot of people are starting to fall through the cracks. This time is especially challenging for those who do not have a strong moral compass and core sense of self. As the negative polarity and positive polarity spirals are becoming more extreme and amplified, those who are consciously or unconsciously serving both, are beginning to fracture and lose coherence. In order to stay deeply connected into our core self and to withstand the massive impact of these opposing forces colliding, we must take conscious steps now to embody personal integrity.
The 3D mind control set up is purposed to intentionally destroy the coherence and stability within sets of normative values that both define and model standards of behavior throughout human civilization. Through the mass promotion of the anti-human value systems, it destroys integrity and trust within the fabric of society, and directly erodes the development of Personal Integrity. Personal Integrity is the quality of being truthful and honest with yourself and others, of intentionally aligning personal behaviors and actions to be congruently aligned with your own value system, moral principles, and ethics. It generally requires personal choice and commitment to align ourselves to stay consistent with personal values and ethical standards, so that when we speak we mean what we say.
Developing Personal Integrity is essential to becoming a stable, clear and trustworthy person that aligns their decisions in life with their chosen personal values. It is the milestone of building a strong character guided by ones chosen personal values, and is reflected in a person that is firmly centered in purpose and directed in life by their own core self. We compromise our core integrity whenever we let others make poor decisions for us or when we betray a trust, betray our personal values, or betray that which we know is the truth for ourselves. When we compromise our Personal Integrity, we allow a back door vulnerability for dark force manipulation that many times descends even more darkness and chaos into the situation where we had made the compromise. To support the embodiment of our true essential nature, achieve single soul occupancy and continual consciousness expansion, it is imperative that we understand how to generate and maintain Personal Integrity.
By consistently using dehumanization tactics to invalidate the vital need for creating truly functioning and equitable humanitarian based value systems throughout society, this anti-human agenda successfully erodes the majority of an individual’s Personal Integrity. The psychopathic corporatocracy running global society tells us that wealth and power are made King of the Throne, sitting in absolute power over any matter that is governed by Rule of Law. Human slavery is essentially made meaningless to our societal value system when there is no meaning or value given to life. As a result the tyrants stay in power and gross profits continue to be made on human misery.
The Controller Pillars of Society demonstrate recurrent victimization of those individuals that speak transparently and truthfully to the public, in order to condition persecution of any coherent value system that is deeply connected to maintaining one’s personal integrity. The Controllers do not want to produce people with genuine Personal Integrity that follow a coherent value system that promotes strong self-esteem and self-responsibility, a person that lives by what they believe in and won’t compromise their integrity.
The psychological warfare approach of divide and conquer tactics used by the NAA to condition anti-human values and erode integrity in the masses is called the Archontic Deception Strategy. The Archontic Deception Strategy is used to socially engineer the death culture, a culture of fear, dishonesty and deception. This is achieved through Pavlovian mind control conditioning that adopts extremely self-destructive behaviors as the standard model to guide human behavior. Through conditioning these same behaviors repeatedly in mass media to manufacture social norms, it has produced a population of people that commonly display these negative ego qualities of fear, dishonesty and deception as an acceptable value system that guides their deepest motivations and interactions. People without a value system of personal integrity are easily corrupted and manipulated by mass mind control, producing unstable, erratic and destructive behaviors.
Social Norms Mirror Theatre of the Absurd
To maximize the efficiency of the Negative Alien Agenda’s gradual takeover of the planet through psychological warfare, their goal is to intentionally destroy moderate and humanitarian social norms as value systems, in order to covertly infiltrate the main societal organizational structures of humanity. Social norms are familiar understandings that govern the behavior of members in a society. The roles of norms are collective consciousness representations, which emphasize and guide human behavior in certain situations or are observed in the environment as mental representations that inform appropriate behavior. The covert mainstream agenda is to control social norms to be intentionally guided into extremism and fanaticism, to bring forth the Theater of the Absurd and absurdist behavior. Essentially, a reality bubble that is devoid of meaning in establishing humanitarian values, personal accountability and common sense, breaking down society into a well-designed parody of tragic comedy.
Absurdism is a philosophical school of thought stating the belief that human beings exist without meaning, purposelessly floating in a chaotic universe. In the Theatre of the Absurd, the conflict is the human tendency to seek inherent value and meaning in life and God when there is no meaning to be found. The destructive and bloody aftermath of World War II stimulated absurdist views to rationalize such examples of human anguish and annihilation, which allowed for its popular development in many of the war torn social environments. Black Sun Programming took advantage of this vulnerable time in human history to up their game, through advancing social engineering experiments into absurdism.
Thus, our 3D world was socially engineered to produce a myopic mental polarization upon gratifying purely physical sensations and indulging excessive materialistic based pursuits to produce a spiritually bankrupt population. Such a superficial culture is set up to place value on gaining power and control in any way that fosters instant gratification for selfish motivations, rewarding those without impulse control or empathy. When there is no value or meaning given to life, there is no accountability, no moral or ethical consideration towards the consequences of actions that are directly related to radically increasing world pain and human suffering, such as what happened in World War II. Thus, this absurdist social climate intentionally destroys integrity to produce psychopathic behaviors, making it increasingly hard to energetically interact with many of the corrupt 3D systems. It takes great personal strength and dedication to maintain alignment with personal integrity, when we do not want to be in consent with inverted systems designed callously to harm others through the repeated enactment of the Theater of the Absurd. Yet this is the global reality that we are all exposed to at this time.
Personal Value System and Informed Decisions
In the face of the current challenges we are navigating in this bifurcating world, it is increasingly important now to examine our personal beliefs and value system. To get to the deeper clarity on what reveals itself to be the guideline to your truest nature. In our context this would be consciously participating with spiritually beneficial behaviors that help to define an improved value system and guidelines, for building improved character and personal integrity. Our personal values provide an internal reference point for what is discerned as beneficial, important, useful, beautiful, productive behaviors and actions, which we commit to for the purpose of developing ourselves and guiding our life. Our personal values are what motivate and generate our behavior and actions, it is what influences the choices we make in everyday life. Understanding ourselves enough to have clarity on what we give value to in our personal value system, is critical for building personal integrity and discerning what actions we take that are aligned with those values or not.
Every person has to choose the kind of person they want to be in this world, whether you decide to wear the mask others provided for you, or act independently to discover what you really value and how to think and feel for yourself.
Consciously making the choice in determining what is important to you by choosing a personal value system, puts focus upon these qualities so that you can align the choices you make to reflect what’s important to you. A person that has clarity on their personal values that guide their life decisions will make much better decisions for themselves. When we make many decisions over a period of time, if we remain clear and authentic to align with our personal values, all of those combined decisions will be coherent and form a network of purposeful and aligned choices that ultimately serve our best interest. With this level of self-awareness and clarity, looking back over time we will see that we were always being guided to be authentic, by aligning our personal values with our actions, which form into the deep inspiration that reflects the kind of person that we really want to be.
When a person is unaware of their actions and how to connect them into their personal values they are unable to develop a strong internal compass when navigating the world. This impairs decision making as when our compass is not being inner directed we make poor choices. Without self-awareness derived from choosing our own personal values, we cannot make informed decisions that enable strong discernment. When we act out of alignment with our deepest values and core self, we fall out of integrity with ourselves and lose our directional compass. We cannot see what direction we are moving in and become increasingly lost and confused, losing discernment in which path we are supposed to follow.
The crisis we are facing in ourselves is the crisis of consciousness, it is a lack of self-awareness of what deeply motivates our behaviors. When we can observe what we give consent to, this reflects what we give value to.
The lack of self-awareness combined with the utter lack of consciousness, results in an inability to directly experience our true essential nature as spiritual beings. Now is the time to dedicate effort to the self-inquiry process, in order to clearly define personal truth in regard to your value system, ethics and the standard of behavior, that which you are committed to follow to be authentic. As you gain deeper clarity on your own personal truth then it is critical to take conscious steps to behave in ways that are consistent and coherent with your personal value system. This is how you build personal integrity, which gives you more strength to remain strong, stable and clear, especially when you are faced with decisions that you must make while enduring adversity or challenges.
To maintain core stability when exposed to the chaotic forces of bi-wave and reversal energies that are producing potent collisions in the surface field, we must know how to be true to ourselves and to maintain personal integrity when dealing with the challenges that may come our way. Our personal integrity, ethics and virtues are powerful forces, which stabilize us and keep us firmly grounded within our spiritual center. This is what keeps us strong, protected and transparent when facing intense oppositional forces.
The Breaking Point that Shatters Integrity
The planetary body is shifting into the higher frequency band that is located in the next Harmonic Universe. It is very important to understand that planet earth and her inhabitants are moving through a very turbulent time of collective consciousness transformation that directly impacts the global brain and individual mental body. We are undergoing another stage of core magnetic field shifting that radically elevates the magnetic tone resonance that emanates from the inner core of the planet.
The impact to the geomagnetic field generates massive surfacing of black forces that produces intense energetic pressure upon people’s bodies, especially their mental body. It is becoming clear that more of the masses are not faring well physically, psychologically or emotionally from the massive impact of magnetic shifts, which are shifting the global brain resonance. This particular theme of mental body fracturing, incoherent thoughts and emotional instability, as well as possible possession, are disturbing and many of us will need to gather strength from the fact that this is happening in greater numbers on the planet. People that are heavily dependent on their intellectual capacity, extremely mentally rigid, severely traumatized or fractured, are having a really difficult time maintaining personal stability and coherence during this time. Additionally, many fractured and traumatized people are prescribed a cocktail of psychoactive pharmaceutical drugs that further alter brain function, leading to unknown consequences.
When a person remains very internally conflicted about themselves, lost and confused in life, holding memories of extreme trauma in their body that remain unhealed, they are internally disconnected from their core self. This type of person lives within perpetual cognitive dissonance and this generates a lot of stress and pressure on that person’s body and energies, especially the mental and physical body. Every person has a pressure point or breaking point when there is too much pressure being exerted upon the body and nervous system, where extreme deviations in brain chemistry and behavior can occur. When people are internally conflicted and fractured they reach a point where they will explode, as a bodily mechanism for releasing cumulative energetic pressure that these emotional and mental conflicts create. This breaking point is occurring in some of the fragile minds of fractured or traumatized people around us, and is what we are witnessing in larger numbers. Mind control in all the various forms it is being used in the media to assault the public with fear based propaganda, is extremely destructive to the human body. Artificial intelligence mind control technologies are especially damaging to the functions of the brain and neurological system, impairing coherent thinking and producing extremist ideologies. This is one component of what is currently manufacturing a greater number of lunatics in society.
A lunatic is an informal term describing a person whose behaviors and actions are considered mentally ill, dangerous, unstable and unpredictable. This type of unstable person, that sometimes exhibits insanely destructive behavior, is something that we should be able to discern in the environment and do our best to remain neutral around, yet set the necessary boundaries while in their midst. This is the saddening result of the extreme methods of mind control and mixtures of chemical substances that have been used in this reality to enslave human consciousness.
Roots of Dishonesty that Split Reality
Being dishonest and intentionally lying to others produces a split reality. This is where you are personally aware of the one reality that is the truth and the other reality that is the lie, and they co-exist simultaneously. The roots of dishonesty that split apart energies produce a negative effect on the personal timeline, it is the energetic content of what you have created when you made the choice to be dishonest. This negative content becomes a black energy that is generated within your mind and body, and can impact other layers by producing fracturing, which is the disintegration in the perception of external reality. When there is a buildup of accumulated content from repeated lying, the consequence over time is memory loss, losing the ability to tell what events really did happen, was it the lie or the truth? People lose memory of events that happened in time and cannot keep their facts straight, because they have told too many lies to too many people. This is a pathological liar that eventually over time, can’t remember what they have said to whom. The more lies that have been told the more split realities they generate, which drains their energy, leading to inner disconnection and a complete loss of integrity. People that have this profile are commonly the most voracious emotional and psychic vampires.
Most people may perceive themselves as mostly positive, wanting to do the right thing in life, and yet they are perpetually dishonest and lie quite frequently. Generally the need to assert control over other people or to gain advantage in circumstances leads to levels of perpetuating forms of manipulation, which produce false impressions. The need to manipulate others leads to varying degrees of spinning deceptions that misinform others through giving false impressions that create split realities.
Lying is the seed of satanic forces, and thus when a person intentionally lies no matter how small the lie is, it opens a back door of vulnerability to dark attachment to the situation. Being dishonest and lying destroys personal integrity and eventually destroys your lightbody. It is imperative that this severe character defect be corrected in order to become free of dark force manipulation, and begin the path to build personal integrity as well as accumulate inner light. People that are pathological liars or perpetual liars in many cases have possession problems, it is a very serious consequence to your consciousness when you choose to intentionally lie.
If there are dark spirit attachments or dark attacks that are aggressive and extreme, and you are unable to rid yourself of these recurring attacks, it is critical to truly evaluate how honest you are being with yourself and others.
The root of dishonesty, deception and lying in all of its forms is the seed of Satanism, which attracts dark entities.
Therefore it is critical to start building integrity through being as truthful and honest as possible in all interactions, examining your motivations in order to commit to speak and act honestly. Make the necessary adjustments in your language to more accurately reflect that you are telling the truth that you know in that moment. Start building relationships with people that want the truth from you and that you can be honest and authentic with.
Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say
On the road to building personal integrity and developing trust and respect between mutual parties in communications, it is important that you say what you mean, mean what you say and be kind when you say it. Further, align with your words by representing yourself as you really are, and doing what you said you were going to do. When you do communicate, reflect upon the intention of the words you choose as being honest, truthful, and trustworthy, as these qualities build strong inner and outer personal integrity.
Being Truthful and Honest is the foundation for developing all human Virtues. When we are truthful and honest it is possible to connect with our highest spiritual attributes, the inner Christ spirit, which develops our innate divine qualities, or virtues.
If you fail to reach impeccable consistency with what you mean to express honestly with your word, this damages credibility with others, and leaves a trail of broken promises that break trust and erode personal integrity. When we are being truthful and honest in more blunt conversations, we also need to manage emotions and be prepared to hear feedback that we may not like. People can be triggered when they have unresolved pain hidden in certain topics, so remembering to always be kind and sensitive to help manage the emotions involved when approaching challenging topics.
Counterfeit Conversations and Self-Regulation
In everyday communication it is very common that people engage in fake conversations to avoid facing conflicts or challenging topics, because they fear the ramifications from what they say. Many people avoid conflicts and run away from saying things that need to be expressed, because they take things too personally and don’t know how to emotionally self-regulate. In considering the impact of choosing to participate in counterfeit conversations, this engages with the root of dishonesty when avoiding saying something that needs to be said when there are conflicts that need to be addressed. Ignoring the issues and dancing around the conflict when you know they are present, will only exacerbate the problem, inviting in dark forces of confusion and chaos. To avoid fake conversations generated on autopilot, take a moment to reflect and to consider a more accurate and truthful way to reply.
When we are congruent with our speech, words, behavior and actions simultaneously, our body language, words, tone, facial expressions become integrated and coherent. If you pay attention to the energetic subtleties revealed in body language, all of the patterns in the person’s expression are matching in a congruent way. Conversely it is made clear when these patterns do not match, revealing that something is off kilter and not congruent within that person. This is usually because the person feels unsafe, their nervous system is in fight-flight and they have to hide behind a façade, with a false identity that engages in counterfeit conversations.
We begin to increase our ability to trust ourselves and live in alignment to our authentic nature when we start being fully present in our communications, by saying what we really mean in order to reflect our personal integrity.
Recovering Core Self
When a person has not recovered their core self, they have no sense of who they really are and what provides meaning and connection in their life. Without a strong core self, we let other people think for us. As a result, the lack of personal integrity and instability within the core self is easily swept away into the massive power of these external forces, such as in mind control.
Many people are feeling inner pressure as they are being forced to move past old 3D identities and let go of the false self. As a result of current shifts, all people are being pushed to recognize and feel the differences between the authentic core self and the false identities used to mask pain and trauma. The only way to regain an understanding of personal integrity, is to know the difference between what is authentic to you and what is not, and stop repeatedly acting out those incongruent behaviors that are out of integrity.
The false self or the false identity is usually formed to generate inner walls in our unconscious mind as a result of unhealed painful trauma and fears. People in pain form opposite sets of compensating behaviors, which means they act out behaviors that are actually the opposite of who they really are. This is done to keep up appearances or meet externally perceived expectations, connected to their mental body enforced belief system. These compensating behaviors turn into fear based coping mechanisms in order to get through life, with people putting up a façade or false identity. They may be reduced to impersonating other people’s behaviors around them in order to feel safe, where other people’s behaviors become the mental body architecture that form the false identity mask that they show to the world. When we allow others the power to dictate to our identity, we become lost, confused and very unhappy.
At this time it is important that we not seek to repair and reprogram the false identity mask of the negative ego’s pain, or that part of our lower mind that has compensated with behaviors to hide away our deepest fears that we are unlovable, worthless, or inadequate. It is time to break through the ego walls of separation and fear, to discover the true authentic core self through unconditional self-love and unconditional self-acceptance.
If we exist in false identities and behave inauthentically, wearing masks in our everyday life, suppressing our true emotions and feelings, we are engaged in counterfeit conversations, and thus we are unable to discern what is real and what is false. If we contribute to fake conversations in order to maintain the status quo, we are choosing to behave in a form of dishonesty. This produces self-delusion from the lack of personal integrity, and a person that has not developed the core inner self has very little emotional stability and mental clarity.
To address our core negative beliefs and core wound, we must look to the frustrations and irritations we feel in everyday life, by listening to the inner dialogue we have that is negative about ourselves, negative about others, negative about our conditions. Many people’s core wound is generated in their earliest memories during childhood, and this emotional pain may have been defined in previous lifetimes in similar situations, when the same emotional theme played out and was not resolved and healed, it is replayed into this current lifetime. Drilling down into the core wound of unhealed emotional pain and fear, takes us into the classic case study of ego walls of separation, feeling disconnected from experiencing or feeling unconditional love and self-acceptance.
Each person will grow to develop their own ego defense mechanisms that reinforce the experiences of separation, which take us away from giving or receiving unconditional love. When we live in fear our body constricts and we hold back our heart, suppressing our feelings, withholding authentic and truthful communication, which increases emotional and mental pain. When we live in a fearful state our body will constrict from tension, it will contract away from giving and receiving unconditional love, and this denial of self-love is the main cause of continuing to experience and accumulate emotional pain. Our beliefs around family and our connections to family lineages will give important insight and clues to the negative core beliefs and wounds that we are struggling with, that we have inherited from the False Parent.
If we hold a vision of humanity as eternal souls coming into the material reality to learn lessons to grow and purify ourselves spiritually, it is easier to see that most people have forgotten who they really are as they are wearing many false identity masks. It is rare today to meet with completely honest, balanced and authentic people that reflect personal integrity. Thus in this deeper reflection, we may have forgotten who we really are and come to realize that we are still bargaining away our soul.
Spiritual Blindness or Disconnection
Most people on this planet are living out of alignment with their authentic and natural self, which means they are unable to express personal integrity and coherence. Without personal integrity we exist in the unnatural state of internal and external disconnection, unable to actually see how the things around us are interconnected and cause things to manifest. When we are confused about who we are, the collective unconsciousness takes over our direction in life, and this ultimately produces poor decisions and self-destructive manifestations. In the state of being disconnected from our authentic self, we feel deep unresolved pain and the inner emptiness that causes the lack of fulfillment and contentment in our life.
Pain is created when you are inauthentic and living outside of personal integrity, believing in your mind you are something you’re not, expressing something to others in an identity that you really are not.
Beyond experiencing abusive physical trauma, it is important to remember that when experiencing painful negative emotions, the pain being generated is based upon lies and deceptions. Many times painful emotions are created from a deception in your mind that you believed to be true, when it’s really not true.
When we do not know who we really are inside, when we do not have clarity on our life lessons and purpose, when we have not taken time to develop a close relationship with our body and self, we lack self-awareness. When a person lacks self-awareness, they can easily become delusional. If a person does not know what their personal values are, they will have no understanding of the guiding principles that motivate their direction throughout life. This is the state of disconnection within the inner self that generates spiritual blindness and energetic weakness that is set up for exploitation. In the 3D world, blind spots and energetic weaknesses are aggressively exploited by Controller archetypes, to keep people disconnected from their authentic core self so that they can be easily controlled by the external forces.
Spiritual Blindness is the lack of self-awareness that continually produces blind spots that operate in the periphery of our consciousness or lack thereof. Many times our spiritual blindness shows up as recurring themes of intense obstacles, hurdles and dark attack. On a planet that places power in the hands of those that use deception as imposters, these blind spots are potentially exploited in every area of our lives. As we start to recognize deceptions and the imposters manipulating in the environment, then we must also see closely inside ourselves any places where we may be deceiving or lying to ourselves. We must see the times when we represent ourselves to others in a way that is out of alignment with our personal integrity. When we realize we are out of integrity, it is imperative to correct the behavior or make amends immediately, changing the destructive behavior to more positively aligned behavior in the future.
When we dedicate the day to day effort to neutrally observe our thoughts and reactions to people and things, we gain self-awareness by discerning the reasons why we have reacted in the ways that we have. What is critical in these intense times, is to make the effort to move away from inner confusion and disconnection, by taking positive steps towards discovering inner clarity. To help us develop the right relationship to our core self, we must study ourselves. We must gain deeper self-knowledge so that we can discover the personal core values we have that reflect the deepest inner contents of our being. Only when we gain self-awareness can we begin to even know the guiding principle for the highest expression for our authentic nature. We cannot live within personal integrity until we dedicate some effort to truly knowing who we really are and what inspires heart based motivations in the way we live life.
Indications of Lacking Integrity
The first stage of effectively building personal integrity is to perform an accurate assessment of the areas in your character that were weakened when you met strong resistance. We are all tested by life circumstances when we are confronted with something challenging and the situation really knocked us over and we crumbled. When our character is weak, we can be easily emotionally manipulated and controlled. However, these events are great opportunities to learn life lessons and serve to inform us of what we must strengthen inside ourselves. Recovering our core, being authentic and living in personal integrity is similar to the concept of inspecting a building for its structural integrity. Our spiritual house is made strong and filled with inner light, when we direct our focus and attention to developing inner and outer personal integrity. Without strong personal integrity, like a building without structural integrity, we physically collapse and morally decay, because we are unable to withstand the pressure of the forces that create impact upon our lives.
Are you able to maintain integrity while withstanding the pressure of enduring personal challenges or spiritual crisis? How well do you cope with stress? How well can you refocus back into relaxation and neutrality? Track yourself in how well you do in crisis moments or challenges, observing if can you stay in your core and withstand the impact.
The negative ego destroys integrity period. Thus working towards clearing the inferior and superior vacillating thought forms of negative ego, is the key to restoring balance. Generally the negative ego needs to feel it has approval from others, and self-esteem is hinged upon other people’s opinions and judgments. This is very unhealthy and can be toxic for all involved. No person can lead themselves and purposefully direct their life if they are afraid of others judging them. If your self-worth falls into how others perceive you, it is important to change that perception immediately and unconditionally provide self-love and self-acceptance. Your basic human right is to be who you are, so let yourself be unapologetically real.
Be aware when you are hiding things or sweeping them under the rug from fear, like buried secrets, or asking people to keep secrets. This also feeds the roots of dishonesty and triangulation. Upon getting more comfortable with being transparent and honest, it evolves over time and becomes more important that you tend to not hide things from others, as you may be hiding from the truth that needs to be surfaced. Truth is truth, and it stands through the test of time. Maintaining appropriate boundaries is important, yet at the same time in finding balance with living more transparently, stop judging yourself and others, and make the effort to build a stronger character with personal integrity. Personal integrity gives you the inner strength to tell it like it is, there is no need to hide anything, when it is what it is. Truth is truth, when it’s expressed honestly and authentically.
How many times in social situations do you compromise your values or go along with something that feels bad? When we compromise ourselves too much and bend to other peoples will, this is not healthy for us and erodes integrity. When we commit to be of service to others it does not mean we repeatedly compromise our values, beliefs or integrity to do what the other person wants us to do. To be effective with managing our personal energies, we must be responsible for directing our energies, time and effort into the things that feel meaningful for us and reflect our personal values. This is important not only for building personal integrity, but in developing the self-leadership skills required to claim self-ownership.
Self-Inquiry upon Personal Integrity
To build and maintain personal integrity takes some effort and commitment, like developing the self-awareness that is required to define your personal values so that you can measure your behaviors and actions, in order to evaluate how aligned you are to your authentic self. When you consciously participate to clarify personal beliefs and core values, the next step is to honestly assess how well you are doing, by reviewing yourself in a personal integrity report. It may be a powerfully positive process to review your core values and generate personal integrity reports annually, so that you can see how you are evolving and transforming, as you better stay aligned to your own personal value system. This begins to develop more competency in self-leadership and life management skills, so that you are empowered to make positive differences from the values that you lead in your life. Real self-leadership and self-ownership begins when we have absolute clarity within the context of our personal beliefs and core values, which become the guiding principles we follow in our lives.
What are the most important Personal Values that motivate my life? Choose up to five of the most important core values that feel the most essential to live authentically and express your highest purpose. Then focus upon those themes that you have chosen and evaluate if you are practicing and increasing these important values throughout your life. In the Guardian context for reclamation of Christ, our personal core value system would be directly connected to the Law of One practices. For example, for those dedicated to be of service to the Law of One, some of our most important personal core values are:
- Expressing Unity Consciousness, knowing we are all interconnected.
- Expressing Unconditional Love and Compassion to Myself, Love Others and Love Earth.
- Expressing Service to Others orientation to motivate personal actions.
Once you’ve defined some of your most important personal values, then inquire on each one to evaluate how you can better align your thoughts and behaviors with the meaning of each value. For example, ask three questions about the core values of expressing Unity, to help you accurately assess positive changes that you can make to be more authentic and within integrity.
- What does Unity mean to me, how do I express Unity in my thoughts, behaviors and actions?
- How can I better practice Unity consciousness throughout my life?
- Am I practicing empathy with others to more deeply express Unity?
Summarize the key points in your Personal Integrity Assessment for reference. As you gain clarity on identifying important personal values and how you can build and maintain authentic integrity, prepare a summary of key points that you can revisit for inspiration to help guide your life direction and purpose in the next cycle. Print out your notes to clarify in more detail your personal vision for living within core personal values, knowing that when you are maintaining personal integrity it naturally aligns to fulfill your highest purpose. Embodying core personal values, living, thinking and breathing those values is what expresses personal integrity. This is the key to avoid negative cause and effect or miasmatic imprints upon what you are manifesting. Then make an effort to re-read and reflect upon your Personal Integrity Assessment regularly, to keep you focused on what personal core values are the most important guiding principles of fulfilling your most authentic expression.
Practical Application of Embodying Integrity
In the process of completing a personal integrity self-assessment and consciously choosing your value system based on what you know to be true for you, now is the time to take conscious steps every day to behave in ways that are consistent with your personal values.
- Identify the behavioral traits that need to be addressed and are required to change.
- Determine the underlying reasons why you have not behaved with greater personal integrity.
- Observe the obstacles and other people that are used as excuses to lie or violate your personal values or moral code.
- Commit to build authentic relationships through greater truthfulness, honesty and being open and direct.
- Compile a list of tasks and behaviors in which you dedicate to become more trustworthy and honest.
- Protect your basic human rights to be authentic and protect the rights of others, by respecting the decisions and opinions of other people.
- When possible, be of service to others and live as an example for embodying truthfulness and integrity.
- Be willing to honestly self-assess progress on your commitment to personal integrity, making adjustments along the way.
- Look for the support of others who are inspiring examples of personal integrity, and have similar goals and personal values to be honest and trustworthy.
- Develop accountability for personal behaviors and actions, and if you make a mistake that impacts others or you break a promise, be willing to admit it and apologize.
Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!
Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!
With a Loving heart, Lisa
Practical Application of Embodying Integrity adapted from: