On The GoldFish Report No. 123 - Jim and Louisa travel the yellow brick
road to reveal the wizards behind the curtain, that includes rigged DNC
primaries and subsequent lawsuits and federal judge decision,
blackmailing Manafort against POTUS, Podesta's own Russian connections
on DNC server, the role of Think Tank's and their foreign government
agendas in U.S. policy making, evidence of the demoralization of the
American people by statue and monument removal, weather weaponization
and Hurricane Harvey, ANTIFA members demanding Soros payment and much,
more. The link to Jim's Millennium Report is located here http://themillenniumreport.com/2017/0....
To learn more about Jim Fetzer's research, books and articles, visit
www.jamesfetzer.blogspot.com. To receive notifications of our reports
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