There’s a court case happening right now in Washington, DC. Follow this blog (click here) and this man, Neil, (here), for up to the minute updates. Google “The Strawman” and # HATJ. Read this article (click here). This “identity hearing” is being called one of the most important cases, worldwide, of this century. It’s being referred to as a pivotal moment, equal to the day that Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat on that bus in 1955 (click here). You’ll want to be informed.
It’s been aptly named (“identity hearing”). Here’s why you should care:
We all begin the same. We are bits of eternal essence, birthed into physical form. You may refer to this as “soul”. From this point on, we enter life as we’ve constructed it, into whichever society our mother was a part of.
Now physical, we are declared property, and given a number. That number is what “allows” us to operate commercially within the society we’ve entered. It is necessary in today’s society, in order to conduct any “legal” enterprise, or to be considered for employment; to “earn a living”.
Realize in which circumstances that number is demanded/required. You do not need it before breathing, moving, skipping, climbing, swimming, running, jumping, dancing, making love, eating, drinking, sleeping, singing or loving. These activities can only be performed by one who is alive. You do not need to “earn” them. They are a function of you, in physical form.
We all end the same. We leave our physical form and return our focus once again to eternal essence. You may refer to this as soul. From this point on, we continue life as we’ve constructed it. This will vary individually, according to our beliefs, as all constructs do.
As you are reading this or hearing this, your current focus is Earth. The story you’ve entered was already happening before you arrived. This may be before Rosa Parks got on that bus, or after, it matters not. You are here now because you wanted to see how it ends; not your life or Earth’s, but the story.
So, you have a number. Those that decided to number you, are not human. They look human, but instead they perceive themselves to be “humanities owners”. It turns out that George Carlin, and many others before and after him, were right (click here). They don’t give a damn about you.
They are the International Banking family bloodlines, 6 or 8 families I believe, and they own the planet. They’ve been told many times to give it up and move elsewhere, yet they won’t let go because of greed. We find ourselves here today, at the doorstep of not just financial freedom, but actual freedom. You’ve never experienced that, regardless of what you’ve been told.
These families consider you to be property. They are not the faces and names plastered all over your media. You do not see them. Their only interest is in holding on to the planet and a few humans, to keep them comfortable while they are on it.
This is a great deal to take in (if you haven’t already been following it). There are many truths that will elucidate this. Here’s an article (click here). It illustrates some of what’s been done with our numbers and associated value. I’ll try here to summarize our story up until this pivotal moment:
- You are born.
- You are numbered (think, in the United States, Social Security Number)
- Your physical embodiment has a value immediately (this value is millions or billions)
- This value, which emerges directly from your physical embodiment, is now assigned to your number.
- Your number and value is represented as YOUR NAME IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS (i.e. ALL CAPS YOU).
- The ALL CAPS LETTER “YOU” declares you (actual you) to be legally lost at sea, and now gone. (this part is a bit fuzzy)
- Since the system/firm/bank/family/entity that numbered you, also owns you, they can now use ALL CAPS YOU for trade.
- When you work “for a living”, you add value to the ALL CAPS YOU (Remember, you can’t be employed without a number)
- When you take out a loan, you are borrowing from your own account (ALL CAPS YOU, which, by the way, is owned by the bankers), and charged interest until you pay yourself back.
- Your owners use ALL CAPS YOU for collateral. This is because no one else has claimed ALL CAPS YOU (i.e. – you must be still “lost at sea”)
- What is happening in Washington, DC this coming Friday, is that someone (Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, # HATJ) is attempting to set legal precedent - that she is the physical embodiment of her ALL CAPS, numbered representation.
- She is NOT that ALL CAPS representation, (which is the legal fiction that has stolen her actual value, transferred it to a dollar amount, used it as collateral and charged her interest if she attempts to use any of it) – but the actual physical embodiment, and therefore value, herself.
- She is the value – period. She is not “lost at sea”. As such, she is entitled to the value assigned to her at her birth. It is not the property/value of the ALL CAPS FICTION. She is that value.
- That ALL CAPS FICTION in fact represents a physical embodiment of eternal essence – you may refer to this as soul.
- She cannot be owned or used as collateral. She is the value. Period.
- As that value has been assigned a dollar amount, she is the holder of that dollar amount. This amount is, in the USA and for Heather, being held in a Treasury Direct Account at a Federal Reserve Bank, (which is not “Federal” but in fact a bank owned by one of the families previously mentioned).
- It is not the dollar amount that is important, it’s the value. That value cannot be monetized. That value is you. You are eternal essence, physically embodied and priceless.
- Your value has been monetized this way for commerce, which has supplied the owners with the tools for their slavery trade.
- The undoing of this will happen when enough of us (the slaves in this story), let go of our desire for stuff.
- This stuff, which costs money, which you now know comes directly from your own soul, is only worth what you decide it is worth.
- It is the “greed” (which has been demonstrated to us by our owners) that keeps us stuck. We can see only one option, and it is to hang on to our stuff. If we all let go at once, we would be free. Behold the baboon (click here). He is only caught by his own efforts; he refuses to let go until it is too late. It is not too late for us.
- This story ends with release. What happens now is global awareness of the slavery trap, via the trial in Washington DC this Friday, August 4, 2017, at 10:00 AM EST. This ultimately results in a release of our monetary value by the owners. It ends now. It is the end of that story.
- Simultaneously, it is our own letting go. For once we realize our worth; our value becomes paramount. It translates to cash because society functions that way now. Once we behold in each other, a value that is equally worthy – we release the death grip on the value that is fiction. There is where our real power lies. It lies within.
- It’s not yet determined how exactly we get there, yet for sure we are free. This now moment is akin to that Rosa Parks moment. One of us has stood up and said “enough”.
What you can do now is share this story, every way that you can. There is no one untouched by these events. Visualize what your life looks like once you have access to the commercial value that has been yours since birth. Hold that vision. It becomes your reality now.
Our friend Jack Sturgeon has an idea. He’s asked for each of us to meditate on love, freedom, and realization of value, for all concerned (owners included), at the moment the hearing begins; Friday, 8/4/17, 10:00 AM EST. He is applying the principles he outlined in this video (Click here for “It happens within”). Here is his logic:
How many conscious people do we need to flip us into "Sovereignty" and
"Abundance"? I believe about 3,000 people, then why isn't anything
happening? It is happening, but it doesn't happen in a blink of an eye.
1) The mathematics has already been done, it amounts to this: the square
root of one tenth of one percent of the entire field. To visually see
this, the entire field is 8 billion people. One tenth of one percent of
the entire field is: .001 x 8,000,000,000 = 8,000,000.
2) That's 8 million people. Take the square root of 8 million: the
square root of 8,000,000 = 2,828.4 or rounded off, 3,000 people.
3) That's three (3) thousand people minimum meditating during the
Heather Hearing Case to get favorable results for "WE THE PEOPLE".
So, share this blog. Join us for a global meditation on Friday, 10 AM EST. It is time.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for ~ let’s do this.
With so much love,