FEMA blocking relief efforts has been reported multiple times before in other disaster areas. It is not a surprise that they continue to put people in harms way after Hurricane Irma. Here is a previous list of FEMA blocking aid.
FEMA won’t accept Amtrak’s help in evacuationshttp://news.ft.com/cms/s/84aa35cc-1da8-11da-b40b-00000e
FEMA turns away experienced firefightershttp://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2005/9/5/105538/7048
FEMA turns back Wal-Mart supply truckshttp://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/05/national/nationalspec..
FEMA prevents Coast Guard from delivering diesel fuelhttp://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/05/national/nationalspec..
FEMA won’t let Red Cross deliver foodhttp://www.post-gazette.com/pg/05246/565143.stm
FEMA bars morticians from entering New Orleanshttp://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=15147862&BRD=…
FEMA blocks 500-boat citizen flotilla from delivering aidhttp://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2005/9/3/171718/0826
FEMA fails to utilize Navy ship with 600-bed hospital on boardhttp://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-0509..
FEMA to Chicago: Send just one truckhttp://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-050902dale..
FEMA turns away generatorshttp://www.wwltv.com/local/stories/WWLBLOG.ac3fcea.html
FEMA: “First Responders Urged Not To Respond”http://www.fema.gov/news/newsrelease.fema?id=18470
Source: http://www.globalresearch.ca/fema-blocking-relief-efforts/915
Received via email from Mr. Ed of Rumor Mill News
Fema is also not helping, they are
letting people in the keys go to hell. The Cajun Navy and others are not
going to stand idly by while they receive calls for help, they are
going to bust the FEMA barricades and go in fighting.
What's happening in the Keys is absolutely despicable. I'm currently
volunteering logistical support with three rescue groups including The
Cajun Navy & the US Civil Defense Force, we have 100's of fully
qualified, ( US Navy ) vetted & certified volunteers with teams of
rescue workers who've brought their own resources, equipment &
FEMA has stopped our teams & are currently refusing access into the Keys.
We've received hundreds of calls &
requests for help, we have tickets on our system(s) that are over 3.hrs
old and FEMA absolutely refuses to let our teams in to help.
We are planing on rallying at Phantom Fireworks in Key Largo in the morning.. 1.st & 2.nd Amendment exercise. 7.am. In a show of force we plan on crossing FEMA's roadblocks & checkpoints with or without FEMA's blessings.
We are inviting all 3% Conceal &
Open Carry citizens to join us at the rally point tomorrow morning..
This is an open S.O.S. for the people trapped in the Florida Keys.
There are people in desperate need of
our help & we are not going to sit another day waiting for
permission to assist. Americans do not need FEMA's permission to
exercise their first and second amendment rights. we will assemble &
we fully intend to render assistance.
We are currently holding 'live' USCF
Action Team meetings on the android zello app in the Hurricane Irma
Rescue & relief channel.
We shall not go 'Quietly'. They kicked us out of Hurricane Harvey they will not 'kick' us out of Irma.
AJ has been in the channel ripping it up
so we expect this Call to Arms to go live across many of the
alternative media outlets in a little while but I doubt we'll see this
on any of the lame stream media.
My comment: If Fema is blocking help
from arriving I would not put it past them to vanish as many people as
possible. Katrina was very suspicious with this, as was Andrew. Good
luck guys, all I can do from here is help spread the word.
GK note: This is why the people
who talk of humanitarian projects are intensely naive. They have no idea
of the gauntlets placed where the evil does not want to ever relinquish
their goals and control. Those who talk about building things to
withstand hurricanes or tornadoes don't even understand the sustainable
freaks are anti-sustainable when it comes to people and places they want
to have tornadoes blow off the face of the earth. Therefore many of the
building permits will not allow cement or building into the ground.
Ask yourself why certain places like the
Florida key are being seized? It would be a sound guess that strategic
positioning is a large part of that plan. What if the so called cabal
set up the launching pads for missile strikes? Or bioweapons close
enough to hit any target?
Also, for anyone who thinks the so
called cabal will ever stand down and accept a secondary role in world
control you do not understand the Talmud or the protocols of Zion.
Second is not an option. Not only do they demand to be chosen and make
all decisions for humankind, they have a plan to kill off everyone who
does not follow their doctrine.