Let me be perfectly clear... there is no more USD anywhere in the world as of midnight September 30.
That means no good standing country in the world not named Israel, Ukraine or North Korea will dare recognize it at the risk of being removed from the new asset backed financial system headquartered out of Asia.
And because financially none of those before mentioned countries matter in the bigger economic or mineral scheme of things, they too won't be recognized if their cabal government leaders don't fully surrender control of their bogus seats of power.
Japan too for vastly different reasons however. Very old debts to settle between Japanese and Chinese sovereign families.
Talk about a giant game of chicken that has only but one outcome in favor of the good guys. As these "humanoid hybrids" are continued to be programmed to spew hatred and war, making them all suicidal and come off nucking futs.
Yikes Batman!
Regardless of who pulls their levers of control all of these rogue GCR/RV nations are run by mindless clones, making them irrelevant to the facts that the world has already changed and permanently.
The NPTB is finally eliminating all remnants of the old Breton Woods financial system as of Sunday night this week.
The witch is dead folks! Like this week dead!
Will you be ready to hit the ground running to provide mercy to the suffering masses?
Human Angel Services sure as heck will be. You can book that fact!
So subscribe before October 1, 2017 to gain initial project funding and compliance priority.
Subscribe after and your project goes to the back of the line.
Only true believers need apply because half hearted humanitarians just won't cut it in the harsh and real life world of infinitely abundant "Top Down Philanthropy."
As such, Human Angels are down right now for "healing the soul of the world." Sobeit.
God is with us.