What's even more interesting than the cabal having no other option but total surrender, is how the Elders have no other option but total release.
We are now hearing they're once again withholding said release per a source in Beijing.
The cause: Infighting for power and authority post RV between the more than two dozen colors of the Dragon Family (Asian Sovereigns).
Zimbabwe was just such an internal conflict. The Red Dragons did not trust heir to the throne VP Emerson Mnangawa to dominate African continent affairs post RV, and because of that, Mugabe handled him--all be it late in the process.
Mnangawa was supposedly loyal and by Mugabe's side for 50 years and didn't make the Dragon cut.
We also understand he was compromised by cabal agents promising secrets of immortality and ultimately global control through African mineral reign.
I report, you decide (if your face melts off that's up to you).
Equally fascinating is that the back wall for malevolent and benevolent factions in this transition both function off the same day and time for the release--which is firm and know known to both sides.
Both are aware their cosmic window is fast closing (August 21) and each is making every effort to improve their post event positions.
Remember, it's a free for all post RV across all corners of the globe, including the once elites. After final release is authorized (by God not man) their will be race for projects, territories and governments.
And while the cabal has been split into many different pieces now, individuals can still stake claims if they have adhered to their amnesty terms.
Ironically, some Dragon Elders have failed to live up to their responsibilities as keepers of the world's wealth and have been discretely removed.
Not serving God's Will knows no color or age, thus it appears we all have a boss and clearly a few bad grandfathers didn't make the cut.
It's now time for humanity to ascend and all non-conforming energies are to be terminated lovingly by benevolent forces overseeing the Homo Sapien and earthly transition.
The Elders via the People's Republic of China are also being pushed by the Republic to release the RV by threatening military action in North Korea.
All Asian nations are dependent on China to control North Korea's radicalism--which they have done--but the Republic is now forcing Trump to agitate all of Asia in order to ensure that America's finance reforms happen in short order.
That's the real reason General Dunford was in Beijing Monday. The RV--final preparations for the big release.
General McMaster is controlling all Trump affairs inside the White House. General Kelly is setting up for the RV on a domestic level. And General Dunford is dealing directly with Grandfather (and Grandmother / Quan Yin) to confirm international release timing.
America must get going before the country runs out of fiat money at Septembers end. And the big ugly, bogus UST/FED ballon pops into a quadrillion little pieces and collapse the western world.
The debt those institutions inflicted upon the world's population are so unthinkably large and overwhelmingly negative. Good riddance. Next. Whew.
See, the government of the United States is dead broke just like every other western government, and they're all in the same panic right now, worrying about honoring their global sovereign responsibilities moving forward.
If they don't all RV, they all collapse together. That was part of the master plan for absolute uncompromised acceptance by the cabal.
All nations need this new financial system to survive and ultimately save face to their populations.
Yes it's true, all go or none go, but they all in theory could be allowed to collapse, which hurts China and Russia temporarily btw, but at least the system resets and humanity is freed.
So basically everything is at stake with this RV releasing smoothly.
No pressure Joe.
The problem is innocent people are being slaughtered while the Titans continue to titan--although God is no longer allowing these senseless massacres to persist.
He's therefore sending a certain message through soul removal from literally the top down to protect those of us on the bottom praying upwards.
God you see is the hero, not man nor alien.
Both cabal and elder leaders alike are being removed in real time now... like from the earth removed. Some disappearing in the middle of the night, gone permanently, and sent to the central sun for soul recycling.
Believe, don't believe... either way, you are right and I'm a lone nut. But I give ya what I get and trust that you can make your own discernments.
However, if old Yo is right about the GESARA, GCR/RV, ZIM, Sovereign Rates, Trump, Ryan, Gold Standard... maybe I might be right about this little tidbit as well.
God or not God is the only choice. And surrender to God's Will the only bridge across the river of comes against His humanity.
So stay open to all positive and God favorable possibilities no matter from where or whom they originate.
And keep believing in the face of your own personal extermination. I know it's hard.
But faith is only true currency in this lifetime, and the safest pathway to achieving our greatest good (aka divine covenant). Sobeit.
God is with us.