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U.S. President Donald Trump Becomes “Obump” with Zionist Meltdown at UN
Something has gone seriously wrong with U.S. President Donald Trump, as was obvious to any aware person who listened to his speech at the UN last week. By threatening to “totally destroy North Korea,” he was the only world leader threatening war at a venue designed to promote peace. Trump did this because he is being blackmailed by the Khazarian mob with videos of him having sex with an underaged girl, CIA sources say, confirming what Pentagon sources have previously said. The CIA sources add that there is also a video of him killing the girl that was faked using computer graphics, something the Pentagon sources were not aware of. In addition, “Trump is trying to stay alive and keep his family from harm,” the CIA sources say.If you look at this picture of White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly burying his head in his hands as Trump veers away from the agreed-upon speech text, you can tell the U.S. military had no part of this travesty.
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s counter-threat to “definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire,” just added to the same Khazarian theatrics that are designed to fill the world’s people with fear.
You do not have to dig very deep to show that North Korea and Donald Trump take orders from the same Khazarian mobsters. The trail, as we shall show, leads to the Rothschild complex in Zug, Switzerland.
In Trump’s case, the Khazarian mob connection can be found by looking at who came up with the money to save him when he went bankrupt—the Rothschilds, whose headquarters are in Zug.
Of course, Trump, like his predecessor Barack Obama, is torn between two opposing forces—the U.S. military patriots and the Khazarian mob—so he has to flip-flop in public in order to keep both masters happy.
For North Korea, let us connect a few of the many publicly available dots to remind us of their Khazarian link. Let’s start with North Korea’s nuclear technology. Former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, for example, sat on the board of the Swiss company ABB, which provided nuclear technology to North Korea. This let it manufacture plutonium, an essential ingredient in nuclear weapons.
ABB, together with Group Edmond de Rothschild, is part of the UN-linked Global Compact Network.
Then we find out it was the Khazarian rogue state of the Ukraine that provided North Korea with the rocket engines needed to put nuclear weapons on ICBMs.
There is a lot more publicly available information of this sort for those who look for it, but let us now switch to what this writer’s own sources have to say.
First of all, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was assiduously courted with beautiful women, fancy cars, fine liquor, etc. by the Rothschild family while he was studying in Switzerland, according to a Rothschild family member.
Continue Reading at ...... https://benjaminfulford.net/2017/09/25/u-s-president-donald-trump-becomes-obump-zionist-meltdown-un/