August 29, 2017
Below are some of the newest articles relating to the Nazca Alien Mummies
Newest Free Gaia TV Episode #5
Continue to watch at ...... https://www.gaia.com/video/update-5-analysis-continues?
Tests are Being Conducted on 3-Fingered Alien Mummy Baby
If you were thinking, “Gee, we haven’t heard anything about those three-fingered alien Peruvian mummies lately,” today is your lucky day. Pull up chair, put on your alpaca chullo, pour a cup of fair trade Peruvian java and get ready for the latest news on the alleged tres-digited aliens and their alleged discoverers and researchers.
Continue Reading at ...... http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2017/08/tests-are-being-conducted-on-3-fingered-alien-mummy-baby/
Nazca ‘alien’ mystery—tests carried out on ‘alien baby’ raise further controversy
A group of paranormal researchers and Ufologists claimed to have discovered the remains of 5 mummified alien bodies in Nazca Peru. They claim they have scientific evidence that shows these beings are from another world, and they recently released a new video, detailing the studies performed on an alleged “mummified baby”.
Continue Reading at ...... https://www.ancient-code.com/nazca-alien-mystery-tests-carried-out-on-alien-baby-raise-further-controversy/
‘Aliens’ found living where ‘mummified ETs discovered’ in Nazca tomb, Peru
LIVING alien beings were seen inside a tomb where more than 20 alleged mummified extraterrestrial bodies were found, it has extraordinarily been claimed. Claims the creatures were seen by the “discoverers” of the so-called mummified remains of “three-fingered bodies” is the latest twist in a sensational story that has been branded an elaborate hoax by many, but has taken the internet by storm.
Continue Reading at ..... http://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/846779/Aliens-live-Nazca-Tomb-Peru-extratrerrestrials-UFO