Neil Provides Update on Special Conference Call Tonight
Galactic Perspective Video That Neil Refers Too
Conference Call Info......
Or, call in using your phone:
United States: +1 605-475-4120
United States: +1 712-832-8330
United States: +1 218-339-7800
United States: +1 605-475-2875
Access code: 953 2379- for all
It's Here! *Ginger's Step-by-Step* Access to TDA Accounts

# HATJ Focusing on the BIG, BIG, BIG, Outcome: Conference Call hosted by BZ Riger 8.18.17
Friday, August 18 2017, 6:00 PM PDT
This call will give people who want to focus on the BIG, BIG, BIG, outcome for Creating the New Now, a space to connect and come together in Coordinated Cooperation.
We will talk a bit about your Treasury Direct Deposit accounts. Not a how to call, but the latest information Heather shared in her email (see below). People’s experiences, and DOings.
We will talk about pulling back the curtain and ripping it down.
The main purpose is to gather and connect our energy, in Play with the expansive outcome we have our focus on.
We will ride this expansive energy all the way through the Solar Eclipse on 8.21.17
Or, call in using your phone:
United States: +1 605-475-4120
United States: +1 712-832-8330
United States: +1 218-339-7800
United States: +1 605-475-2875
Access code: 953 2379- for all